Forum Replies Created
look at it, it dose. it removes all previous causes from the causes outline and also remove the url from the lessons
the above image is a course with lessons on version 2.9.11 and pro of version 3.8.7 this is before updating the plugins to the current new update that you recommended.
Now this is after the new update below
you can see that all the lessons on my courses curriculum has gone, now how do you expect me to go and be re adding all the lessons that on each course, i have no database issue, i have no outdated plugins and no plugin conflicts.
Immediately i take it back to the previous version everything comes back, now you can see that your plugin removeds all the files from where it’s supposed to be.
look at the message, all you people do is talk and lie, you dont keep to anything you promise, masking life miserable for people using your plugin.
what a shame
four months ago i reported this same thing, you people said it will be fix, this just simply shows that you dont care about the issues with your plugin. i will not waste my time,
Nothing is wrong with my database, because i had reported this issue many times before and you people said it will be fix.
with this message it shows that all this messages is just waste of time.
Check the previous message, i already provided Screenshots before.
When will you people bring this feature back, i have not updated the plugin because without this feature everything will not work.
this feature helps external url videos to play across all platforms including the mobile app, without the Lesson video and poster, videos will not show up on the app so its affect me, why will you people remove such an important feature.
thanks working now
i have tried all those things no one is working,
please just give me link to the old version 5.50nun of that solution help, please how can I get the old version before this CyberSEO Lite, so i can just take it back