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  • Thread Starter annaship11


    Thanks, jonimueller!

    This is precisely what I needed to know: how the interaction between the style.css and template files worked. (I had actually tried all this before but didn’t call it up properly in the template with an id, that’s what I couldn’t figure out.)

    Now I understand, this is very helpful. Thanks again.

    Thread Starter annaship11


    I’m sorry, I don’t follow. Are you saying to modify a font specific to the sidebar I can create an id in style.css using “#sidebar”? Will the sidebar.php file automatically use it or do I need additional specifications outside the style.css file?

    Any tips on changing a font on a page?

    Thread Starter annaship11



    Following the directions in the codex, I added this to my style.css file:

    .caption {
    background: white;
    padding: 4px 0 4px 12px;
    color: #644b19;
    text-align: left;

    I set the padding to 4, 0, 4, 12 because I always put my pictures embedded in the text of the post to the right, so I want there to be a nice space (12px) between the left edge of the image and the text, and no space between the right edge of the picture and the limit of the post column. I also set text-align to left, because otherwise the caption text would be justified just like my regular post text. Because the captions are often quite small, justifying the text can make it look spaced out and weird.

    In order to get the text to wrap, I defined the width of the div to the exact number of pixels as the image itself. This is done in the post itself. (I have the visual rich editor turned off.) This is an example of what that looks like:

    <div class=”caption right” style=”width: 250px”><img src=’; alt=’dadkeepingbees.jpg’>My dad in the golden age of beekeeping, 1978.</div>

    And this is what the picture actually looks like on my site:

    Beekeeping post

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter annaship11


    I have found a very lame solution to this problem. In the post, instead of opening a div to include the caption and image together (as described here) with this:

    <div class=”caption right”>

    I have added a style specification that is the exact width of the image:

    <div class=”caption right” style=”width: 220px”>

    But this is a pain because I have to know the width of the image each time and it’s extra typing when I write my post.

    There must be an actual solution to this.


    I agree with all these posts–the content is pretty cool and the busy design obscures what you have to offer. Whatever you can do to strip down your site to make things simpler will be good. Instead of having most information displayed as a catchy graphic, try having all your information displayed as simple, monochromatic text. Then go back and add just a few graphic styles to the things you want people’s attention to jump to first.

    I recommend that you add a hyperlink to your site in your post.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: show my blog

    The site does take much too long to load. I’m afraid this is going to prevent your site from being visited until you fix it.

    Thread Starter annaship11


    And just imagine… if IE handled images in WordPress a little better (or whatever the problem is), imagine how lonely these forums might be!

    I like the nice clean look of your site. Header images are nice but since you’ve got a bunch of pics and videos on your site, maybe it’s not that important?

    Although if you had a few good photos of your park in different seasons, wouldn’t it be neat to have different header images for different times of year!

    Should be pretty easy to hack into your theme and just add an image to the header if you wanted to.

    Thread Starter annaship11


    Indeed it was the screenshot image that was pushing the sidebar to the bottom.

    To anyone who stumbles across this thread and has had a problem with the sidebar jumping to the bottom of the page in IE:

    In other browsers, if an image is uploaded to a site that is too large–say it is 600 px wide, but the WordPress column that it is sitting in is set at 500 px–then the browser just shrinks the image appropriately and it looks clean. But IE screws it up and crowds whatever else you might have in that horizontal space, and the sidebar falls to the bottom.

    Unfortunately, and I don’t quite understand this, IE can also drop the sidebar if your total page width is not set wide enough. This problem seems to be independent of any images you might have in your posts. I had originally set my total page width to 812 px, which was enough space to hold my main column and sidebar in all other browsers. But it wasn’t until I added a few extra px to this setting (up to 827 px) that IE was able to fit both the main column and the sidebar in properly. Others may be able to explain this better and there are plenty of other threads discussing this for anyone who is having trouble.

    Thread Starter annaship11


    Oh damn, I am hoping it is that screenshot that pushed the sidebar to the bottom because I’ve already fussed with this IE sidebar issue and thought I had it taken care of. Thanks mm232 for the heads up on this. I’m going to reduce the image right now and see if that fixes it.

    These comments much appreciated!

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Rate My Theme

    Along these lines: how does the WP community feel about

    They say they’re “In friendly support to the WordPress project”

    I put an (additional) icon link to them on my site, but if there are politics to this, I’d be interested to know.

    Thread Starter annaship11


    Thanks, that’s a pretty good idea, I can imagine that being useful in future.

    Question for anyone:

    In order to get the “About this site” sidebar link in big, bold letters like I want it to be, I had to add <h2 /h2> when I typed “About this site” into the title box in the visual editor when I made the page.

    I know that is awkward and lame but I don’t know how else to modify that text! If I didn’t do that, the “About this site” would be in the small font like all the other page titles. Can I access the code directly to specify the font style for just this page title? Where does that code live?

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