thomas r?st
Forum Replies Created
Sweet! Thank you, that worked wonders. Lost stats for the couple of days between the move and the reset, but that’s really not a big deal. Thank you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pre-existing subdirectory install: old url points to postChanged the slug of any old post that started with the letters “blog” (similar to the folder of the installed wordpress) and that activated the 404. So now, old links pointing to the installation of wp triggers the 404 as opposed to bringing up the blogs frontpage. Dunno what to do, but as of now the initial problem is no longer present, so I mark this as resolved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pre-existing subdirectory install: old url points to postWhen I use an old link directly to a post with the subdirectory in the url, like the installation seems to handle everything correct, removing the “/blog”-part.. I’m at a loss:(
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing sidebar on mainpageOk, so I found a way to mend the faulty appearance by inserting a/the missing </div> tag into the index.php-file of the theme… This fixed the glitch, but has made the loadtime of the frontpage slightly slower than the others, sugesting to me the browser isn’t all that happy with the code? Anyho, thanx again, stvwlf for the pointer. Sorta scaffolded me through the process, there:)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing sidebar on mainpageThanx, stvwlf. I know this may sound like a goofball’s on the loose, but I’m having a hard time figuring out what part of the php that’s responsible for generating the html of the content-part? I was able to get the missing </div> into the code of the sidebar.php of the theme, resulting in a fixed problem on the mainpage, but messing up the other pages. My conclusion is that to fix up/look sharp, I need to get the runnaway </div> into the generator of the content of the mainpage. Within my knowledge of html, the index-file would be the place to start looking, but that only led me on a dead-end hunt to nowhere… Ideas, SteppenWolf, or anyone else? Much obliged, but alas SO CONFUSED norwegian.