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  • Thread Starter an0nbr


    Its not about emails text, its about order page myaccount orders page

    Thread Starter an0nbr


    Voltei pro PPP também, espero que n?o descontinuem ele, porque do jeito que o BCDC tem uma usabilidade podre, vai destruir o faturamento e quebrar a empresa, vou até adiantando procurando um novo gateway, pq se depender do time de usabilidade do Paypal vai quebrar

    Thread Starter an0nbr



    I understand that we have an option to hide when you click “Update” button.

    But can we have an option to hide when you select(click) a shipping option as well?

    Thread Starter an0nbr


    Descobri o problema, o erro é do PDFMerger que n?o é compativel com php 8.2+

    Se puderem arrumar o problema ??

    Fa?am reclama??o no Reclameaqui do PayPal, eles devem estar achando que o suporte do plugin está uma maravilha, uma atualiza??o a cada 3-4 meses e quando sai é com um bug novo, sem consertar os antigos

    Same here, please fix it asap, very annoying not seeing the names,

    Thread Starter an0nbr


    Thanks, it was PHP version, upgraded from 8.1.2 to 8.3.9

    Thread Starter an0nbr


    Parou de botar mensagem de reembolso em pedido aleatorio sim

    Verifique também se houve o pagamento, pode ser que teve retentativa e passou

    Mais um erro grave. Esse “Pedido recebido” é status customizado? Porque o padr?o é “Aprovado”.

    Thread Starter an0nbr


    Edite o arquivo /wp-content/plugins/paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce/includes/handlers/class-paypal-brasil-webhooks-handler.php, apague todo o texto do arquivo e coloque o código abaixo

    // Exit if not in WordPress.
    if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
    // Check if class already exists before create.
    if (!class_exists('PayPal_Brasil_Webhooks_Handler')) {
    	 * Class WC_PPP_Brasil_Webhooks_Handler.
    	class PayPal_Brasil_Webhooks_Handler
    		private $gateway_id;
    		 * @var PayPal_Brasil_Gateway
    		private $gateway;
    		 * WC_PPP_Brasil_Webhooks_Handler constructor.
    		 * @param $gateway_id string
    		 * @param $gateway PayPal_Brasil_Gateway
    		public function __construct($gateway_id, $gateway)
    			$this->gateway_id = $gateway_id;
    			$this->gateway = $gateway;
    		private function log($data)
    			if ($this->gateway) {
    		 * Handle the event.
    		 * @param $event
    		 * @throws Exception
    		public function handle($event){
    			global $wpdb;
    			$method_name = 'handle_process_' . str_replace('.', '_', strtolower($event['event_type']));
    			$method_name = str_replace('-', '_', strtolower($method_name));
    			$this->log('Handling process method: ' . $method_name);
    			if (method_exists($this, $method_name)) {
    				$this->log('Method name: ' . $method_name);
    				$resource_id = isset($event['resource']['sale_id']) ? $event['resource']['sale_id'] : $event['resource']['id'];
    				$this->log('Resource ID: ' . $resource_id);
    				$order_id_query = $wpdb->prepare(
    					"SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key IN ('paypal_brasil_sale_id', 'wc_ppp_brasil_sale_id','wc_bcdc_brasil_sale_id') AND meta_value = %s",
    				$this->log('Order ID query: ' . $order_id_query);
    				$order_id = $wpdb->get_var($order_id_query);
    				// If found the order ID with this sale ID.
    				if (!empty($order_id)) {
    					$this->log('Order ID: ' . $order_id);
    					$order = wc_get_order($order_id);
    					$payment_method = !empty($order) ? $order->get_payment_method() : "";
    					$this->log('Payment method: ' . $payment_method);
    					// If is this gateway, process the order.
    					if ($payment_method === $this->gateway_id) {
    						$this->log('Processing for payment method: ' . $payment_method);
    						$this->{$method_name}($order, $event);
    					} else {
    						$this->log('Payment method not found: ' . $payment_method);
    			} else {
    				throw new Exception('Invalid method to handle.');
    		 * When payment is marked as completed.
    		 * @param $order WC_Order
    		public function handle_process_payment_sale_completed($order, $event)
    			// Check if order exists.
    			if (!$order) {
    				$this->log('Processing completed was not initiated because there is no order.');
    			$this->log('Processing completed initiated.');
    			// Check if the current status isn't processing or completed.
    			if (
    				!in_array($order->get_status(), array(
    				), true)
    			) {
    				$order->add_order_note(__('PayPal: Paid transaction.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				$this->log('Processing completed finished.');
    		 * When payment is denied.
    		 * @param $order WC_Order
    		public function handle_process_payment_sale_denied($order, $event)
    			// Check if order exists.
    			if (!$order) {
    				$this->log('Processing denied was not initiated because there is no order.');
    			$this->log('Processing denied initiated.');
    			// Check if the current status isn't failed.
    			if (!in_array($order->get_status(), array('failed', 'completed', 'processing'), true)) {
    				$order->update_status('failed', __('PayPal: The transaction was rejected by the card company or for fraud.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				$this->log('Processing denied finished.');
    			} else {
    				$this->log('Processing denied did not change anything.');
    		 * When payment is refunded.
    		 * @param $order WC_Order
    		 * @throws Exception
    		public function handle_process_payment_sale_refunded($order, $event)
    			// Check if order exists.
    			if (!$order) {
    				$this->log('Processing refunded was not initiated because there is no order.');
    			$this->log('Processing refunded initiated.');
    			// Check if is partial refund.
    			$partial_refund = paypal_brasil_money_format($order->get_total() - $order->get_total_refunded()) !== paypal_brasil_money_format($event['resource']['amount']['total']);
    			// Check if the current status isn't refunded.
    			if (!in_array($order->get_status(), array('refunded'), true)) {
    				// Check if is total refund
    				if ($partial_refund) {
    					$order->add_order_note(__('PayPal: The transaction was partially refunded.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				} else {
    					$order->update_status('refunded', __('PayPal: The transaction has been refunded in full.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				// Create the refund.
    				$refund = wc_create_refund(
    						'amount' => wc_format_decimal($event['resource']['amount']['total']),
    						'reason' => $partial_refund ? __('PayPal: The transaction was partially refunded.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce") : __('PayPal: transaction refunded in full.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"),
    						'order_id' => $order->get_id(),
    						'refund_payment' => false,
    				if (is_wp_error($refund)) {
    					$this->log('There was some error refunding.');
    					throw new Exception(sprintf(__('There was an error trying to make a refund: %s', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"), $refund->get_error_message()));
    				$this->log('Processing refunded finished.');
    			} else {
    				$this->log('Processing refunded did not change anything.');
    				throw new Exception(__('This order has already been refunded.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    		 * When payment is reversed.
    		 * @param $order WC_Order
    		 * @throws Exception
    		public function handle_process_payment_sale_reversed($order, $event)
    			// Check if order exists.
    			if (!$order) {
    				$this->log('Processing reversed was not initiated because there is no order.');
    			$this->log('Processing reversed initiated.');
    			// Check if the current status isn't refunded.
    			if (!in_array($order->get_status(), array('refunded'), true)) {
    				$order->update_status('refunded', __('PayPal: The transaction has been rolled back.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				$refund = wc_create_refund(
    						'amount' => wc_format_decimal($order->get_total() - $order->get_total_refunded()),
    						'reason' => __('PayPal: reversed transaction.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"),
    						'order_id' => $order->get_id(),
    						'refund_payment' => false,
    				if (is_wp_error($refund)) {
    					$this->log('There was some error reversing.');
    					throw new Exception(sprintf(__('There was an error trying to make a refund: %s', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"), $refund->get_error_message()));
    				$this->log('Processing reversed finished.');
    			} else {
    				$this->log('Processing reversed did not change anything.');
    				throw new Exception(__('This order has already been refunded.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    		 * When payment is marked as completed.
    		 * @param $order WC_Order
    		public function handle_process_checkout_order_approved($order, $event)
    			// Check if order exists.
    			if (!$order) {
    				$this->log('Processing completed was not initiated because there is no order.');
    			$this->log('Processing completed initiated.');
    			// Check if the current status isn't processing or completed.
    			if (
    				!in_array($order->get_status(), array(
    				), true)
    			) {
    				$order->add_order_note(__('PayPal: Paid transaction.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				$this->log('Processing completed finished.');
    		 * When payment is reversed.
    		 * @param $order WC_Order
    		 * @throws Exception
    		public function handle_process_checkout_payment_approval_reversed($order, $event)
    			// Check if order exists.
    			if (!$order) {
    				$this->log('Processing reversed was not initiated because there is no order.');
    			$this->log('Processing reversed initiated.');
    			// Check if the current status isn't refunded.
    			if (!in_array($order->get_status(), array('refunded'), true)) {
    				$order->update_status('refunded', __('PayPal: The transaction has been rolled back.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				$refund = wc_create_refund(
    						'amount' => wc_format_decimal($order->get_total() - $order->get_total_refunded()),
    						'reason' => __('PayPal: reversed transaction.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"),
    						'order_id' => $order->get_id(),
    						'refund_payment' => false,
    				if (is_wp_error($refund)) {
    					$this->log('There was some error reversing.');
    					throw new Exception(sprintf(__('There was an error trying to make a refund: %s', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"), $refund->get_error_message()));
    				$this->log('Processing reversed finished.');
    			} else {
    				$this->log('Processing reversed did not change anything.');
    				throw new Exception(__('This order has already been refunded.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    		 * When payment is cancelled.
    		 * @param $order WC_Order
    		 * @throws Exception
    		public function handle_process_payment_order_cancelled($order, $event)
    			// Check if order exists.
    			if (!$order) {
    				$this->log('Processing reversed was not initiated because there is no order.');
    			$this->log('Processing reversed initiated.');
    			// Check if the current status isn't refunded.
    			if (!in_array($order->get_status(), array('refunded'), true)) {
    				$order->update_status('refunded', __('PayPal: The transaction has been rolled back.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				$refund = wc_create_refund(
    						'amount' => wc_format_decimal($order->get_total() - $order->get_total_refunded()),
    						'reason' => __('PayPal: reversed transaction.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"),
    						'order_id' => $order->get_id(),
    						'refund_payment' => false,
    				if (is_wp_error($refund)) {
    					$this->log('There was some error reversing.');
    					throw new Exception(sprintf(__('There was an error trying to make a refund: %s', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"), $refund->get_error_message()));
    				$this->log('Processing reversed finished.');
    			} else {
    				$this->log('Processing reversed did not change anything.');
    				throw new Exception(__('This order has already been refunded.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    		 * When payment is marked as completed.
    		 * @param $order WC_Order
    		public function handle_process_payment_capture_completed($order, $event)
    			// Check if order exists.
    			if (!$order) {
    				$this->log('Processing completed was not initiated because there is no order.');
    			$this->log('Processing completed initiated.');
    			// Check if the current status isn't processing or completed.
    			if (
    				!in_array($order->get_status(), array(
    				), true)
    			) {
    				$order->add_order_note(__('PayPal: Paid transaction.', "paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce"));
    				$this->log('Processing completed finished.');
    Thread Starter an0nbr


    Ou se quiser testar também eu já te mando a vers?o corrigida, quer que manda aqui?

    Tem gente voltando pra vers?o 1.49

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by an0nbr.
    Thread Starter an0nbr


    Encontrei o erro, editei e agora vou testar, o estagiario fez uma baita cagada, se funcionar volto aqui com a solu??o

    Thread Starter an0nbr


    Esse código abaixo pegando varios ids ao mesmo tempo:

    public function handle($event)
    global $wpdb;
    $method_name = ‘handle_process_’ . str_replace(‘.’, ‘‘, strtolower($event[‘event_type’])); $method_name = str_replace(‘-‘, ‘‘, strtolower($method_name));
    $this->log(‘Handling process method: ‘ . $method_name);
    if (method_exists($this, $method_name)) {
    $this->log(‘Method name: ‘ . $method_name);
    $resource_id = isset($event[‘resource’][‘id’]) ? $event[‘resource’][‘id’] : null;
    $this->log(‘Resource ID: ‘ . $resource_id);
    /$order_id_query = $wpdb->prepare(“SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key IN (‘paypal_brasil_sale_id’, ‘wc_ppp_brasil_sale_id’,’wc_bcdc_brasil_sale_id’) AND meta_value = %s”, $resource_id); $this->log(‘Order ID query: ‘ . $order_id_query); $order_id = $wpdb->get_var($order_id_query);/
    $order_ids = wc_get_orders(
    ‘meta_query’ => array(
    ‘relation’ => ‘OR’,
    ‘key’ => ‘paypal_brasil_sale_id’,
    ‘value’ => $resource_id,
    ‘compare’ => ‘=’
    ‘key’ => ‘wc_ppp_brasil_sale_id’,
    ‘value’ => $resource_id,
    ‘compare’ => ‘=’
    ‘key’ => ‘wc_bcdc_brasil_sale_id’,
    ‘value’ => $resource_id,
    ‘compare’ => ‘=’
    ‘return’ => ‘ids’, // Especifica que queremos apenas IDs de pedidos
    ‘post_type’ => ‘shop_order’, // O tipo de post para pedidos do WooCommerce
    ‘posts_per_page’ => -1 // Recupera todos os pedidos que correspondem aos critérios

                // If found the order ID with this sale ID.
                if (!empty($order_ids)) {
                    $order_id = $order_ids[0];
                    $this->log('Order ID: ' . $order_id);
                    $order = wc_get_order($order_id);
                    $payment_method = !empty($order) ? $order->get_payment_method() : "";
                    $this->log('Payment method: ' . $payment_method);
                    // If is this gateway, process the order.
                    if ($payment_method === $this->gateway_id) {
                        $this->log('Processing for payment method: ' . $payment_method);
                        $this->{$method_name}($order, $event);
                    } else {
                        $this->log('Payment method not found: ' . $payment_method);
            } else {
                throw new Exception('Invalid method to handle.');
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by an0nbr.
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by an0nbr.
    Thread Starter an0nbr


    é isso mesmo,no arquivo paypal-brasil-para-woocommerce\includes\handlers\class-paypal-brasil-webhooks-handler.php, ele está pegando o id do PayPal nessa linha

    $resource_id = isset( $event[‘resource’][‘sale_id’] ) ? $event[‘resource’][‘sale_id’] : $event[‘resource’][‘id’];

    E por algum motivo o SELECT está puxando o ID errado, diferente do qual o reembolso acontece.

    Se conseguir arrumar eu falo

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)