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  • Thread Starter aramsey


    < <?php
    < class OlussierFSP_LikeBox extends WP_Widget {
    <   function OlussierFSP_LikeBox() {
    <     parent::WP_Widget(false, "FB Like Box", array('description' => "Enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website."));
    <   }
    <   function widget($args, $instance) {
    <     extract($args);
    <     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
    <     echo $before_widget;
    <     if ($title) { echo $before_title.$title.$after_title; }
    <     $pageId = $instance['pageid'];
    <     $width = (intval($instance['width']) > 0 ? intval($instance['width']) : 300);
    <     $height = (intval($instance['height']) > 0 ? intval($instance['height']) : 0);
    <     $connections = intval($instance['connections']);
    <     $showHeader = ($instance['showheader'] == "true" ? "true" : "false");
    <     $showStream = ($instance['showstream'] == "true" ? "true" : "false");
    <     $options = get_option('olussier-facebook-social-plugins');
    <     if (!empty($options['application_id'])) {
    <       echo "<fb:like-box profile_id=\"";
    <       echo $pageId;
    <       echo "\" width=\"";
    <       echo $width;
    <       if ($height) {
    <             echo "\" height=\"";
    <             echo $height;
    <       }
    <       echo "\" connections=\"";
    <       echo $connections;
    <       echo "\" stream=\"";
    <       echo $showStream;
    <       echo "\" header=\"";
    <       echo $showHeader;
    <       echo "\"></fb:like-box>\r\n";
    <     } else {
    <       echo "<iframe src=\"";
    <       echo $pageId;
    <       echo "&width=";
    <       echo $width;
    <       if ($height) {
    <         echo "&height=";
    <         echo $height;
    <       }
    <       echo "&connections=";
    <       echo $connections;
    <       echo "&stream=";
    <       echo $showStream;
    <       echo "&header=";
    <       echo $showHeader;
    <       echo "&locale=";
    <       echo OlussierFacebookSocialPlugins::GetLanguage();
    <       echo "\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" allowTransparency=\"true\" style=\"border:none; overflow:hidden; width:";
    <       echo $width;
    <       if ($height) {
    <             echo "px; height:";
    <             echo $height;
    <       }
    <       echo "px\"></iframe>\r\n";
    <     }
    <     echo $after_widget;
    <   }
    <   function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
    <     return $new_instance;
    <   }
    <   function form($instance) {
    <   if (array_key_exists('title',$instance)) {
    <       $title = esc_attr($instance['title']);
    <     } else {
    <       $title = "Find us on Facebook";
    <     }
    <     if (!array_key_exists('connections',$instance)) {
    <       $instance['connections'] = 10;
    <     }
    <     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('title')."\">"._e('Title:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('title')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('title')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($title)."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    <     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('pageid')."\">"._e('Facebook Page ID:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('pageid')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('pageid')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($instance['pageid'])."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    <     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('width')."\">"._e('Width:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('width')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('width')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($instance['width'])."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    <     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('height')."\">"._e('Height:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('height')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('height')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($instance['height'])."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    <     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('connections')."\">"._e('Connections:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('connections')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('connections')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($instance['connections'])."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    <     echo "<p><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('showheader')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('showheader')."\" value=\"true\"".($instance['showheader'] == "true" ? " checked" : "")." /> <label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('showheader')."\">Show header</label></p>\r\n";
    <     echo "<p><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('showstream')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('showstream')."\" value=\"true\"".($instance['showstream'] == "true" ? " checked" : "")." /> <label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('showstream')."\">Show stream</label></p>\r\n";
    <   }
    < }
    < ?>
    > <?php
    > class OlussierFSP_LikeBox extends WP_Widget {
    >   function OlussierFSP_LikeBox() {
    >     parent::WP_Widget(false, "FB Like Box", array('description' => "Enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website."));
    >   }
    >   function widget($args, $instance) {
    >     extract($args);
    >     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
    >     echo $before_widget;
    >     if ($title) { echo $before_title.$title.$after_title; }
    >     $pageId = $instance['pageid'];
    >     $width = (intval($instance['width']) > 0 ? intval($instance['width']) : 300);
    >     $height = (intval($instance['height']) > 0 ? intval($instance['height']) : 0);
    >     $connections = intval($instance['connections']);
    >     $showHeader = ($instance['showheader'] == "true" ? "true" : "false");
    >     $showStream = ($instance['showstream'] == "true" ? "true" : "false");
    >     $colorScheme = $instance['colorscheme'];
    >     $options = get_option('olussier-facebook-social-plugins');
    >     if (!empty($options['application_id'])) {
    >       echo "<fb:like-box profile_id=\"";
    >       echo $pageId;
    >       echo "\" width=\"";
    >       echo $width;
    >       if ($height) {
    >             echo "\" height=\"";
    >             echo $height;
    >       }
    >       echo "\" connections=\"";
    >       echo $connections;
    >       echo "\" stream=\"";
    >       echo $showStream;
    >       echo "\" header=\"";
    >       echo $showHeader;
    >       echo "\"></fb:like-box>\r\n";
    >     } else {
    >       echo "<iframe src=\"";
    >       echo $pageId;
    >       echo "&width=";
    >       echo $width;
    >       if ($height) {
    >         echo "&height=";
    >         echo $height;
    >       }
    >       echo "&colorscheme=";
    >       echo $colorScheme;
    >       echo "&connections=";
    >       echo $connections;
    >       echo "&stream=";
    >       echo $showStream;
    >       echo "&header=";
    >       echo $showHeader;
    >       echo "&locale=";
    >       echo OlussierFacebookSocialPlugins::GetLanguage();
    >       echo "\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" allowTransparency=\"true\" style=\"border:none; overflow:hidden; width:";
    >       echo $width;
    >       if ($height) {
    >             echo "px; height:";
    >             echo $height;
    >       }
    >       echo "px\"></iframe>\r\n";
    >     }
    >     echo $after_widget;
    >   }
    >   function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
    >     return $new_instance;
    >   }
    >   function form($instance) {
    >   if (array_key_exists('title',$instance)) {
    >       $title = esc_attr($instance['title']);
    >     } else {
    >       $title = "Find us on Facebook";
    >     }
    >     if (!array_key_exists('connections',$instance)) {
    >       $instance['connections'] = 10;
    >     }
    >     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('title')."\">"._e('Title:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('title')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('title')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($title)."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    >     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('pageid')."\">"._e('Facebook Page ID:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('pageid')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('pageid')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($instance['pageid'])."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    >     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('width')."\">"._e('Width:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('width')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('width')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($instance['width'])."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    >     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('height')."\">"._e('Height:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('height')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('height')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($instance['height'])."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    >     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('connections')."\">"._e('Connections:')." <input class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('connections')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('connections')."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".wp_specialchars($instance['connections'])."\" /></label></p>\r\n";
    >     echo "<p><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('showheader')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('showheader')."\" value=\"true\"".($instance['showheader'] == "true" ? " checked" : "")." /> <label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('showheader')."\">Show header</label></p>\r\n";
    >     echo "<p><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('showstream')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('showstream')."\" value=\"true\"".($instance['showstream'] == "true" ? " checked" : "")." /> <label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('showstream')."\">Show stream</label></p>\r\n";
    >     echo "<p><label for=\"".$this->get_field_id('colorscheme')."\">"._e('Color scheme:')." <select class=\"widefat\" id=\"".$this->get_field_id('colorscheme')."\" name=\"".$this->get_field_name('colorscheme')."\"><option value=\"light\"".($instance['colorscheme'] == "light" ? " selected" : "").">Light</option><option value=\"dark\"".($instance['colorscheme'] == "dark" ? " selected" : "").">Dark</option></select></label></p>\r\n";
    >   }
    > }
    > ?>

    Disregard my issue was resolved with the newest version of piwik by using Ip vs FQDN. Not sure why that worked since they resolve the same, but I’ve got a convoluted setup with a reverse proxy.

    I had this same issue. It worked fine on older version of Piwik.

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