Andrew Arthur Dawson
Forum Replies Created
@deathlynotes i appreciate the response. Is there a plan to fix the bugs in the email? Having a like button that I don’t use and no formatting where my site image is for example? And is there only one template or more then one as in the GitHub issue opened it referenced “templates” as in plural? I wish jetpack gave the subscriber the ability to choose because personally the template used for years was very good with my readers. This one doesn’t seem to be liked so I’m hoping you will at least address these format issues?
And for users who may not be aware of this issue because I’ve been reading it’s affecting many people. So maybe you guys should respond to it here. There is an open issue on this already on GitHub.
Can you please on here let users know if the email template changed or if that was an error? And can you please let us know whether we can roll back to the template we had because that is one of the main reasons why I went with jetpack all those years ago, specifically for the template on the email. As far as I know jetpack controls how the template of the email looks except for the content which we can use the Excerpt field. If you are going to change something as big and important to subscribers as this, and fully control it, should not it be allowing users to have a say since it is what we send out to people in our postings? Please explain for clarification for all.
@bizanimesh this is of a pressing nature and I needed a quick answer. Or sometimes takes the email team a good while to respond if you are using the jetpack free support. I really need to know if the design changed for the jetpack email subscriptions from yesterday to today because there was no notice or notification and there are issues with the design and errors. My Users are already complaining about it. Please respond this is urgent!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ManageWP Worker] cloner.php@bkjproductions I appreciate you responding. I read a lot about this over the past day. It seems like Godaddy changed their backup process last fall and this became an “error” in their log since. For those who go into their files like I do occasionally, I noticed it. But to the general masses who use godaddy managed WordPress, they probably never go in there to notice. In the front end all of my backups look fine. I haven’t seen an error in any of them. So basically this is just an exception error recorded but not a grave error? And obviously has nothing to do with hacking like some had thought? It essentially is just a hiccup that occurs during the backup process and probably resumes after it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ManageWP Worker] cloner.php@bkjproductions Hey there. I just had a quick question. I too noticed this in my root directory. I’m not really WordPress savvy and rarely do I ever go into my FileZilla to check out my files running for my GoDaddy Managed WordPress blog. But, I noticed that each day now, I have this cloner error log now with one line in it.
Unhandled exception in file /var/www/cloner.php line 1762: [ws_closed]: Connection closed
I read through what you said. But honestly, it’s kind of all greek to me. It seems like it’s not a big deal, but I just wanted to know if you or someone else in this thread can explain at a high level what this exactly means again? It seems like my backups are finishing fine?
@jdembowski That’s what I mean, I agree with you. I am looking for someone who has a solution as to the actual source of this problem not people just saying they have the problem too. Please for anyone who reads this, if you know the solution, then please do share. All I know is it’s either server related with Managed WordPress on Godaddy or ISP/IP related. Either way it’s a timeout issue that is hit or miss with metadata either sometimes coming through and sometimes timing out before it has a chance too. Jan, do you have any other suggestions for me on this error?
@jdembowski thank you for explaining. I understand. Hopefully anyone who writes in this one will be relevant to the actual problem.
@drawmyface That makes sense Dan. Bummer on the loss of comments. Yes, indeed it’s not precisely Jetpack related but does involve the use of jetpack with managed WordPress with Godaddy. I just wanted to get to the root of why the issue exists as I and many others spent countless hours with support from Godaddy getting nowhere. I probably racked up 15 or more hours on support time with them. Regardless, the issue is hit or miss, it’s not constant, it deals with the meta data that is meant to carry over by jetpack (or yoast for some) where it times out and never even makes it. Why the timeout happens where godaddy can’t see it no one seems to know. They say it’s ISP/IP related, I believe it related to their caching environment and too many on their servers at times. Either way, I keep hoping someone out there will provide a solution or at least definitive proof of why this happens in Godaddy managed WordPress accounts using jetpack or yoast. Regrettably as you and Jan pointed out the other forum became a blog of people just reporting the error with no solution.
@bizanimesh i really didn’t want to open this thread but I’m trying to see if @jdembowski will restore the full part of the other thread I had on this. He closed it but also removed all my research. There really is nothing more that plug-in support can do as it’s not plug-in related. It’s either Godaddy server related or ISP/IP hop related. I just would like my prior forum full restored and kept closed for new comments so I have it for my own support. Can you do that? Once that’s done this can be closed.
The other forum that my research was archived is:
- This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Andrew Arthur Dawson.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Twitter Image Blocked@drawmyface This worked fine again tonight with code snippets turned off. Thank You Dan for your help in this matter. You’re awesome! If anything should happen again with the Twitter image, I’ll open a new forum ticket here to keep it separate. I have deleted the code snippets plugin now and am marking this as resolved! Thank you again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Twitter Image Blocked@drawmyface Well interestingly enough, I can finally report some great news. Tonight’s posting came through as it should. I did a few extra steps and am unsure if any of this helped but I did as mentioned in my last posting above, disconnect from Twitter Publicize on the Jetpack Publicize page and then reconnect. I also made sure to delete all snippets, deactivate code snippets, then reactivate, and copy and paste exactly as you had placed. The last step I did was to clear the cache in all of my browsers before I posted tonight. So, there you have it. I did turn off the snippet that you gave me and then deactivated code snippets after I posted tonight. I’d like to have one more test for my next posting in 24 hours to make sure it still works and if it does, then we can close this thread ok?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Twitter Image Blocked@drawmyface I answered my own question on the last one at least with the losing any data. I disconnected the Twitter option then reconnected it just to have one more test thrown in this whole thing. I did not lose any of the text in the 256 character boxes so I’m guessing this info is stored on your end thankfully.
Anyway, I added the code snippet, it presently is active. I did match it directly to the link you provided with the color and it indeed is 100% a match.
If this works, awesome, I pray it does and I will let you know after I post tonight just after midnight. If it doesn’t work, I have no idea why. And sadly, I don’t feel comfortable enough to muck around with database plugins or ways around my Managed WordPress in GoDaddy’s limitations. The only other thing I will be able to try is when I update to the latest version of Jetpack from my present one, which I was holding off on due to some resource issues that GoDaddy had been having for a good while and the last time I had tried a Jetpack update it had failed twice and I had to reinstall a backup to get back up and running.
In the meantime, before I post this tonight, I just wanted to give you the entire rundown of how this transpired to see if you had any other ideas of why this might be happening.
1. Twitter image was constantly being blocked.
2. I placed that code snippet in initially with that set to ‘true’, activated it. Still had the issue with the image going through.
3. Discovered it was related to “CDN” being turned on in my Managed WordPress settings since last summer. I turned it off.
4. The images started displaying again, but showing them separately from the text rather than the picture being a link itself. The twitter test card showed it displaying correctly when I put it in there, but each publicize kept the image separately.
5. I continued to delete each auto post from Jetpack and then re post the link so it would look right.
6. I then took the initial code from what I used before and changed the one value from ‘true’ to ‘false’. Activated it and nothing changed.
7. I deleted it, deactivated code snippets. Then reactivated code snippets and have just re-added it using what you provided exactly and matched it once saved and activated to the link you provided. It presently remains in an active state with the code snippets slide bar for it set to on.
8. I disconnected Twitter on’s options for publicize and reconnected it.
9. Presently, I will be testing this tonight again and praying it works. If it doesn’t, I have no idea what else to try and maybe you might?(BTW, I once was a software tester for many years. I’m more of a front end guy then a back end programmer type of guy and tend to break things more than fix things. lol)
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Andrew Arthur Dawson.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Twitter Image Blocked@drawmyface curious, would turning off jetpack Twitter publicize and then re-adding it back be also a good thing to try? And if so, would doing that remove all the Twitter field for my future posts set up where I already have that block filled for what goes over to Twitter with the 256 characters? In other words would I lose that text turning the publicize off and back on?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Twitter Image Blocked@drawmyface just needed to ask as I don’t want to hose my database up. So I deleted the existing code snippet I put in already and deactivated snippets. In a bit I will go back and reactivate snippets and create a title for it called Twitter image display. I will click the link you gave me in the previous response and copy and paste that code in. Save it with the activate everywhere option and then run it? And once it’s activated do I leave it activated or do I then delete it as soon as I activate it? I guess what I mean is does it need to remain active? Note – I won’t be posting my blog until just after midnight tonight so I won’t be able to test it till then. And just to verify it’s all single quotes in the snippet and the word false is all in lower case. In other words the code as you have in that link is exactly as it needs to be in snippets right?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Twitter Image Blocked@drawmyface yes indeed I think it would be too much of a risk to download that plug-in to browse the database given my limited expertise then. I will do as you asked above. I will delete the other snippet that currently is turned off but still there. Then add that code and activate again. I need to ask though, can doing that a second time or third time screw the database up and I don’t see the difference between the code in the window above or the code in the link you put below it? Is there a difference?