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@threadi Indeed, option B is doable but not ideal. The use of functions is a good idea, though. I went with that:
function ins_banister_right(): string { return __( "Rampe d'escalier à droite", 'co_product_configurator'); } function ins_banister_left(): string { return __( "Rampe d'escalier à gauche", 'co_product_configurator'); } function ins_none(): string { return __( "Aucun", 'co_product_configurator'); } $select_html .= '<div class="copc_banister_field"><label>'. $this->ins_banister_left() .'</label><select name="copc_banister_left">'; $select_html .= '<option value="">'. $this->ins_none() .'</option>';
(Side question: why do many developers include “public” in the definition of their functions? Isn’t that default?)
As to why the class loads (too) early: I had previously fiddled with the order in which the relevant parts of the code load, but to no avail. This is what I settled on. (This is in co_product_configurator.php, which is the “main” .php file.)
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'wan_load_textdomain'); function wan_load_textdomain() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'co_product_configurator', false, dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . '/lang/' ); } function run_co_product_configurator() { $plugin = new Co_product_configurator(); $plugin->run(); } run_co_product_configurator();
As you may have guessed, I am a beginner and don’t know where to look beyond that. What counts is that the translation is working, so I am satisfied. Thank you for your help, @threadi !
@threadi Thanks for the suggestion, but even without special characters, the strings don’t get translated. $ins_none is an example of that.
Furthermore, replacing the variables with their content results in correct translations:
// WORKS: $select_html .= '<div class="copc_banister_field"><label>'. __( "Rampe d'escalier à gauche", 'co_product_configurator') .'</label><select name="copc_banister_left">'; // $this->ins_banister_left $select_html .= '<option value="">'. __( 'Aucun', 'co_product_configurator') .'</option>'; // $this->ins_none // DOESN'T WORK: $select_html .= '<div class="copc_banister_field"><label>'. $this->ins_banister_left .'</label><select name="copc_banister_left">'; $select_html .= '<option value="">'. $this->ins_none .'</option>';
So there must be something wrong with the variables: with their declaration, initialization and/or usage. To reiterate:
class Co_product_configurator_Public { private $ins_banister_right; private $ins_banister_left; private $ins_none; public function __construct( $plugin_name, $version ) { $this->ins_banister_right = __( "Rampe d'escalier à droite", 'co_product_configurator'); $this->ins_banister_left = __( "Rampe d'escalier à gauche", 'co_product_configurator'); $this->ins_none = __( 'Aucun', 'co_product_configurator'); }
I would prefer to use variables because the strings they contain appear several times in the code, and I require a translation to multiple languages.
Elsewhere in the plugin, I use variables in (almost) the same way, with the key difference that it’s outside of a class. These variables get translated succesfully.
$msg_choose_height = __( 'Saisissez une hauteur comprise entre 700 mm et 4300 mm', 'co_product_configurator' ); $msg_choose_step = __( 'Choisir un type de démarche', 'co_product_configurator'); $msg_choose_width = __( 'Choisissez la largeur des marches pour continuer.', 'co_product_configurator'); $msg_choose_banister = __( "Veuillez sélectionner une rampe d'escalier", 'co_product_configurator'); // Example of using these variables: else if(jQuery(this).parent().hasClass('copc_step_4') && jQuery('select[name="copc_select_sizes"]').val() == ''){ var msg__ = ''; if(jQuery('input[name="copc_max_height"]').val() == ''){ msg__ = '<?php echo $msg_choose_height; ?>'; } else if(jQuery('input[name="copc_select_type"]:checked').length == 0){ msg__ = '<?php echo $msg_choose_step; ?>'; } else{ msg__ = '<?php echo $msg_choose_width; ?>'; } alert(msg__); return; }
So there seems to be something tricky about the use of variables in a class.