I get this when I try to edit an url in the classic editor.
Followed your instructions and get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘show’ of undefined
at Object.open (wplink.min.js:1)
at i.onclick (plugin.min.js?wp-mce-4800-20180716:1)
at jg.c.fire (wp-tinymce.php:2)
at i.fire (theme.min.js?wp-mce-4800-20180716:1)
at HTMLDivElement.o (theme.min.js?wp-mce-4800-20180716:1)
at C (wp-tinymce.php:2)
at HTMLDivElement.d (wp-tinymce.php:2)
open @ wplink.min.js:1
onclick @ plugin.min.js?wp-mce-4800-20180716:1
c.fire @ wp-tinymce.php:2
fire @ theme.min.js?wp-mce-4800-20180716:1
o @ theme.min.js?wp-mce-4800-20180716:1
C @ wp-tinymce.php:2
d @ wp-tinymce.php:2