Hi Antoine,
I am Anand Rathod from India.
I am using your plugin ‘Football Pool’ for my site.
I need a small change in it.
I need only full points and goal points.
The change i need is when user has predicted the goals correct for one of the teams then he should get 3 points.
But it shouldn’t be add the goal points when user has predicted correct goals for both teams.
for example for now the settings are –
Full Score – 5
Goal Bonus – 3
Match is bet Team A vs Team B.
– Actual score is 6 – 4.
– Suppose user has predicted score 6 – 4 only.
– so in this case I need the total score should be only Full score i.e 5 ,
and not full scrore + goal bonus of Team A + goal bonus of Team B (5 + 3 + 3 = 8).
– If user have predicted score 6 – 2 then total score should be goal bonus i.e 3 only which is working fine for now.
So what changes i require to do for the same ?
Also told me the file name which i needs to modify for above change ?