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  • I use default WP themes twenty sixteen, seventeen and plugin works fine with child themes without any extra coding.
    Create WP twenty-sixteen child theme on your page and use Unique header plugin. if plugin works fine on twenty-sixteen child theme for you, then ask talon theme support for your Q.
    Else if your plugin doesn’t work on default twenty-sixteen, check if you set your child theme good, as it works for me.

    1) On fresh plugin install and activation:
    When Enquiry button click
    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘enable_send_mail_copy’ in <…>/data/contact.php on line 51.
    2) If in admin panel “Enable sending an email copy” is checked,
    form works, but on click Send:
    Notice: Undefined variable: to_adm in <…>\data\contact.php on line 38
    Notice: Undefined variable: site_name in <…>\data\contact.php on line 43
    Notice: Undefined variable: form_data in <…>\data\contact.php on line 51
    and again:
    3) If in admin panel “Enable sending an email copy” is unchecked,
    on Enquiry button click
    Notice: Undefined index: enable_send_mail_copy in <…>\data\contact.php on line 51

    Any solutions to fix it?

    Hi once again,
    Edit post-title in your style.css file if there is no options for font size in theme setting.
    Find this line in style.css

    .post-title, .post-title a {
        color: #1772AF;
        font: 24px "Pontano Sans",sans-serif;
        margin-top: -3px;

    Replace with this

    .post-title, .post-title a {
        color: #1772AF;
        font: bold 48px "Pontano Sans",sans-serif;
        margin-top: -3px;
    /*  or add
        font-weight: bold; */

    The Must to have tool for customizing your website is Firebug for firefox, read in another your post
    It’s timesaver and easier to learn work with firebug and understand css basics than wait for answers for every minor style change from support team.

    Install Firebug extension for Firefox browser:
    Learn to use it (it’s realy simple), catch the object you’re looking for with firebug, find where the css code is for the object, open source file – edit it.
    Hope this will help you. Or post your website link if you need specific solution only for img border.

    It’s homepage so,
    check in your theme folder or via WP-admin panel>appearance>editor for home.php or index.php or page.php;
    there should be

    <div class="welcome_container"><hr />
    <div class="two_third welcome-box">
    <h1>Welcome to the home of Kadia - Bournemouth Acoustic Folk Indie Band</h1></div>
    <div class="one_third last">
    <a class="button large" href="">Like us on Facebook</a>
    <hr />
    </div><!--welcome end-->

    The code might look different in your php file, but the welcome div should be the same. Your FB link is in there – replace <a>..Facebook.</a> content with your own code.
    This is my suggestion.
    (if it’s your parent theme after updatng your theme version, you will overwrite php file and lose your changes and should do this again).

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