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  • Hi Ben,

    If all you want to do is prevent public access to your fr directory, you could try putting an index.php file in that folder, containing:

    //Nothing else

    This usually prevents the display of files in the directory. Also, if it’s a “bad fix” you can just delete it afterwards.

    Warning: Make sure not to overwrite an existing index.php file. If you already have another one, make a copy of it. If this is the case, you might also need some other for disallowing access.

    @azherjawed: You’re welcome!

    For your first issue, try removing the “from”-related stuff in the snippet above. Maybe something like this (untested):

    add_filter('woocommerce_variable_price_html', 'custom_variation_price', 10, 2);
    function custom_variation_price( $price, $product ) {
    	$price = '';
    	if ( !$product->min_variation_price || $product->min_variation_price !== $product->max_variation_price ) {
    		$price .= '<span class="not-from">' . _x('', 'min_price', 'woocommerce') . ' </span>';
    		$price .= woocommerce_price($product->get_price());
    	return $price;

    As for the second issue, I can’t help you. I have not touched WooCommerce in a few months, but I am guessing you need some conditionals in there. Maybe someone with some recent WooCommerce interaction can point you in the right direction.

    Let me know if you got rid of that nasty “from” and best of luck with the rest.


    If the posts are missing a class to use in styling, you can take a look at this

    // add category nicenames in body and post class
    	function category_id_class($classes) {
    	    global $post;
    	    foreach((get_the_category($post->ID)) as $category)
    	        $classes[] = $category->category_nicename;
    	        return $classes;
    	add_filter('post_class', 'category_id_class');
    	add_filter('body_class', 'category_id_class');

    Hi there.

    There are two snippets you can start from here, depending on whether you have sale prices or just regulars (untested):

    For regular price variations, I use this and it worked great for me:

    add_filter('woocommerce_variable_price_html', 'custom_variation_price', 10, 2);
    function custom_variation_price( $price, $product ) {
    	$price = '';
    	if ( !$product->min_variation_price || $product->min_variation_price !== $product->max_variation_price ) {
    		$price .= '<span class="from">' . _x('From', 'min_price', 'woocommerce') . ' </span>';
    		$price .= woocommerce_price($product->get_price());
    	return $price;

    Let me know if it worked for you or if you require further assistance with this.


    Try this, it worked for me.

    add_filter('woocommerce_variable_price_html', 'custom_variation_price', 10, 2);
    function custom_variation_price( $price, $product ) {
    $price = '';
    if ( !$product->min_variation_price || $product->min_variation_price !== $product->max_variation_price ) $price .= '<span class="from">' . _x('From', 'min_price', 'woocommerce') . ' </span>';
    $price .= woocommerce_price($product->get_price());
    return $price;

    LE : place it in functions.php or a custom file that holds your woocommerce PHP customisations.

    I see you figured out the most of it by yourself since my last visit on the forum.

    The theme seems to be split: it doesn’t know if it wants to be responsive or not. Your menu bar looks ok now, as long as the screen is wide enough to accommodate the specific widths in pixels for the various elements.

    If you want to make it fully responsive, I suggest you start a new topic for that purpose, something like “Making theme X responsive” That way you will attract the attention of members with responsive design experience and make the most of the forum.


    If you want to sync everything (including the database) you need to be aware that it will most likely be a “one-way trip”. So, basically, you need to figure out which computer will be the “master” and which the “slaves”.
    This is because the database on the “master” will be the one pushing the stuff out to Dropbox and from there to your other PCs.
    Try this tutorial, maybe it will put you on the right track.

    If you don’t need to sync your database, you can use either Dropbox or Github / Bitbucket with a good client. Bitbucket offers free private repos, I think. For your OS X machines, you can get Tower. I am sure there must be a similar tool for Windows machines and you can find a good one with a little bit of research.

    Dropbox is obviously the cheapest and easiest way to go, but it won’t keep track of your changes. If you go with git, you gain “version control”. You will be able to track the changes you made to your code. If you are not lazy at typing commit descriptions, you will find this feature extremely useful when reviewing your code. Plus, if you use a client like Tower, you won’t need to be bothered with terminal commands until you feel more comfortable with git.

    Another option would be to have a live test environment, develop locally and deploy with Beanstalk. At the end of every day, deploy your code, whether good or bad. Move to the next machine, sync what you have on the live test environment with a tool like Transmit (on Mac) and continue your work. Again, when hitting the pillow deploy with Beanstalk. Of course, you would need to find a tool similar to Transmit for Windows.

    I personally have a live dev environment and use Transmit on a daily basis, but I am at the level where I don’t produce site or server breaking code that often. I reserve the Dropbox/Mamp sync for times when I’d rather not be bothered with a live installation, but, eventually, you will have to test your code on a live server, so you might as well have better means to sync your local and live stuff than plain FTP clients.

    The fatal error one or which?

    Are you getting any error on login? Maybe you could check your php error log file.

    You could try taking a look at Login Trouble

    Looks like you fixed it.

    Well then, at least the error is isolated to a folder. Got many files in there?
    It might serve to have the original error – the one before triggering the wpdb one. It would tell us where WP saw a problem and what file we should look at.

    I agree with esmi.

    Some coding errors will trigger fatal erros referencing WP core files. But the problem IS NOT in the core files.

    So, unless you edited core files under wp-admin or wp-includes (which you should never do), the error is definitely NOT in any of the files in those folders.

    Hi Kate,

    It looks like the capital username is a css issue.

    Your CSS for single post entry info is:

    .single .post .entry-info, .single-post .entry-info {
    color: #848485;
    font-size: 11px;
    text-transform: uppercase;

    The problem is that “uppercase”. If you used a childtheme to build your site add

    .single .post .entry-info, .single-post .entry-info {
    text-transform: none;

    to the stylesheet.
    If you don’t have a child theme, you can install the Jetpack plugin and you will have an Edit CSS link under the Appearance menu. You can paste the CSS above in that field there.

    I think that error is trying to tell you that there’s some OTHER error in the code of your theme or a plugin you are using.

    Since disabling all plugins did not fix the problem, it could be that the error is in the theme. Did you make any changes to it?

    I agree with the previous comments. The team logos repeating are a bit overwhelming. You could try putting maybe just one on the left top corner and set its position to fixed, so it would stay in that spot when you scroll down the page.

    You could also try some different fonts. The header definitely needs a bit more of a kick in it.

    Open Sans is a free Google Font that looks very nice and readable on dark background. For headings you could try a more creative font, but nothing too out there. Lato is a nice one, but you can take your pick in the Google Web Fonts directory. There are tons you can use.

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