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I’m sending you two pictures.
One in the questionnaire before entering and another where you can see that you can not add existing questions, as if you did not recognize the imported questions.
As you can see the “Add Existing Question” area not exist.https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HWHfuaL.jpg
https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/HWHfWS0.jpgGracias por tu ayuda, espero que se solucione pronto
I understand your tutorial to create questionnaires and questions but that’s not my problem.
My problem is that when I open a questionnaire I CANNOT ASIGN ANTIQUE QUESTIONS BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST OR DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THEM, dont exist the button “Add Existing Question”.
Where are muy questions?
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by apruebaoposicionespolicia.
Can you help me?
Good morning, my problem is not the new way to introduce questions, it is that THERE ARE NOT the 2000 questions I had before.
Where are they? The questionnaires works but the questions I already had are not there and I can’t assign them.
I have followed all your tutorial and does not recognize that I have any questions.
Do you need a screenshot?The problem now is that when I update the questionnaires are there but the questions have disappeared, there is not even one and I had more than 2000!
What solution can you give me?
I have more than 100 students and the questions have been erased!could you give me an answer, please?
Of course I imported it from another wordpress installation.
I have followed your instructions, I export the json file, and when I install it in another wordpress I get all except the questionnaires and questions.
I send you json filehttps://www.dropbox.com/s/lka39ovncdce06q/CURSO-DE-MOSSOS-D8217-ESQUADRA-2019_20190107.json?dl=0
It is imported from another wordpress course, from one web page to another.
There are more than 1000 questions and 30 or 40 questionnaires.
is published in:https://www.apruebaoposicionespolicia.com/course/curso-guardia-urbana-2018/
How can I send you the json file to help me?
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- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
Ican′t add my quizzes or questionaries. Only create news…where is myy questionaries and quizzes???
i can′t see questions and questionaries in the course builder what is the problem?
Or can i turn back actualization?
I need to work with the previous version because that’s impossible
Can I send you a photo so you can see what happens?