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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Use Any Font | Custom Font Uploader] critical error when updating pluginthank you. there seemed to be a corruption on the WordPress core files. Once the host regenerated the Wp-Config and reinstalled the WP core files, everything seemed to be fine again.
Thanks for your help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Use Any Font | Custom Font Uploader] critical error when updating pluginWhat is the minimum file permission level on the uploads folder that is needed for this to work?
Also, i deactivated the plugin, updated it, and now try to activate it again and it gives this error…
Warning: fopen(/nas/content/live/**********/wp-content/uploads/useanyfont//uaf.css): Failed to open stream: Permission denied in?/nas/content/live/***********stg/wp-content/plugins/use-any-font/includes/functions/uaf_font_functions.php?on line?191
Can’t open fileI have reset all permission to default on the site, so not sure why its getting a permission error? Other plugins are able to install, read /write etc…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Use Any Font | Custom Font Uploader] critical error when updating pluginUnfortunately, that didn’t work.
I have tried resetting all permissions on the folders for the entire uploads directory to 775 and also 777 and the problem still persists.
I also get this error when I just try and change the “Use Absolute Font Path” setting from relative to absolute or back. This however, doesn’t kill the whole site. It just errors and I can go back and reverse the change and save
- This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Arathol.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Rediection import errorForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] iFrame from menu item with specific widthHaha, thanks. Yep, i did notice that already. (about the jquery)
Still optimising the site.
Due to time constraints it had to go live like this.If i turn that autoscale option off, then all the images will not open correctly though, so i cant do that.
Ill have to come up with another option for now that doesn’t use fancybox.
or figure out how to do this with javascript.Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] iFrame from menu item with specific widthThanks for the reply RavanH.
I’ve set it to 1000 but it doesn’t seem to make any difference on an iPad (iPad 2 fyi).
Also, i suppose this targets ALL iFrames on the site.Is it possible to use a javascript snippet to target just this iFrame and set the width to minimum 1000px wide?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Before Download] Message body text missing from emailI have this same problem and have also opened a request. no answer though.
Did you have any luck?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Before Download] Inline Download Link formattingI cant see the links on your site anymore when submitting the form.
In any case, its a simple matter of adding some CSS.
if you are using a framework like Bootstrap, its a little more difficult but still possible.i’m using twitter boostrap and so i needed to override the defualt icon css that the plugin adds but this should work for you
First set up a couple of options in the email before download plugin settings in the wordpress backend (its in settings):
6. Inline Link Custom CSS: ebd ( <– you can make this whatever you want – just remember to use it in your css)
Then this is optional, but it helps
7. HTML Before Inline Link: <h1>Please download your files using the links below</h1>then you can target the links in your css using this:
/* Email before download plugin*/ .ebd {display: block !important;} .ebd a { display:block; width: auto; height: auto; } .ebd a {font-weight: bold;}
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comprehensive Google Map Plugin] Map turns gray after loadingI have this same problem. More info though:
I have latest version of all my plugins and wordpress. I am embedding the map within another shortcode (wp-ui; tabs) and i am using it on a website which has a full screen background slideshow.
Reason i say this, is because when i re-size the window, it redraws the Map and then there are no issues with the grey.
Is it perhaps something to do with the js of the background images slideshow or perhaps the browser has a problem re-drawing all the elements on the page. Dunno.
I will do more testing and send my findings.
Anybody else have an answer on this one yet?
[edit] Just read the jquery part on the post above. Will try that out and see.
Also, just noticed that the map doesn’t center itself on the marker until I click on the map. then it jumps to the correct positionTo everyone in this post. You are looking for a plugin called wp-supersized. you can find it here:
You can use it as a full screen slideshow using nextgen gallery or post images or anything. You can also make it responsive and reduce it to a small slider as I have done.
I am still working on my site at the moment and am trying to get it perfect on mobile but you can check it out here: – and yes, i know the site is slow. I have not optimized anything, including the images.
If you minimize the browser window down, you can see how it changes to a normal slideshow. this is all using nextgen gallery.
I had to modify the one php file though to wrap all the images and the nav arorws / icons so i could position them responsively within a container, but you can find what I did here:
I dont have my css perfect yet, but if you want to try it out this is what ive done (as long as you follow the same class and id names i made in the previous post then it should work for you):
/*===== Slideshow =====*/ /* navigation icons */ a#prevslide, a#nextslide { bottom: 1px; top: auto; width: 25px; height: 25px; background-position: -9px 34px; background-color: #ffffff; opacity: 1 !important; position: fixed;} a#prevslide {left: 0px;} a#nextslide {right: 0px;} #controls-wrapper, #thumb-tray {display: none !important;} #progress-back {bottom: 30px;} /*===== Queries =====*/ @media screen and (max-width:600px) { /*===== Slideshow =====*/ .supersizedWrapped {position: relative;} ul#supersized, ul#supersized li, ul#supersized a, ul#supersized img {} ul#supersized {position: relative;height: 400px;} ul#supersized li {position: absolute;} ul#supersized a {} ul#supersized img {} /* slideshow navigation icons */ #navWrap2 {} #arrowNavWrap {} a#prevslide, a#nextslide, a#prevslide:active, a#nextslide:active { top: 0px; bottom: 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 100%; background: url(img/arrows-nav.png) no-repeat center center scroll #666666; width: 22px; margin: 0; position: absolute; } a#nextslide, a#nextslide:active { right: 0; background-position: -18px center; } a#prevslide, a#prevslide:active { left: 0; background-position: 0px center; } /*prevslide:active, #nextslide:active { margin-top:-19px; }*/ .supersizedWrapped #progress-back { position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 90%; margin: 0 5%; } .supersizedWrapped #progress-bar { position: absolute; } }
I am still looking at implementing this into the site to speed up the images for mobile: adaptive images and there is a wordpress plugin that someone made but their site is dead and i think its out of production. o if anyone could help with that, it would be greatly appreciated.
Hope this helps you all!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TW Recent Posts Widget] Display date for entriesThanks. Works perfectly!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Supersized] changing place of the navigation buttonsThis did bring me a little bit closer though and now I have come up with a solution, so thatnks for that. What I have done is as follows (I know it may not be the best or most elegant solution but it does the trick for me so far.)
In WPSupersized.php (i have the latest version of the plugin and these are the line numbers that correspond to mine – all line numbers are the original line numbers (before adding anything))new line after line 387
<div id="navWrap1"> <!-- add a wrapping div around all nav items -->
replace line 389 ( <div id=”prevthumb”></div> <div id=”nextthumb”></div> )
<div class="thumbWrap1"> <!-- wrap the thumbs nav --> <div id="prevthumb"></div> <div id="nextthumb"></div> </div>
replace line 420 (</div> <?php // closing the controls-wrapper and controls)
</div> </div> <?php // closing the controls-wrapper and controls and NavWrap1
replace line 423 (else { )
else { ?> <div id="navWrap2"> <?php //close php, add a wrapping div around all nav items and reopen php again
replace line 428 – 430
<!--Thumbnail Navigation--> <div class="thumbWrap2"> <!-- wrap the thumbs nav --> <div id="prevthumb"></div> <div id="nextthumb"></div> </div>
replace line 436 – 438
<!-- Arrow Navigation --> <div class="arrowNavWrap"> <!-- wrap the arrow nav --> <a id="prevslide" class="load-item"></a> <a id="nextslide" class="load-item"></a> </div>
replace line 511 ( } )
}?> </div> <?php //close php, close navWrap2 and reopen php again
then add this script snippet to the script in the top of the document:
new line after line 369var wrapper = $('<div></div>').addClass('supersizedWrapped'); var parent = $('#navWrap2').parent(); wrapper.append($('#navWrap2, #supersized')).appendTo(parent);
Now the wrapping div (navWrap2) can be set to position: absolute and set .supersizedWrapped to position: relative and you can then change the size of the slideshow and have all the nav stay relative to the .supersizedWrapped container.
Just be aware that the options i set in supersized only picks up the navWrap2 div so thats whati add in the script to wrap with the default #supersized (slides) div.
Hope this helps someone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Supersized] changing place of the navigation buttonsHi Jenstho.
Thanks for that, unfortunately it doesn’t answer my question. I know what css to edit and where to edit it, the problem is that the actual html code is not ideal.
The images are stored in a container and the navigation is stored outside of that container.
<a class="slideshow-previous">prev</a> <a class="slideshow-next">next</a> <div class="slideshow"> <ul> <li><img>picture 1</img></li> <li><img>picture 2</img></li> </ul> </div>
Now because of that, I can never position the navigation items relative to the images.
I need to know where to edit the actual mark-up of the code so I can move the navigation elements inside the container of the slideshow.
Example (this is what I would like ideally)
<div class="slideshow-container"> <ul class="slideshow-images"> <li><img>picture 1</img></li> <li><img>picture 2</img></li> </ul> <ul class="slideshow-navigation"> <li class="slideshow-previous"><a>prev</a></li> <li class="slideshow-next"><a>next</a></li> </ul> </div>
I have found the file to edit it seems: WPSupersized.php (wp-content/plugins/wp-supersized/includes) and it start from line 412. But i dont know how to move that all, or at least put a wrapping div around all of it including the image slider below it?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Customizing WordPress Submenu?The reason being is that I am building a mobile friendly site. I want the menus to stack on top of each other. if i use absolute positioning they are fixed to a certain height from the top.
Take the site I posted as example. make your browser screen narrow and you will see that the menu option for the 1st level menu drop down behind the second level.
if they weren’t positioned absolutely then it would just push the 2nd and 3rd level menu down perfectly.— Side Note —
I will eventually make a more mobile friendly menu but for now this is the only option for me.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Customizing WordPress Submenu?I am looking for the same end result with the sub menu’s being separated.
Galanx: I think I know what you are saying and i have achieved what you want using the menus the way they are. I position each sub menu using position:absolute and left align it and display and hide when needed.
Look here for some examples
The problem i have is that I am making a mobile friendly site and because the elements are positioned absolutely, they do not drop below each other when the screen is made narrow.
So for example. at the moment i have this
<ul class="menu"> <li>link 1 <ul class="submenu-1"> <li>submenu-1 link 1</li> <li>submenu-1 link 2</li> </ul> </li> <li>link 2</li> <li>link 3 <ul class="submenu-2"> <li>submenu-2 link 1</li> <li>submenu-2 link 2</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
but what I really want is
<ul class="menu"> <li>link 1</li> <li>link 2</li> <li>link 3</li> </ul> <ul class="submenu-1"> <li>submenu-1 link 1</li> <li>submenu-1 link 2</li> </ul> <ul class="submenu-2"> <li>submenu-2 link 1</li> <li>submenu-2 link 2</li> </li>
this way I don’t have to use position: absolute and I can just hide and display when I want and they will just stack below each other the correct way.
Everybody is talking about setting up a custom “walker” or something like that but I haven’t figured it out yet. perhaps someone could help us out here