Forum Replies Created
thanks for your reply but yes, Ive read all that, plus that I have installed WP tons of times before but I still cant figure out why Im getting this error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to add a gallery on NextGEN Gallery?Alright after a while I figured that out (Gallery options at the bottom of WP menu)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Replace title and subtitle on header with imageThanks to both of you.
alchymyth: Perect! I did what you said (and added some heigh) and I got my gif there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Replace title and subtitle on header with image
“aca va el logo” should be gone, instead an image centered should be there. Thanks in advance
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you add meta tags/key words to your page for search enginges?You can use a plug-in named “All in One SEO Pack”. Its easy to install and you can add title, description and keywords to every post or pages on your blog.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to add an image instead the classic title and subtitle?this is the code inside my header.php
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”<?php bloginfo(‘html_type’); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo(‘charset’); ?>” /><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’); ?>” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> RSS Feed” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>” />
<link rel=”pingback” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘pingback_url’); ?>” /><title><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?> » Blog Archive <?php } ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
<? include(TEMPLATEPATH.”/custom.php”); ?>
<?php wp_head(); ?>
</head>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to add an image instead the classic title and subtitle?by the way the code on my header.php is
`<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’); ?>” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> RSS Feed” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>” />
<link rel=”pingback” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘pingback_url’); ?>” /><title><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?> » Blog Archive <?php } ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>`
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to add an image instead the classic title and subtitle?thanks a lot for the reply, but im afraid im a real newbie with this. Could you please explain this part further:
<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>
img src=”https://path_to_your_gif_file.gif/”—-
I have to take off the whole <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> or supplant ‘name’ with img src=”https://path_to_your_gif_file.gif/”….or what?
Sorry for the trouble and thanks!
Thanks Hilikus. Im actually using permalinks, but I will look into what you said. Thanks again.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How do I reinstall a blog?You were totally right! I deleted that post and the blog looked normal again, now I just have to discover which one is the bad post on the other blog and delete it too. Thanks a lot!!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How do I reinstall a blog?I have 2 blogs, they worked fine for months, all I do is make updates and Im the only one with access to it. But one day one of the blogs started to look wrong, like the css is messed up or something, I changed the theme but it still looked bad even with the classic one!
Yesterday my other blog (hosted on the same server) started to look wong too. The left colum just went to the bottom, I also tried with other themes but to no avail. My other blogs hosted on different servers look just fine.I alreay asked about these problems 2 times here in the other sections but I got no answers so re installing the blogs was the only thing I could think of. Now you say it wont make a difference so I dont really know what to do. My blogs are (::adult content::) and
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How do I reinstall a blog?Oh and another question! If I re instal the blog, will I lose the current links on the left bar, etc?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Suddenly every single theme looks messed up on my blogThanks for sharing your experience Moessap. I still couldn’t fix that so if anyone else have any idea Id appreciate it if you share it with me