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  • Thread Starter antonio1253



    Thread Starter antonio1253


    I already restarted the plugin, disabled the space check but it still does it as I see. What do you recommend? I also checked with the same plugin the space available to run the backup and it says yes we have space.

    Debug Code: BMI-yV9d7UEP-09790

    Thread Starter antonio1253


    I have the impression that my plugin is having problems since I even enabled the delete settings box, I deleted the plugin and reinstalled it but the settings are not deleted. I add screenshot

    Thread Starter antonio1253



    Thread Starter antonio1253


    [STEP] [2024-08-20 13:49:51] Iniciando proceso de restauración
    [WARN] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] PHP CLI está desactivado manualmente, el plugin omitirá todos los pasos de PHP CLI.
    [SUCCESS] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Respuesta del proceso de restauración
    [SUCCESS] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Bloqueando proceso de migración
    [STEP] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Iniciando proceso de restauración
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Versión de Backup & Migration: 1.4.6
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Inicializando el gestor de errores personalizado
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Sitio que será restaurado: site_url
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Versión de PHP:8.2.15
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] WP Version: 6.6.1
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] MySQL Version: 10.11.8
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] MySQL Max Length: 1073741824
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Servidor web:LiteSpeed
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Tiempo máximo de ejecución (en segundos):300
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Memory limit (server): 512M
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Memory limit (wp-config): 40M
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Memory limit (wp-config admin): 512M
    [SUCCESS] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Proceso de restauración iniciado correctamente.
    [STEP] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Comprobando espacio libre…
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Comprobando si existe espacio libre suficiente
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Necesita al menos 1764031164bytes. [1.64 GB]
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] La función de espacio libre en el disco está desactivada por el hosting.
    [INFO] [2024-08-20 13:49:52] Usando un archivo ficticio para comprobar el espacio libre (puede tardar un tiempo).
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] Front End Ajax Error START
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] call = restore-backup
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 0_x = response is not defined
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 1_x = restore-backup
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_file = some_backup
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_remote = false
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_secret =
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_ignoreRunning = false
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_tmpname = false
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_action = backup_migration
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_token = bmi
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_nonce = e223efca7a
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] 2_f = restore-backup
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] Front End Ajax Error END
    [ERROR] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] Browser-side error detected, the process will try to restart with alternative methods, otherwise it will throw error window.
    [VERBOSE] [2024-08-20 13:51:52] Browser-side error detected, the process will try to restart with alternative methods, otherwise it will throw error window.

    The changes have already been made, the server has enough space but I still get the error window.

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