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  • It will do if you add this code in theme’s style.css file. That’s a recommendation to create new separate css file for mobile version.

    Which theme is being used / activated currently ?
    The link you have provided is not working.

    It seems the option to disable related videos for embedded YouTube videos in WordPress sites has been removed by Google last month.

    Please refer the link below for more details.


    Hope this helps.

    You can install an addon named Lightshot

    This will help you to take screenshot and you can share the link here.

    If I go into settings and click on “post name” will this change all my previous permalinks or just new ones which I create?
    >> Change in permalink will reflect on complete website, so yes all your previous permalinks will be changed.

    Will I need to go into each post and type in some code to set the redirection up?
    >> No, once you change the permalink, url’s will get updated the way you select in backend and you don’t need to add any external code for redirection.

    Hope this helps.

    You can enable gzip compression, minify the js and css files. You can check your site on GTmetrix

    This will provide steps and will show where site needs improvement in case of speed.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: product overview

    If you need to redirect to external URL on clicking of either image or description, you can have below approach.

    1. Create a Custom Post Type where you will add title, featured image and description.
    2. If you don’t want to open that post / product on single page, add below parameters while creating custom post type.

    'has_archive'        => false, // Set false to hide Archive page
    'publicly_queryable' => false, // Set false to hide Single Page

    3. Add one custom field for that newly created custom post type, where that field will display whenever you are going to add new product which will use to redirect user to external url.
    4. In this field, place the external link where you want to redirect on click of image / description.
    5. Display the list of products using wp_query.
    6. Inside while loop, get product featured image and description and the value of custom field (which will be external link).
    7. If you want to get title, usually inside while loop, we get title as the_title(). but in your case, you need to get that using get_the_title( $post->ID ); . Make sure you define global $post so as to get post / product id.
    8. Place featured image and description in anchor tag and in that href, place the external link with target=’_blank’.

    This will allow you to fetch featured image, description and custom field which is required and no extra plugin required to achieve this.

    Hope this helps.

    Are you talking about Main Menu (header part) or the menu having NON ALCOHOLIC, SPARKLING WINE ?

    In case 2, can you please show the code how you tried to display the listing ?

    Can you please try once by changing ‘rest_base’ => ‘work-api’, to something else say ‘rest_base’ => ‘types’,

    You can check once here

    Hope this helps.

    Can you please share the screenshot how it look’s like ?
    Also please check in console, by right click and Inspect Element so as to identify if any errors are displaying.

    (Please refresh once you do Inspect Element)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Editing my site

    It seems you have created custom theme and is activated. There are 2 possible places from where you can change the content.

    1. If content is static, a custom template is assigned probably named ‘contact-us.php’ or some similar one. Edit that page / template and search for div whose class is ‘contacts’.

    There you will find the email address if static code is added.

    2. Another option, go to dashboard, edit contact us page. If any custom fields are added to page, you can find it there or directly in content part.

    These are 2 possible places as I am not aware how it has been build in backend. Hope this helps.

    On homepage, scroll is smooth and the path / url becomes

    but if you access any other page and try to click on ‘ORDER YOUR BOX’, url remains and this let you to redirect to homepage and on previousboxes section due to which smooth scroll is not applied as it has been redirected to homepage.

    If you wish to have smooth scroll on every page, you have to have replica of code / div having id as ‘previousboxes’ on every page (which is on homepage).

    say eg. you are on contact page, so your url should become

    and your contact page should have previousboxes code where you want to scroll and redirect it.

    Hope this helps.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by anurag.deshmukh. Reason: mentioned 1 new line

    For your caption box changing the opacity, below code is added in your child theme’s style.css file

    .galleryid-11164 figcaption {
    	opacity: .9;

    change .9 to 1 and it seems from theme backend, this opacity is getting applied.

    For blue bar in the Título: A Fonte da Juventude :

    Inside a div whose class name is ‘mbm-book-additional-info’, one blank h1 tag is getting added which doesn’t have any value. Remove that blank h1 tag and blue bar (background color) will get removed.

    If client has provided specific design and you have complete HTML with you (converted from PSD), then you can go with custom templates and ACF plugin.

    The demo link you have shown in example, is a custom theme which might be mostly build on any page builder. If client is happy with any ready made theme’s design / layout and there are least chances of changing the code or structure, where you just need to change content, change the position of elements, then you can go with ready made themes.

    If you have custom design, then it’s bit tedious or say time taking to merge your html in ready made theme or template. If you don’t want page builder option and you have specific design with you, yes you can go with the approach of creating custom templates with ACF plugin.

    Hope this helps.

    Seems a custom template is assigned ( right hand side bottom Page Attributes >> Template ) to Movie Grid page and your page is displaying from that template as from backend it’s blank.

    So if you wish to create replica of this page, you need to assign this template to your newly created page. But you might need same structure but different data / listing on your new page.

    For that, you need to create new custom template, change the code in that, may be if wp_query is used, you may need to just change the parameters depending upon what data you need to display. Assign that custom template to newly created page. If you are using any paid or contributed theme, make sure you edit / create your new code in your child theme.

    1. when i add any other element like simple messagebox or anything else it doesn’t work
    >> Check your custom template (whichever assigned) once. If that file contains the_content() function written inside while loop, then whatever you add from backend, it should display on frontend.

    If not, this means your content is not being called in your custom template. You can add the_content() inside while loop where you want to show the content that has been added from backend.

    Check for loop

    Hope this helps.

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