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  • Mischa


    <span style=”line-style: none;”>
    –> did you mean
    <span style=”list-style: none;”>
    i guess so;-)

    Yeah I am afraid I couldnt get it to work on a Mac.
    On the demo page referred to by fullo, the thigns showed up but there was no editable textarea field you could actually write in. just beep.
    on my own works, sofar the pages just remained the same while Explorer 5.2.3 crashes if I try to resize. But I need to admit I am running prereleas OS currently =)

    Hmm — somewhere the sort order is determined and set to Descending, so you could go there (b2template.functions.php ?) and set it the way it defaults to an Ascending order.
    It depends – if you want most if not all displayed in Ascending order, then it’s propably a good idea to “hardcode” it inside the WP files, but if its just for some occasions you’de be better off leaving the system alone and set the links you want.
    (If I understand you correctly… *g*)

    Thread Starter Mischa


    Thanks much, MikeLittle!
    After reading it, I had to smile upon myself not having the idea of “-3” ??
    I really enjoy using WordPress and maybe some time I will even understand what it does inside *ggg*

    Normal Link might look like this:
    Now you just put this:
    to have the oldest records show up on top.
    I don’t know wether its a good idea but you could also hardcode this in the CMS, but I wouldn’t propably.

    Actually, HTML Strict 4.0 and XHTML 1.0 Strict no longer support the “target” attribute.
    the new one is rel=”external”. But thats not working.
    Things is – as far as I understand – that XHTML is thought of being just related to the browser window, and when you actually want to open a new window, thats beyond XHTML if you want, and you would invoke JavaScript for this task.
    So the missing of the “target” attribute in the WP code is quite modern but you might still prefer to add it in – the Transitional Standards still have it it, but its on the “pase out”…
    On this page you can read more about it and use the .js they provide at the end:

    sorry didnt see yours, Guido ??

    The respective code snippet is inside b2template.functions.php, starting at line 975
    Interesting is line 996:
    echo ‘” rel=”external”>’ . $author . ‘‘;
    change it to
    echo ‘” target=”_blank” rel=”external”>’ . $author . ‘‘;
    and it should work if I didn’t mess it up ??

    Thread Starter Mischa


    —> Could it be that the_content doesn’t look for the Category?
    I have found a nice piece of category code within blog.header.php which basically looks if the variable “cat” has dashes in and if so, it puts the stuff into an array.
    I have put this on top (Cat.3 is my blog which shall be excluded on frontpage)
    <?php /* Don’t remove this line, it calls the b2 function files ! */
    $cat=”1 2 4 5 6″;
    When I display $whichcat, I get:
    AND (post_category = 1 OR post_category = 2 OR post_category = 4 OR post_category = 5 OR post_category = 6)
    yet the posts with cat=3 still appear on the site…

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