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  • Hey!!

    I am hoping that one of you can help me with what I hope is a fairly simple problem I am having.

    I followed @p_ebox’s step-by-step and everything worked perfect! Thank you so much for such a thorough guide!

    Now, I am attempting to put a D3 project I did in class up on my site. Here is the problem or at least the only one that I can think of. I am at step 10.A and I don’t have a line in my code that reads, “d3.tsv(“data.tsv”, type, function(error, data) {“.

    So, I am not exactly sure where to put the URL that links to my data that is in csv format. I have been trying to plug the URL into different spots where I think it should go to no avail.

    var svg ="#killer-data")
                    .attr("height", 3000)
                    .attr("width", 1100);
        var current_data;
        var complete_data;
        function render() {
          var killers = svg.selectAll(".killer")
                            .data(current_data, function(d) {
                              return d['name'];
          var entering = killers.enter()
                                .attr('opacity', 1)
                                .attr("transform", function(d, i) {
                                   return "translate(0," + 40 * i + ")";
                                .on('click', function(d) {

    Above is the area in where I think I need to plug in the URL but I am just not entirely sure where. Any help would be so appreciated.

    Also, this is my first time posting to this forum so if I am doing something erroneous please let me know!

    Thank you in advance for any help you can extend!

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