Forum Replies Created

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  • Thread Starter andyjay83


    So with my setup, essentially I could dismiss the prompt from Wordfence on my staging site and should NOT optimize the firewall on my staging site, correct?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: SEO without Plugin
    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Thanks for the reply Steven.

    I’ve been hearing a lot about the Rank Math SEO plugin. Are there any stable SEO plugins that you recommend?

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Thanks Steve.

    While I have you…

    WordPress itself doesn’t store any data from our websites, correct?

    Or does it?

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    I’ve never solicited the forum admins. If you read correctly, I actually acknowledged how tremendous of a job they’ve been doing providing exceptional support to everyone’s questions and concerns—including mine. They’re employees of Google, none of this is their fault.

    As to your point about this plugin being GDPR compliant, it is not in my opinion.

    I know that you’re likely trying to convince yourself that it is because of the years of data you may have and use to promote your marketing efforts for whatever agenda you have (i.e. business Ad ROI) but I believe that it is not—despite what Google says.

    For this to be fully compliant there needs to be a way ON the website you use it for the visitors to give their consent. There also needs a way to consent for each category of data that is collected and what it is used for (i.e. necessary cookies, marketing cookies, functional cookies, etc.)

    Nowhere does this plugin allow you to do any of that from what I’m being told by James and Renee.

    Also, don’t let them fool you. Anonymizing the data is not enough as per GDPR laws as it’s a very high bar that is set and often falls short as demonstrated here

    And these fantastic employees (Renee and James) know this. You can tell by their indirect responses and their haste reaction to letting the team know about this in this forum topic and also this one

    The truth is that Google is on the verge of losing a huge source of income due to the new data privacy laws that are getting more serious by the day. These new laws make it difficult to use their premier services (analytics, ads, adsense, tag manager, etc.) because their remarketing tools are not GDPR compliant if there’s no way for users to give their consent in allowing us website owners to legally use these powerful and extremely effective tools .

    Google has taken a very unethical and unlawful approach in trying to save their company with the release of Google Site Kit and many other workarounds. I think this plugin can ABSOLUTELY be GDPR compliant, but it isn’t right now. And that puts website owners like you at serious fines that I’m sure Google will not compensate you for.

    Apple is the one who started this initial push into the whole “customer data is important” argument. They’re the ones pushing over there in Europe.

    Apple doesn’t care about data protection. They care about taking Google out. And they’re lobbying for Data Privacy rights because Apple knows that eliminates a huge chunk of Google’s income: ads and marketing.

    I understand Google feels the pressure of that but the too-soon-to-be-released Google Site Kit is just one of the many moves that they should be held accountable for.

    Maybe I’m wrong about how I feel about Google Site Kit but for anyone who knows, the GDPR and new Data Privacy Laws are fluid and as clear as mud. They’re changing every day and nothing is clear. And I think Google knows this and is using this to their advantage. They’re a big enough company where they can try and let things like a non-GDPR compliant Google Site Kit slip out of legality as a means of trying to save their business.

    This is just my opinion on the matter. I didn’t intend to bash on anyone. My intent was to raise awareness about an amazing plugin that isn’t quite ready yet (in my opinion) so that website owners aren’t legally liable for having to fork up 4% of their global revenue or $20m (whatever comes first) for not being fully GDPR compliant.

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    I see you guys are answering other topics in this forum but what about this one? This is arguably the most important topic here because none of the support that people are asking for don’t mean anything if the plugin isn’t legal.

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Well then why and how is this plugin out? You’re advertising a product that isn’t legal and can get us site owners in trouble.

    That’s not right. It makes no sense to me that this plugin was released without it being fully GDPR compliant.

    And I know it’s not your fault James as you are just an employee (who is doing a tremendous job responding to all the questions in this forum by the way)

    But unfortunately, you are who I am in communication with and this is extremely unethical and unlawful of Google to do.

    As I’m sure you know, the GDPR fines are very VERY steep.

    What is going to be done about this because something needs to be done yesterday.

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Thanks James, it’s nice to know this plugin does that.

    Technically it’s not fully GDPR compliant as there’s no way for a user to opt in and opt out of data tracking via some sort of button that lets them allow or not allow the logging of their data.

    Is there a way to do this using Site Kit?

    Thanks for your time.

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Thanks Yui.

    Can you guys perhaps provide a way of trying to find such a lawyer?

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Ok thanks Dave. No need to worry about a security risk?

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Thanks Dave that worked.

    Does that mean everything is okay? Anything to worry about do you think?

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Thanks t-p. I was made aware of this plugin but I was hoping to find a way to achieve the same thing but with code.

    Are you aware of any way to do this or a place I could find how to do it?

    Thanks for your time and for guiding me towards a very viable solution.

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    This is what it says in the backend of Updraft when I try to restore:

    Final checks
    Looking for db archive: file name: backup_2019-08-15-1533_Torus_b4968c66292b-db.gz
    Archive is expected to be size: 12749 KB: OK
    Looking for plugins archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 53262.6 KB: OK
    Looking for themes archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 9462.8 KB: OK
    Looking for uploads archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 409400.4 KB: OK
    Looking for uploads archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 31219.7 KB: OK
    Looking for others archive: file name:
    Archive is expected to be size: 139909.3 KB: OK
    Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    Unpacking backup... (, 136.6 MB)
    Unzip progress: 1002 out of 3481 files (23.1 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24/2015/05/summer-bicycle-letsride-paul-filitchkin-large-600x593.jpg)
    Unzip progress: 2003 out of 3481 files (65.3 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2013/06/hoodie_1_back.jpg)
    Unzip progress: 3004 out of 3481 files (112 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2016/01/car-jeans-shoes-travel-large-200x100.jpg)
    Unzip progress: 3481 out of 3481 files (142.3 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2016/01/garden-sitting-grass-shoes-1024x567.jpg)
    Move /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24 -> /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old: Failed. Destination Directory UID=1846, GID=1849. Effective/real user IDs of the current process: 1846/1846. Effective/real group IDs of the current process: 1849/1849. 
    Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24)
    Restore failed...
    Move /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24 -> /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old: Failed. Destination Directory UID=1846, GID=1849. Effective/real user IDs of the current process: 1846/1846. Effective/real group IDs of the current process: 1849/1849.
    This is what it says in the log:
    0000.005 () Opened log file at time: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 01:23:08 +0000 on
    0000.005 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.16 WP: 5.2.2 PHP: 7.0.33 (cgi-fcgi, Linux 4.14.121-197.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 21 13:15:47 CDT 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.23-23 WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 1024M (used: 97.7M | 100M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.2s  28 May 2019 mcrypt: Y LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.049 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 1396164.6 MB
    0000.003 () Opened log file at time: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 01:23:10 +0000 on
    0000.004 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.16 WP: 5.2.2 PHP: 7.0.33 (cgi-fcgi, Linux 4.14.121-197.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 21 13:15:47 CDT 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.23-23 WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 1024M (used: 95.7M | 98M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.2s  28 May 2019 mcrypt: Y LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.045 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 1396164.6 MB
    0000.054 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.055 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.309 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.312 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.317 () Entity: db
    0000.317 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2019-08-15-1533_Torus_b4968c66292b-db.gz, type=db, info=a:0:{}, last_one=)
    0000.317 () Unpacking backup... (backup_2019-08-15-1533_Torus_b4968c66292b-db.gz, 12.5 Mb)
    0000.337 () Database successfully unpacked
    0000.338 () Restoring the database (on a large site this can take a long time - if it times out (which can happen if your web hosting company has configured your hosting to limit resources) then you should use a different method, such as phpMyAdmin)...
    0000.338 () Using direct MySQL access; value of use_mysqli is: 1
    0000.353 () Tried to raise max_allowed_packet from 16 MB to 32 MB, but failed (Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation, b:0;)
    0000.353 () Max packet size: 16 MB
    0000.353 () Entering maintenance mode
    0000.353 () Enabling Maintenance mode…
    0000.354 () Backup of:
    0000.356 () Content URL:
    0000.356 () Uploads URL:
    0000.356 () Old table prefix: wp_
    0000.356 () Site information: multisite=0
    0000.357 () New table prefix: wp_
    0000.366 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_options
    0000.858 () Restoring prior UD configuration (table: wp_options; keys: 96)
    0001.370 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_users
    0001.423 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_usermeta
    0001.630 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_commentmeta
    0001.660 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_comments
    0001.705 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_links
    0001.741 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_postmeta
    0003.565 () Database queries processed: 50 in 3.22 seconds
    0007.669 () Database queries processed: 100 in 7.33 seconds
    0011.492 () Database queries processed: 150 in 11.15 seconds
    0015.446 () Database queries processed: 200 in 15.11 seconds
    0017.792 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_posts
    0019.794 () Database queries processed: 250 in 19.45 seconds
    0031.653 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_signups
    0031.699 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_term_relationships
    0031.750 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_term_taxonomy
    0031.844 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_termmeta
    0031.879 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_terms
    0031.906 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_product_meta_lookup
    0031.923 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta
    0031.958 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta
    0031.977 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_advanced_notification_triggers
    0031.983 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_advanced_notifications
    0031.990 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_alert_notice_boxes
    0031.996 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_arete_buddypress_smileys_manage
    0032.002 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_bbp_messages_2p0
    0032.007 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_bbp_messages_2p0_meta
    0032.026 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_activity
    0032.121 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_activity_meta
    0032.175 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_follow
    0032.219 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_friends
    0032.286 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_groups
    0032.325 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_groups_groupmeta
    0032.366 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_groups_members
    0032.401 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_bp_media
    0032.408 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_bp_media_albums
    0032.424 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_messages_messages
    0032.460 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_messages_meta
    0032.495 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_messages_notices
    0032.526 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_messages_recipients
    0032.582 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_notifications
    0032.654 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_notifications_meta
    0032.681 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_user_blogs
    0032.749 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta
    0032.853 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_xprofile_data
    0032.888 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_xprofile_fields
    0032.925 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_xprofile_groups
    0032.961 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_bp_xprofile_meta
    0032.995 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_buddyboss_media
    0033.166 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_buddyboss_media_albums
    0033.185 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_chatwee_log
    0033.193 () Database queries processed: 500 in 32.85 seconds
    0033.193 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_chatwee_moderators
    0033.199 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_chatwee_pages_to_display
    0033.205 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_frontend_post_form_meta
    0033.219 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_frontend_post_forms
    0033.228 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_hustle_modules
    0033.235 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_hustle_modules_meta
    0033.244 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_imagify_files
    0033.251 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_imagify_folders
    0033.258 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_login_redirects
    0033.265 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_events
    0033.275 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_jobs
    0033.283 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_members
    0033.292 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_rule_access_conditions
    0033.298 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_subscription_meta
    0033.306 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_subscriptions
    0033.321 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_tax_rate_locations
    0033.330 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_tax_rates
    0033.337 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_transaction_meta
    0033.344 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mepr_transactions
    0033.353 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_mg2wpforo
    0033.362 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_myCRED_log
    0033.399 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_action_meta
    0033.409 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_actions
    0033.417 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_chunks
    0033.433 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_field_meta
    0033.465 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_fields
    0033.484 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_form_meta
    0033.512 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_forms
    0033.528 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_object_meta
    0033.546 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_objects
    0033.565 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_relationships
    0033.591 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_nf3_upgrades
    0033.612 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_p2p
    0033.629 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_p2pmeta
    0033.652 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_pmpro_membership_levelmeta
    0033.689 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_pmxe_exports
    0033.697 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_pmxe_google_cats
    0033.792 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_pmxe_posts
    0033.806 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_pmxe_templates
    0033.854 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_pollsa
    0033.879 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_pollsip
    0033.885 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_pollsq
    0033.892 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_popup_banners
    0033.898 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_pum_subscribers
    0033.912 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_recommendposts_votes
    0033.927 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_supsystic_tbl_columns
    0033.934 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_supsystic_tbl_diagrams
    0033.939 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_supsystic_tbl_rows
    0033.946 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_supsystic_tbl_tables
    0033.953 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_uam_accessgroup_to_object
    0033.960 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_uam_accessgroups
    0033.966 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_avatars_cache
    0033.972 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_comments_subscription
    0033.977 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_download_log
    0033.983 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_follow_users
    0033.989 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_phrases
    0033.994 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_tax_rate_classes
    0034.002 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_users_voted
    0034.008 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wc_webhooks
    0034.013 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wcmp_cust_questions
    0034.021 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wcmp_products_map
    0034.028 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wcmp_vendor_orders
    0034.034 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wcmp_visitors_stats
    0034.045 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfBlockedIPLog
    0034.053 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfBlocks7
    0034.061 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfConfig
    0034.110 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfCrawlers
    0034.118 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfFileChanges
    0034.125 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfFileMods
    0035.171 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfHits
    0035.207 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfHoover
    0035.336 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfIssues
    0035.344 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfKnownFileList
    0035.834 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfLiveTrafficHuman
    0035.845 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfLocs
    0035.853 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfLogins
    0035.881 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfNotifications
    0035.897 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfPendingIssues
    0035.906 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfReverseCache
    0035.913 () Database queries processed: 750 in 35.57 seconds
    0035.914 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfSNIPCache
    0035.920 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfStatus
    0035.951 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wfTrafficRates
    0035.974 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wfls_2fa_secrets
    0036.005 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wfls_settings
    0036.052 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_api_keys
    0036.082 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies
    0036.109 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions
    0036.142 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_log
    0036.188 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_order_items
    0036.225 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens
    0036.249 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_sessions
    0036.277 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations
    0036.311 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods
    0036.333 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones
    0036.358 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations
    0036.389 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_woocommerce_tax_rates
    0036.414 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wpeditor_settings
    0036.421 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wpforo_accesses
    0036.439 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_activity
    0036.461 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wpforo_forums
    0036.468 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wpforo_languages
    0036.487 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_likes
    0036.508 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wpforo_phrases
    0036.759 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_posts
    0037.051 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wpforo_profiles
    0037.071 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_subscribes
    0037.127 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_tags
    0037.215 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_topics
    0037.357 () Processing table (MyISAM): wp_wpforo_usergroups
    0037.382 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_views
    0037.419 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_visits
    0037.466 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_wpforo_votes
    0037.491 () Unlocking database and leaving maintenance mode
    0037.492 () Disabling Maintenance mode…
    0037.492 () Finished: lines processed: 832 in 37.15 seconds
    0037.495 () Cleaning up rubbish...
    0037.554 () Entity: plugins
    0037.554 () restore_backup(, type=plugins, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/plugins";s:11:"description";s:7:"Plugins";}, last_one=)
    0037.554 () Unpacking backup... (, 52 MB)
    0037.556 () Unzipping to /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/upgrade/6b01adbc/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0038.171 () Unzip progress: 1740 out of 11220 files (3 KB, plugins/username-changer/includes/libraries/s214-settings/source/assets/js/admin.js)
    0038.320 () Unzip progress: 2741 out of 11220 files (13.7 MB, plugins/username-changer/includes/libraries/s214-settings/source/assets/js/admin.min.js)
    0038.576 () Unzip progress: 3742 out of 11220 files (46.5 MB, plugins/wordfence/modules/login-security/classes/controller/cron.php)
    0038.790 () Unzip progress: 4743 out of 11220 files (63.6 MB, plugins/tablepress/admin/css/codemirror.css)
    0038.942 () Unzip progress: 5744 out of 11220 files (74.1 MB, plugins/ninja-forms/deprecated/lang/ninja-forms-fi.po)
    0039.147 () Unzip progress: 6745 out of 11220 files (91.6 MB, plugins/updraftplus/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/Common/Exception/UnexpectedValueException.php)
    0039.381 () Unzip progress: 7746 out of 11220 files (112 MB, plugins/wpfepp-paypal/inc/PayPal_Addon.php)
    0039.520 () Unzip progress: 8747 out of 11220 files (120 MB, plugins/buddypress/bp-members/classes/class-bp-members-admin.php)
    0039.692 () Unzip progress: 9748 out of 11220 files (131.7 MB, plugins/so-css/js/editor.min.js)
    0039.976 () Unzip progress: 10749 out of 11220 files (150 MB, plugins/memberpress/css/admin-reminders.css)
    0040.059 () Unzip progress: 11220 out of 11220 files (153.7 MB, plugins/memberpress/vendor/lib/fontello/font/memberpress.ttf)
    0040.068 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
    0040.068 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
    0040.068 () Moving old data out of the way...
    0040.585 () Top-level entities being moved: mass-messaging-for-buddypress-by-alkaweb, buddyboss-updater, big-boom-alert-bar, classic-editor, mycred, username-changer, woocommerce, buddypress-global-search, peters-login-redirect, sendgrid-email-delivery-simplified, wp-polls, wpfepp-custom-fields, envato-market, buddyboss-one-click, my-custom-functions, mepr-i18n, user-role-editor, posts-table-pro, wordfence, podamibe-custom-user-gravatar, cue, open-external-links-in-a-new-window, easy-media-download, index.php, woo-custom-emails-per-product, black-studio-tinymce-widget, sp-news-and-widget, bp-reorder-tabs, siteorigin-panels, woohideproducts, tablepress, user-access-manager, ninja-forms, frontend-publishing-pro, updraftplus, alert-notice-boxes, mycred-totalpoll, woocommerce-advanced-notifications, wpfepp-paypal, buddypress, popup-maker, remove-dashboard-access-for-non-admins, memberpress-buddypress, woocommerce-gateway-stripe, bbpress, so-css, memberpress-userroles, review-buddypress-groups, so-widgets-bundle, title-remover, memberpress, mycred-bp-group-leaderboards
    0040.592 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0041.040 () Top-level entities being moved: mass-messaging-for-buddypress-by-alkaweb, buddyboss-updater, big-boom-alert-bar, classic-editor, mycred, username-changer, woocommerce, buddypress-global-search, peters-login-redirect, sendgrid-email-delivery-simplified, wp-polls, wpfepp-custom-fields, envato-market, buddyboss-one-click, my-custom-functions, mepr-i18n, user-role-editor, posts-table-pro, wordfence, podamibe-custom-user-gravatar, cue, open-external-links-in-a-new-window, easy-media-download, index.php, woo-custom-emails-per-product, black-studio-tinymce-widget, sp-news-and-widget, bp-reorder-tabs, siteorigin-panels, woohideproducts, tablepress, user-access-manager, ninja-forms, frontend-publishing-pro, updraftplus, alert-notice-boxes, mycred-totalpoll, woocommerce-advanced-notifications, wpfepp-paypal, buddypress, popup-maker, remove-dashboard-access-for-non-admins, memberpress-buddypress, woocommerce-gateway-stripe, bbpress, so-css, memberpress-userroles, review-buddypress-groups, so-widgets-bundle, title-remover, memberpress, mycred-bp-group-leaderboards
    0041.047 () Cleaning up rubbish...
    0041.054 () Entity: themes
    0041.054 () restore_backup(, type=themes, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:51:"/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/themes";s:11:"description";s:6:"Themes";}, last_one=)
    0041.054 () Unpacking backup... (, 9.2 MB)
    0041.054 () Unzipping to /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/upgrade/57bf003a/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0041.265 () Unzip progress: 1002 out of 1290 files (15.5 MB, themes/boss/buddyboss-inc/buddyboss-framework/admin/ReduxCore/assets/css/vendor/jquery-ui-bootstrap/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png)
    0041.311 () Unzip progress: 1290 out of 1290 files (18.3 MB, themes/twentysixteen/screenshot.png)
    0041.312 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
    0041.312 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
    0041.312 () Moving old data out of the way...
    0041.361 () Top-level entities being moved: twentynineteen, index.php, twentyseventeen, boss-child, twentyfifteen, boss, twentysixteen
    0041.362 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0041.407 () Top-level entities being moved: twentynineteen, index.php, twentyseventeen, boss-child, twentyfifteen, boss, twentysixteen
    0041.408 () Cleaning up rubbish...
    0041.414 () Entity: uploads
    0041.414 () restore_backup(, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:7:"Uploads";}, last_one=)
    0041.414 () Unpacking backup... (, 399.8 MB)
    0041.414 () Unzipping to /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/upgrade/c629cc1d/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0042.737 () Unzip progress: 1002 out of 3455 files (43.5 MB, uploads/2019/02/Shop-Specialties-Rough-Trade-Vintage-NYC-Vinyl-Music-100x100.jpg)
    0043.228 () Unzip progress: 1810 out of 3455 files (144 MB, uploads/2018/02/Song-of-the-Week-Hero-Image-1.png)
    0043.663 () Unzip progress: 2488 out of 3455 files (244 MB, uploads/2018/02/Elephant-House-of-Gurwinder.png)
    0045.348 () Unzip progress: 2729 out of 3455 files (344.4 MB, uploads/2016/01/bike.jpg)
    0047.034 () Unzip progress: 3455 out of 3455 files (406.6 MB, uploads/2016/01/pexels-photo-large-1-2-300x300.jpg)
    0047.037 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
    0047.037 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
    0047.037 () Moving old data out of the way...
    0047.205 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0047.328 () Cleaning up rubbish...
    0047.331 () restore_backup(, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:7:"Uploads";}, last_one=)
    0047.331 () Unpacking backup... (, 30.5 MB)
    0047.331 () Unzipping to /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/upgrade/94442eed/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0047.668 () Unzip progress: 665 out of 665 files (30.4 MB, uploads/2016/01/accessories_large-300x125.jpg)
    0047.669 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0047.707 () Cleaning up rubbish...
    0047.713 () Entity: others
    0047.713 () restore_backup(, type=others, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:44:"/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content";s:11:"description";s:6:"Others";}, last_one=1)
    0047.713 () Unpacking backup... (, 136.6 MB)
    0047.713 () Unzipping to /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/upgrade/1b64ea10/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0049.313 () Unzip progress: 1002 out of 3481 files (23.1 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24/2015/05/summer-bicycle-letsride-paul-filitchkin-large-600x593.jpg)
    0049.658 () Unzip progress: 2003 out of 3481 files (65.3 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2013/06/hoodie_1_back.jpg)
    0049.989 () Unzip progress: 3004 out of 3481 files (112 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2016/01/car-jeans-shoes-travel-large-200x100.jpg)
    0050.197 () Unzip progress: 3481 out of 3481 files (142.3 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2016/01/garden-sitting-grass-shoes-1024x567.jpg)
    0050.202 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory (line 281, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0050.206 () Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/wflogs)
    0050.206 () Restore failed...
    0050.206 () Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/wflogs)
    0050.206 () Restore failed
    0000.005 () Opened log file at time: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 11:49:02 +0000 on
    0000.005 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.16 WP: 5.2.2 PHP: 7.0.33 (cgi-fcgi, Linux 4.14.121-197.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 21 13:15:47 CDT 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.23-23 WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 1024M (used: 97.7M | 100M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.2s  28 May 2019 mcrypt: Y LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.088 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 1395315.5 MB
    0000.004 () Opened log file at time: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 11:49:04 +0000 on
    0000.004 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.16 WP: 5.2.2 PHP: 7.0.33 (cgi-fcgi, Linux 4.14.121-197.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 21 13:15:47 CDT 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.23-23 WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 1024M (used: 95.7M | 98M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.2s  28 May 2019 mcrypt: Y LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.048 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 1395315.5 MB
    0000.057 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.058 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.060 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.062 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.063 () Entity: others
    0000.063 () restore_backup(, type=others, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:44:"/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content";s:11:"description";s:6:"Others";}, last_one=1)
    0000.063 () Unpacking backup... (, 136.6 MB)
    0000.063 () Unpack resumption may be possible: zip_starting_index=0, last_exists=, last_size=n/a, last_status=a:3:{s:5:"index";i:3480;s:4:"info";a:7:{s:4:"name";s:86:"uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2016/01/garden-sitting-grass-shoes-1024x567.jpg";s:5:"index";i:3480;s:3:"crc";i:826313424;s:4:"size";i:118715;s:5:"mtime";i:1532395874;s:9:"comp_size";i:118715;s:11:"comp_method";i:0;}s:12:"size_written";i:149190140;}
    0000.067 () Unzipping to /home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/upgrade/1b64ea10/ using UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive, starting index 0
    0000.931 () Unzip progress: 1002 out of 3481 files (23.1 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24/2015/05/summer-bicycle-letsride-paul-filitchkin-large-600x593.jpg)
    0001.154 () Unzip progress: 2003 out of 3481 files (65.3 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2013/06/hoodie_1_back.jpg)
    0001.425 () Unzip progress: 3004 out of 3481 files (112 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2016/01/car-jeans-shoes-travel-large-200x100.jpg)
    0001.595 () Unzip progress: 3481 out of 3481 files (142.3 MB, uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24-old/2016/01/garden-sitting-grass-shoes-1024x567.jpg)
    0001.598 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory (line 281, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0001.602 () Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24)
    0001.602 () Restore failed...
    0001.602 () Error message: Could not move old files out of the way. You should check the file ownerships and permissions in your WordPress installation (/home1/drumsbyg/public_html/Torus/wp-content/uploads-backup-2018-02-03 22:04:24)
    0001.602 () Restore failed
    Thread Starter andyjay83


    It also logs me out of my account and asks me to enter my login information in the middle of the restore.

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Hey @alexmustin ,

    any update on the progress of releasing the update for this plugin?

    I’ve been really looking forward to it!

    Thread Starter andyjay83


    Hey @alexmustin !

    I love it! It’s exactly what I was looking for the plugin to do!
    Amazing job brother!

    Everything seems to be working just fine.
    The one thing I did notice is that the email sent out to the customer seems to be coming in significantly later than the old version of your plugin.

    For the old version, the customer received an email almost immediately after placing their order. I’m not sure if this has anything to do with you but I figured I’d bring it up.

    Any thoughts?

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)