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  • Viktor,

    My apologies, however that is not an impressive response in the very least.

    there are many reasons there would be “extra code” in those files and should be taken into account by your software not your software users. as a matter of fact for many things “extra code” in these files is *required*. on the other hand adding “extra Code” is a solution to the memory problem the revised plugin introduced.

    and more technically there is really no such thing as “extra code” if it is deliberately placed and functionally useful.

    after the fourth update in two days it is obvious there are issues you are attempting to overcome, but the above solution is only a temporary fix at best.

    any security that blacklists an admin after back-end changes is noodled spaghetti code, not the fault or problem of the user. more testing less pushing the pro version until it is up for “release version” perhaps.

    please fix this promptly , and make it work too. there is no easy way to back out of your plugin now, we are counting on you to make it work out of the box.

    the above response is not acceptable, please try again.

    i do not wish to be harsh, but there are other issues, but this one trumps all other concerns, in spades.

    it actually allows a log back in after timeout period (even with “extra code” , but still that is not good enough as it is sporadic and random lockout at that. so it really has nothing to do with “extra code” as much as something you have started doing is not working as well as what did work fine.

    functionality before ambition please. you should allow for “extra code” in these files as administrators often require it..

    how about not blacklisting by user id? (as opposed to ip, since may ip’s are randomly assigned and from a security perspective ipv4 can be spoofed, and is therefore not that secure anyway).

    hope this helps put things in perspective.


    Thread Starter Antaeros


    Ok well, that is a bit closer to what i would hope for.. It addresses some, but not all issues, however, all things being relative, it’s a start.

    “..not taken the time to test out the calendar”

    In actuality, i put far more time into this plugin than pretty much any other plugin that produced initially unsatisfactory results, and finally was not satisfied with the cost benefit i.e. time to result ratio overall. And to correct some apparent ongoing misconception on how software (in this case a plugin) is supposed to work for people, the testing (and documentation) is to be done by the developer, not the users or community at large. We are users/administrators not beta testers. (Our time is valuable too).

    It does appear you have cajoled the plugin appropriately to obtain the simplest and least demanding result which i feel should have been effortless to obtain, and directly (initially) forthcoming.

    “..depending on what shortcodes you use and in what order..”

    ..And the exact official documentation on how to directly accomplish this result is.. Where? The plugin author’s note to me on how to achieve this result is.. Where? Not even you have directly indicated how to *simply* achieve this nominally straightforward result. But i do grant you kudos for having gotten the initially expected output, after how much effort?

    However, The effect you have managed to create is not a far cry of difference from creating a custom sidebar widget that links to predesignated pages with details. It certainly saves no steps, from that as an alternative, and has no apparent benefit other than what we will call an “overview” list of all events which can be done with any category display shortcode for a category named “events”.

    Further issues not addressed:
    1) Upcoming events displayed in graphical sidebar calendar supplied WP or in theme, in my case; Easel do not appear, even on your site.
    2) Secondary “confirmation” of event administrative page is extra work and serves no real apparent purpose.
    3) The claim that events can be directly administrated from post, that would forgo the former (#2) above mentioned secondary “confirmation of event being an event” page, is a false or misleading claim at best.
    4) It is not intuitive, has an administrative UX leaving much to be desired, and is poorly documented (thus your need for “testing” in the first place, otherwise it would be known directly as “effective deployment” since the “how to” was already a given, not a variable).

    The only real benefit i have seen, as i had achieved part 1 and 3 of what you did, is the expiration of events, which for all the time and effort, might as well be manually accomplished anyway.

    I am seriously glad you got what you were looking for, but on an intuitive, easy to use, and does what it says scale it weighs weakly compared to most other preferred plugins obtained for any other purpose. After all, a computer is inherently a calendar/time machine, more than mos any other purpose. I do not understand why this plugin or any other calendar would be so frustrating or initially difficult to implement.

    “..i tryed many others and found them to be too dificult and too many options to input lots of data and get the desired output..”

    Likewise, i agree with you. The whole state of internet software development saddens me deeply- that this is as far as we have have gotten over a decade into the 21st century, and the best we can hope for to date. It seems like we are shying away from progress eternally in favor of reprimanding users and their requests for improvements that would make more sense out-of-the-box; such as: obvious clarity, intuitive design, pleasant UX from end to end, documentation and streamlined deployment as well as simplifying administration overall.

    I am sorry, to be fair: in my opinion the plugin author has done a fine job starting on something that could one day be a fantastic plugin..


    Thread Starter Antaeros


    Nice of you to put the spot back to me, i was content to observe other peoples issues through this post, but since you desire to call me in, i will repeat the specific issues.

    “i don’t understand this plugin well at all. Why would this plug-in do anything other than go to the post in the appropriate category from the sidebar widget link… To say “just put {event_id; id=x} in the event is also counter-intuitive as that is most likely what the plugin should do in the first place…” i have no interest in looking into what you meant to say, or for me to do here, you just lost me.

    in other words: what i wish to happen is: when clicking on the event in the sidebar link it should go directly to the page for the event referenced in the sidebar link *by default*, and not go to a general list of all events. Technically, i believe this should happen with me doing nothing to anything. Nevertheless, how is the above done efficiently?

    NOTE: i am not looking for, nor do i have any interest in a graphical calendar, i am looking to display a title/notification of events on the side of my wordpress, that when the link is clicked it shows a page with event details, that is all. Not too hard really, not badly explained the first time.

    Also the events do not show up in the wordpress or theme small sidebar calendar properly (at all).

    Also, there is an additional administrative page that seems superfluous, (extra, redundant). If events category is reserved for events then an event *is an event*. Where does the requirement (extra admin page) for confirmation on my part come in? It does seem redundant to re-qualify an event as an event through a secondary page since i already categorized it as, that’s right: an Event. Therefore: an event is *already an event already*, why the extra steps?

    I cannot guess why this plugin does more than the above mentioned first without addressing the above first.

    Just because someone programs a plugin does not make them beyond the intuition of their users. In fact, if that is the case, something may be reconsidered about how the plugin approaches the administrative UX. i was far too annoyed with this plugin and its documentation to continue its use, so i guess you told me just fine what is expected of me, and i concede.

    I will just make pages, with event details, and link them from a sidebar widget to achieve better intended results with fewer steps and no documentation or coding/recoding of anything. Thank you for complete understanding, and full consideration.. Surely it is resolved with the attention it has recently and increasingly receiving.


    Thread Starter Antaeros


    i do not mind work,i work within wordpress all the time, it is the lack of clarity in the instructions i don’t have time for. a plugin is supposed to simplify my tasks this cannot happen if i need to guess what you mean,experiment, test, fail, retest, until finally eureka that is what he meant. in fact, a plugin is supposed to provide me with an interface to avoid meddling with your code and that within wordpress.

    i won’t argue the semantics here, i just don’t have time to guess what you mean, and why expected results (as per description of plugin) are not occurring correctly, adequately or with any ease of properly designed user interface. as a plugin is for the end user. there is no place to enter event code in the user interface portion. there is no need for second event handler (link) if plugin works in post as advertised. etc. that was the soul reason for selecting this plugin and it does not do that properly regardless of its internal complexity.

    Thread Starter Antaeros


    Ok nevermind, i guess there is no good way, or there would have been some sign of a reply of support by now. Pulling Plug-in… Out! Rating accordingly…


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