” I have a 3 column, and I’ve found that I can “lose” the outermost column if it’s not floating correctly. Most of the time, the Sidebars need to be floated “left” to keep them relative to the front page throughout. ”
I have the same problem more or less. It’s the outermost column that disappears and I can’t get it back. I also tried to ” float ” it correctly but the ” sidebar first ” column can be floated anywhere, the “sidebar second” or outermost one, just doesn’t appear at all. Also I noted that if I go to the ” theme ” section in my dashboard, and I use the preview function of other themes, I can see what I have configured in the 3rd column, but if I ” activate ” the theme it then disappears again on the actual page !!?? HUH ? WTF and OMG ? ??
Any ideas ?