Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Object Cache 4 everyone] Multiple WordPress on one serverThere were no response. I changed to something other. Don’t know more information if the plugin will do it or not… I had problems if there are severals WordPress on the same Server/PHP setup.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Extensions for Leaflet Map] Fehler mit Kontrollfeld, DSVGO HinweisDanke für die schnelle Rückmeldung.
Ich bin gezwungen ein Cache-Plugin zu nutzen. Sonst dauert das Darstellen viel zu lange. vServer ist bei CPU begrenzt. WP Fastest Cache und Hummingbird scheinen grundlegend mit Leaflet zu arbeiten. Letzterer erkennt sogar automatisch, dass drei js-Dateien ausgeschlossen sein müssen. Nur mit diesen erscheint das Ph?nomen nicht. Die ausgeschlossenen Dateien lauten gestures_leaflet.js, elevation_js.js und leaflet-gpxgroup.min.js. Habe aber weitere hinzugefügt.
Bei memache, was bei Webseiten-Zustand angeführt wird, ist das wieder anders. Da werden php-code und Datenbankabfragen zwischengespeichert. Ich kann da leider nichts ausklammern. Es scheint, die erste Abfrage bewirkt, wie sp?ter die Antworten für alle anderen Abfragen aussehen. Wurde DSVGO noch nicht best?tigt, dann bleibt das auch so. Egal wie oft man dann darauf klickt. Wurde dies best?tigt, dann ist das für alle anderen ebenso. Die sehen dann eine leere Stelle wo die DSVGO-Abfrage bzw. die Leaflet-Map sein sollte.
Das wird vermutlich für das Kontrollfeld ?hnlich sein. Wobei mir noch unklar ist, wie hier die Logik ist.
PS.: die Angelegenheit mit memache und DSVGO werde ich sp?ter bei Github übertragen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Extensions for Leaflet Map] Fehler mit Kontrollfeld, DSVGO HinweisKleiner Zusatz: Ich wei? nun was mit Kontrollfeld gemeint wird. Dies liegt ebenso an memcache. Sobald dies für WordPress aktiviert wird (so wie es empfohlen wird), hat Leaflet ein Problem bei der Darstellung und Nutzung. Nicht nur die DSVGO-Erweiterung wird davon negativ beeinflusst. Es scheint, es betrifft weitere Komponenten.
Neben memcache wird noch eine Asset-Optimierung und Caching genutzt. Beide letztere mithilfe dem Plugin Hummingbird. Da ist es aber auch egal ob beide letztere genutzt werden.
- WordPress 6.3.1
- Memcached backend for the WP Object Cache 4.0.0
- Memcached Server Version 1.6.9
- Debian + Apache + PHP 8.1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Leaflet Map] RSS-Feed and Leaflet Mapjust one mistake from my last post…
According to a request for a different plugin for the same function, the plugin should now it is rendering for RSS Feed and show only a message.
It should be “know” and not “now”.
Maybe I start to add a manual message after the Leaflet Map… if an automatic function will be not possible.
By the way, RSS technology is the best to stay informed for many sources at one place. Therefore, I still use a Web-RSS-Reader and get infos from over 250 sources.
There would be another way for such situation (user use RSS-Feed on my website and get a new article with Leaflet Map, which will not be shown on RSS Feed). I’m able to disable full-text rss-feed, but I don’t like that by my own for other RSS Feeds – so I still want to give others the full version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Print] Shariff Wrapper and print pageAt the moment, I disabled the plugin for testing some other stuff. Therefore, I mark the problem as resolved. I will response, if I return to the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Print] Shariff Wrapper and print pageHi, the situation with Shariff Wrapper is solved. At the moment, there are still missing pictures.
regards, Andyt
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Leaflet Map] RSS-Feed and Leaflet MapHello, thank you for your response. Some of the previous used plugin did and some not. The simple way would be a notice, that the whole post show a map or similar. According to a request for a different plugin for the same function, the plugin should now it is rendering for RSS Feed and show only a message.
Danke für die Information bzgl. dem Kontrollfeld. Das schaue ich mir an. Wurde das normale oder dunkle Design genutzt… ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wikipedia Preview] Use only for search, no link previewHi,
Now it is possible for me to show the different representation. The link to Leaflet was created with the plugin “Wikipedia Preview”. Two changes to the other links are immediately noticeable. First, they are missing the nice icon behind the link and second, this is underlined separately.
My question now would be, can I fix this somehow, that this looks like the other links?
For the first problem, the plugin doesn’t seem to create a proper link. I also miss the preview when I move the mouse over the link. Usually I see in the web browser where the link goes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wikipedia Preview] Use only for search, no link previewHi WMF team, thank you for your response. I’m fine with 1st concern, if the 2nd issue is working fine. I will follow your link and check the status every week (or month).
edit: if you have something to test, you are welcome. Please for information.
best regards, Andyt
- This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Andyt8. Reason: correction and adding edit request/info
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wikipedia Preview] Use only for search, no link previewHello,
I reinstalled the plugin and enabled it. I added the CSS elements and deleted the cache. The preview is still available.
You are able to find an article with wikipedia links at
Every link to wikipedia gets a preview. If you switch to dark mode, the design fail because the preview “disable” the normal website. Normally it change it a little bit darker which work for a normal website – but not with dark mode.
Please for response.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wikipedia Preview] Use only for search, no link previewHello, thank you for your response. At the moment I have no sample links, because I disabled and deleted the plugin. According to my description (and problems), I don’t want an additional preview – only the function for search and insert during writing…
However, I will try your code next week. I will install and enable the plugin and maybe I have some sample links.
best regards, Andyt
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wikipedia Preview] Use only for search, no link previewHi Wikimedia Foundation,
Thank you for your response. I already disabled the plugin because of the problems.
The first area has to do with the preview. This is not always displayed. I have already created links to Wikipedia again and again in the past. Therefore, many links are already available. I noticed that for some of them the website is called directly and no preview is created. I could not find a connection between the links. Sometimes it doesn’t work with one link and then later it does. I use primarily as target
For this I continue to use the Classic Editor, because the Gutenberg Editor is still too unstable and not very intuitive. Unfortunately the search support is not available. Here, as already described, I would simply prefer a search option in the dashboard…
The second area has to do with the automatic blackout. In night mode the web page is already very dark. Since I specifically want to support OLED displays, pure black is often used. This makes everything invisible when darkened.
In addition, the preview is also very dark and therefore also poorly legible. This affects the text, logos and other information from Wikipedia. In both cases I could not find a smooth adjustment.
A minor irritation was the fact that the preview always stuck to the footer (i.e. showed at the bottom of the screen) and took up the entire width.
Finally, the different behavior when I add a link to Wikipedia via Classic Editor or the Gutenberg Editor was irritating. In the Gutenberg Editor the links get an additional unwanted marker. The links to Wikipedia are already specially marked. I was able to mitigate that a bit, but as mentioned, I think the pure function in the editor is great. I would rather disable the preview.
regards, Andyt
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Andyt8.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OSM - OpenStreetMap] Critical ProblemsMore precisely, there seems to be exactly two security risks.
- WordPress OSM – OpenStreetMap plugin <= 6.01 – Contributor+ Stored XSS via Shortcode vulnerability
- WordPress OSM – OpenStreetMap plugin <= 6.0.1 – Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability
According to the reports, the developer was informed but could not be reached. I hope the developer is in good health so far.
I have tried to contact them via social network or directly on the developer’s website in the last few days. So far I have not received any feedback.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OSM - OpenStreetMap] “Security warning”Hi,
I got the same message. It is sad to hear, there is no reaction from the developer (according to the report). According to my message, there are two risks with 6.5 and 4.3.
Any change, there is a new release?
best regards, Andyt
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XPoster - Share to X and Mastodon] Disable Open Graph OutputI understand. Thank you.