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  • Hi,
    I’m afraid it is not working. I quickly installed it on my test blog and it does not work. At this stage the best solution for mobile and cache is Super Cache. I will try to reach satollo and see if we can do something to improve the situation.

    Sorry about this.

    What is exactly your problem, guys? Have you checked out our FAQ? We have an entry about ads.

    @bookworm316 please provide more details, I assume you have an account with both networks, what’s your set up? Site? How did you configure the WPMP?

    @curiozities with WPMP you should not add any code, all you need to know is your ID provided by either AdMob or Google. Make sure you check the FAQ and then let me know.

    Joe, all you need to do is change the theme or create a new one. Do you know how to that? Try looking in your wp-content/themes/mobile_pack_base, that’s our base theme and you can either customize that or even better create your own on top of it, like we did for the different colour schemes.

    Would you be able to check with your friend the user-agent of his mobile device? If you don’t know how to do that, you can tell him to visit my test site at and he will see on screen the user-agent string, there you should see something that mentions it’s a blackberry. Often BB’s allow the user to configure the browser to pretend to be MSIE or another browser. That could be the cause,

    I just visited your blog and when I try to visit /wordpress I get a “page not found” error.

    Why do you have that setting? Why aren’t both addresses to the homepage?

    Thanks for the great feedback mal2809.

    At this stage there is not much you can do, but I will look into the gallery plugin and see if we can do anything. We are planning on providing information to ore plugin developers so that they can integrate with ours and make sure they produce content that is mobile friendly, but this will be in a future release, I’m afraid.

    I would appreciate if you took the time to vote for our plugin ??

    some good news and some bad news. As the site is now (so with the global translator off) you are above the limits to get a perfect score on mobiReady. The reason is a combination of modules, from what I can see. Have you enabled the “remove media” and “simplify styling” options in the “mobile theme” settings menu? If you have enabled them, there are a couple of modules that are injecting code in the page at a stage where the mobile pack can’t do anything. If you have not turned them on, can you please try?

    The modules in question are nextgen gallery, jQuery (I assume loaded by some plugin) and Bad Behaviour. Just to reassure you, I doubt it’s the Suffusion theme.

    Let me tell you something more, though. Your basic page is fine, 8Kb is not bad. The total page (including all CSS and JS) goes beyond the 50Kb limit and mobiReady gives you a bad score. This means that page loading on low-end mobile devices will be slow, but should still work in most cases. I am assuming that these plugins are important to you and I’d never ask you to remove them. My recommendation would be that if you checked those switches already (simplify styling and remove media), keep your site as it is now and don’t worry too much about the mobiReady score.
    I will give a look at the nextgen plugin (the one that seems to inject most code) and see how we can clean that up. If you know how to selectively disable jQuery for mobile, do it and it should immediately improve your page size.

    Sorry about this, but there is not much more that we can do at this stage.

    I am looking at the HTML generated and it seems to be a mix-up of what the Mobile Pack would produce (for example the declaration of XHTML for mobile), but then there are still a lot of style tags for custom layout and javascript such as prototype.

    Could you please go to your “mobile theme” settings ( /wp-admin/themes.php?page=wpmp_theme_theme_admin ) and make sure the “remove media” and “Simplify styling” options are checked. These should remove all the extra CSS and Javascript that make the blackberry slow and mobiReady unhappy. As a rule I would say that if you expect any non-iPhone and non-Android visitors you should turn those on, if you only want to serve very-high-end devices, then you may turn them off and take advantage of plugins that add style and javascript.

    Let me know how it goes with those options turned on and then we’ll take it from there.

    Hi mal2809,
    are you using any cache plugin? If you are using W3TC see my blog post,Getting W3 Total cache to work with WordPress Mobile Pack, if you are using Super Cache, you should update to the latest version of our plugin and that should do the trick. Otherwise, could you tell me a little more? What’s your site address? Which other plugins are you using?

    @djyeo1 Are you using any cache plugin? If you are using W3TC read my other reply, if you are using Super Cache, you should update to the latest version of our plugin and that should do the trick. Otherwise, could you tell me a little more? What’s your site address? Which other plugins are you using?

    Thank you

    @godkid I can see from the HTML and headers that you are using W3 Total Cache. The cache is not compatible with any mobile plugin out of the box.

    You can get W3 Total Cache to work with mobile plugins, see my blog post, Getting W3 Total cache to work with WordPress Mobile Pack.

    I have been talking with Frederick, the author of W3TC and we can expect an update that will be more friendly to mobile devices soon.

    Hello vusis,
    if you developed your own theme, which is great, I would like to know any issues like this that you encountered. We might move some functions from our base theme to the main plugin. The idea of the base theme (all the files that sit in mobile_pack_base) was that when developing a new theme, you would reuse those files either by including them from your theme or extending the CSS as we did for the different colour schemes.

    Did you write your theme from scratch? If so, is that the only function that you were having trouble with? How was it? We would like designers to create their own themes to use with the Mobile Pack, so it’s exciting to see you doing so!

    I’ll try and look at it tomorrow or Friday. Thank you.

    donncha the idea of one group and then letting plugin authors to manage them sounds great. Allowing them to “push up” the rules to Super Cache and then Super Cache to suggest the update in the rewrite would be the best.

    Here is an example of rewrite rules, I just tested it on my Apache 2 server:

    RewriteEngine On
        RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Wap-Profile} ^[a-z0-9\"]+ [NC,OR]
        RewriteCond %{HTTP:Profile} ^[a-z0-9\"]+ [NC]
        RewriteRule .* [R,L]

    I am sure you understand everything, but for the sake of clarity the two conditions check that the header “X-Wap-Profile” OR “Profile” are set. To be honest all you need to check is if the header is set, but since I could not find a better way I used what are meant the be the very first characters (from experience the most common is a proper URL, sometimes starts with a ” other times just with the hostname).
    I am also setting the NC (nocase) in case of wacky starting HTTP strings. I’ve seen a few rare ones.

    For Apache 2.2 you might also add the NV flag, although I do not think it will ever make any difference.

    Thread Starter AndreaTrasatti


    I looked up the code and there are two parts that would need to be addressed. In my view your choice of detecting a user-agent as mobile and redirecting to a different domain is OK, but limiting. What we like about the WordPress Mobile Pack and other plugins for mobile is that you can have everything in one place.

    In order to achieve this, if you think this is interesting for your plugin, we would need to make two changes, important, but should be easy enough to make. First we should allow plugins to define how a mobile device is detected, hence replacing the current _is_mobile function. Along with that we should allow the execution of PHP to continue so that the mobile plugin is fired and the appropriate markup and content are generated. This could be achieved with a hook as WP Super Cache does.

    Similarly, you could provide a hook/action so that third party plugins can modify the page key. Looking in PgCache.php there is the function _get_page_key(), if you provided a method for plugins to alter the key generated, then a plugin like the Mobile Pack could add a tag or keyword to refer to a cache of a mobile page. That way the whole structure would be preserved, but when a mobile device is detected the key would be different and a different cache file would be loaded.

    I have not investigated into all the CDN stuff, I suspect it might be unneeded for mobile, at least for now, but of course, if a site owner is interested in mobile and wants the best performance, that should be addressed as well.

    What do you think?

    I am also happy to write the code changes for your review since I’m already with my hands in the dirt. ??

    PS: what a bad title for the post that I picked, it seems a duplicate of another post, sorry!

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