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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] remove sub menu "animation"Hi folks!
seems to be not so easy to do…
sub-menu animation is triggered by js script located in Tempera “/js/frontend.js”, in section starting line 45.I’m not so sure it can be overridden by this modified js in your child theme.
As a last resort, you can modify the Tempera js file, but keep in mind it can be overridden during a future update.
Try to change this:
jQuery("#access li").hover(function(){ jQuery(this).find('ul:first').stop(); jQuery(this).find('ul:first').css({opacity: "0",marginTop:"50px"}).css({visibility: "visible",display: "block",overflow:"visible"}).animate({"opacity":"1",marginTop:"-=50"},{queue:false}); },function(){ jQuery(this).find('ul:first').css({visibility: "visible",display: "block",overflow:"visible"}).animate({marginTop:"+=50"}, {queue:false}).fadeOut();
by this:
jQuery("#access li").hover(function(){ jQuery(this).find('ul:first').stop(); jQuery(this).find('ul:first').css({opacity: "0",marginTop:"50px"}).css({visibility: "visible",display: "block",overflow:"visible"}).css({"opacity":"1",marginTop:"-=50"},{queue:false}); },function(){ jQuery(this).find('ul:first').css({visibility: "visible",display: "block",overflow:"visible"}).css({"opacity":"0"marginTop:"+=50"}, {queue:false});
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Make BG colour transparent between header and footerYou’re welcome! ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Slider images change heightVery sorry!! My mistake!
I meant “width” in place of “height”.This strange behavior seems to be due to the different aspect ratio of your images.
So, in short: try to have the same dimension for all your images, same width and same height.I made a test and the Nivo Slider’s block has a define max-height and max-width (because of responsiveness of the theme) and its dimension are defined by the current display (computer, tablet,…); so when an image is loaded, its width and height are dynamically define by an inline style to match the dimension of the block, but it seems that these dimension are calculate by the aspect ratio of the loaded image and by the width of it as base of calculation, so if the image doesn’t have the same dimension or the same aspect ration than the block, it can produce this.
Hope that can be the solution.
(sorry for my bad English)Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] rel=publisherSeems to be used to create a bound between your site to your Google+ account…
You’re welcome! ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Slider images change heightShalom Guy ??
not so sure, but it’s maybe due to the different heights of your images…
I think the slider loads the next image before triggering the transition, so the height of the box may vary if the next image doesn’t have the same height.
Try to have the exact same width and height for your slider images.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] rel=publisherHi Guy ??
social icons are retrieved by the function “tempera_set_social_icons” (in “theme-functions.php”) via a loop; and for each social link to create, a generic template link is populated by the social link data (target, href, title, etc) set in admin settings, and the only attribute which is hard coded in the template link is the rel attribute:
<a <?php if ($temperas['tempera_social_target'.$i]) {echo ' target="_blank" ';} ?> rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo $cryout_current_social; ?>"
so it’s common to all the social links generated.luckily, this function is pluggable (it can be overriden by the same function in a child theme), so you can add this in the “functions.php” file of your child theme (in its root folder):
function tempera_set_social_icons($idd) { $cryout_special_keys = array('Mail', 'Skype'); global $temperas; foreach ($temperas as $key => $value) { ${"$key"} = $value ; } echo '<div class="socials" id="'.$idd.'">'; for ($i=1; $i<=9; $i+=2) { $j=$i+1; if ( ${"tempera_social$j"} ) { if (in_array(${"tempera_social$i"},$cryout_special_keys)) : $cryout_current_social = esc_html( ${"tempera_social$j"} ); else : $cryout_current_social = esc_url( ${"tempera_social$j"} ); endif; if( ${"tempera_social$i"} == GooglePlus ) : $rel = "publisher"; else : $rel = "nofollow"; endif; ?> <a <?php if ($temperas['tempera_social_target'.$i]) {echo ' target="_blank" ';} ?> rel="<?php echo $rel; ?>" href="<?php echo $cryout_current_social; ?>" class="socialicons social-<?php echo esc_attr(${"tempera_social$i"}); ?>" title="<?php echo ${"tempera_social_title$i"} !="" ? esc_attr(${"tempera_social_title$i"}) : esc_attr(${"tempera_social$i"}); ?>"> <img alt="<?php echo esc_attr(${"tempera_social$i"}); ?>" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri().'/images/socials/'.${"tempera_social$i"}.'.png'; ?>" /> </a><?php } } echo '</div>'; } // tempera_set_social_icons()
where I added a conditionnal definition of a created var “$rel” which is rendered in
rel="<?php echo $rel; ?>"
in place of rel=”nofollow”Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Cryout column header alignmentHi guy1407,
go to the the Misc section of Tempera Settings (in admin) of your chil theme and just add this into the Custom CSS textarea:
.column-header-image { text-align:center; }
Don’t forget to remove the change you made in the original Tempera file (“style-frontpage.css”) before that ??
Hope this will help!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Make BG colour transparent between header and footerHi!
Try to add this in the custom CSS textarea:
#main { background-color: transparent; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Mobile menu not showing up in 2.0Nice to hear, you’re welcome! ??
Think to mark your topic as closed.
Best regards.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Mobile menu not showing up in 2.0Have you created and modified the file “header.php” for your child theme?
Had same problem and found that this line had been added in version 1.2:
header.php line 39
<a id="nav-toggle"><span>?</span></a>
before updating the theme, make a local backup in a folder named with the theme version via a FTP client.
Update the theme and make a local backup in a folder named with the new theme version, and compare those two with a diff prog (Diff, Meld, etc.), espacialy thoses files modified via a child theme.
Very helpfull to discover the changes made and figure out where any problems could come from…Hope this will help ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] tempera settings are unclickableThank you very much for your useful advice!
it’s always wonderful and very helpful to have as many details about a possible problem!…
Doh!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Huge Space between Page Content & FooterHi NDA2014,
according to your screenshots, it seems that some code is adding this sirectly in the HTML code of your page.
I never encountered this and when I visited your website/page, I didn’t notice any gap nor seen any code like this…
Problem solved?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Remove image fade on hoverHi Savange,
add the code in the textarea “Custom CSS” in the section “Miscellaneous Settings” of the Tempera Settings page…
(or add it in the css file of your child theme)Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] Tempera Settings are not getting savedok, so, what the debug mode tells you?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Tempera] How to remove a page header?Hello tizis!
Please, try to describe your problem, your post is way too brief. (even if an image is better than thousand words…)
Thank you ??