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Seguo, stesso problema
I follow, same problemForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] All German pages replaced by English pagesSame issue ti me.
I write a page in It (principal) then i create a translation in english.
Both the front end ( what you see) and back end ( where you can modify) now has the Same Content ( English, the last done)if i write to page first in italian and second in english it’s fine BUT
when i link one to the other i have the same issueForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Widgets] upgrade to font awesome 5?Wonderful, thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Widgets] Change or hide labels from social icon linksSorry, i wrote this post late in the night…
I nead to modify or hide the title:
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Visita Costellazioni familiari archetipe su telegram"><span class="fa fa-2x fa-telegram"></span></a>
where Costellazioni familiari archetipe is the title of the site and telegram is the social icon where you mouse over.
For a personal contact it’s not make sense.
Take a look on my site, the contact section is for 2 person, and the link title has no sense.How can i modify the code it’s came from or hide at all?
I’ prefere to modify for the telegram icon and for the other social icon tooThanks for your attention!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Widgets] Add telegram to social widgeti see, thanks you.
I did this post to share with all other user the code to add Telegram.
this work with 4.7 font awesome release./* Add telegram fields to social widget*/ add_filter( 'wpcw_widget_social_custom_fields', function ( $fields, $instance ) { $fields['telegram'] = [ 'icon' => 'telegram', //See font-awesome icon slug 'label' => __( 'telegram', 'YOURTEXTDOMAIN' ), 'default' => '', 'select' => 'username', 'sanitizer' => 'esc_url_raw', 'escaper' => 'esc_url', 'social' => true, 'target' => '_blank', ]; return $fields; }, 10, 2 );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Author Box] ShortcodeI found it!!
Just switch Manually insert the Simple Author Box to ON
??For me the same, just show 1 brand thumb
same shortcode, but Nova WP theme (a StoreFront child theme)…i find that issue in the inline style:
- The div that contains the image has the same width of the page container, so only one image is visible and the other are just outside the container.
- Only the image visible in the container has
, i expect to have 5 image set visible for theitems_to_show=”5″
written in the shortcode
Resolved, sorry for the post… it was just a domain transfert issue
Same issue here. I’ migrated to siteground and now i cant access to the website (backend too)
I’ve a BIG problem, the all site is based on the wsc3_classes, the ctp registered by the plugin, and even Events Manager reccuring event point to them!!!
i CANT deactivate the plugins!From my test the problem is with the weekly class scheduler plugins:
while active the date of every the single istance of a recurrence (after the timezone DST change) are wrong (a day before).
It’s not a visualizzation problem, the wrong date is in the date box and in the slug of each istance.I’m going to notificate the issue to the WSC author too…
Any suggestion?
Is it possible this is a DST changing issue? I’m in Italy and the DST ends just on Sunday 30 October 2016 at 03:00 local daylight time…
Version on multisite (with subdomain) installation wp Version 4.6.1
I have the same problem
i create all the recurring event just today (
and some event goes right, other goes wrong…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Multiline titlesI use:
.fc-title { padding: 5px !important; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: pre-line; }