Hi mrblues…
I am new to doing any blogging/software setup…yikes. As I described in my initial question, I was first reviewing which format could work for me AND I checked on it with my readership demographic. I write / publish books/mysteries. The software world leaves me in the dust…but I will get there. It will take me appx. 1 month to set up the page..no, make that 2 months before I go live with it. It leaves me jittery. Code/web ‘world’ setup – Now, with your help…I know which path to start down. 2014 – love it. So, I will sit down, take a course from someone, print out all the directions, follow them step-by-step like a simple-tron. Probably end up banging my head on the desk a few times … well, you can see where this is going. Hope you don’t mind a perspective from someone new to the wordpress/software world.