Forum Replies Created
hmm. no sorry, that won’t be possible.
i will do a debugging by myself and i may find something and post that here.and did you found something?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Duplicator] Ampersand char in title encoded for duplicatejust great! resolves it not just for me, i’d say.
i created an account on the staging site for you. you should have gotten an email.
the staging works almost the same. you are required to login to see the can click around like crazy there. but you have no file access:
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
i am really excited if you can find something.
here the config for the mail template:
here how it looks in mail
so maybe something concerning other plugins in use. e.g. Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7 ?
Okay,thats is the relevant site with the contact form and file upload plugin active:
The plugin is in current latest version
@glenwpcoder ping
from what my customer said the raw placeholder wasn’t visible ever when someone uploaded nothing. just a month ago.
You mean some snippet to hook in to that contact form 7 mail out template? yes please!
i am sure it would help others finding this post too!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Duplicator] Ampersand char in title encoded for duplicateAh yes,
This is just visible in the classic editor.
But it still happens in the database that instead of a plain&
char, a char&
is saved there in thepost_title
Can you confirm that?
So imagine you got a custom post type without the setting'show_in_rest' => true
will work in WordPress with the classic editor. This is what i got here.
If a Gutenberg editor is active, it displays the encoded ampersand as one plain ampersand char. So it might stays this really thread resolved?
got a very similar issue here:Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int + string in /wp-content/plugins/sportspress/includes/class-sp-league-table.php:396 Stack
running with PHP v8.3.
(int) $totals[ $team_id ]['eventminutes'] + $minutes
there is happening some type casting for the oneint
type var and for the concatenated string type var not.
type strictness is an issue now!
so what could get done in between is just casting the second string var too and hope it’s correct without understanding the whole thing behind ??(int) $totals[ $team_id ]['eventminutes'] + (int) $minutes
and then hope the next update will fix it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Broadcast] link existent postsAmazing!
thanks a lot.