Thank you for spending time on this.
No sorry you missunderstood my problem.
The users are clicking the reCAPTCHA BEFORE pressing submit but in certain cases they are not completeing all required fields on the form.
Therefore even with a ticked and passed reCAPTCHA box the form fails validation. Therefore they have to complete those fields and press sumbit again.
However in these case when the form returns these validation errors, requiring you to complete various fields the reCAPTCHA box is still shown as ticked so even when you complete the required fields (with reCAPTCHA ticked) the form returns with validation errors?
If you complete all fields and complete the reCAPTCHA correctly in the frist place all is fine and the form sends.
I have moved the reCAPTCHA box before the submit button as a process of elimination but no change.
Once again many thanks for your help thus far.