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  • openly…
    There is this plugin you might want to have a look at…

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter arborbarber


    Just an update, my page file was missing a closing tag (#)after the shout box function, It was user error. Site now validates, Thank You!

    Thread Starter arborbarber


    Thanks for your help and time. I marked the post as resolved. My site doesn’t validate anymore…I’ll try to figure out why, but it looks like there are a couple of list tags out of place. Thanks again for helping us get shout box up and running.

    Thread Starter arborbarber


    2notch…thanks for helping out a noob! Now I know a little tiny bit more, Thanks!!! Now, I’d like to follow your hack so I can password protect a page in order to hide it from unregistered guests. You’re ok in my book 2notch, thanks for the great help already!

    2notch, here is where I think I need to put your hack…
    #\<div class=”entry”>

    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php link_pages(‘<p>Pages: ‘, ‘</p>’, ‘number’); ?>
    <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit this entry.’, ‘<p>’, ‘</p>’); ?>

    <?php trackback_rdf(); ?>

    Am I even in the ball park? Insert your hack with my page id for shoutbox after \#the_content();?> <?php?

    Thread Starter arborbarber


    Thanks for your help, I’m not sure how to post code here…I’ll just add a a snippet of my side bar file, I’m not sure where/how to go about inserting the code. I was reading that I can’t place the code between ul/ tags, is that correct…if you got time maybe you could show me where to insert it in my side bar.

    #\<!– Start Sidebar –>

    <div class=”sidebar”>

      <?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(2) ) : else : ?>
    • <h2><?php _e(‘Calendar’); ?></h2>
    • <?php get_calendar(); ?>

    <?php get_links_list(); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    • <h2><?php _e(‘Meta’); ?></h2>
      <?php wp_register(); ?>\
      There is more to the sidebar file but I didn’t think you wanted/need to see that.
      I hope I didn’t anger anyone for posting that bit of code…If there is a certain way code should be posted in the forums please let me know.
      I’m just a little confused by what I read in the txt file for the plugin.

    I hope I did post that correctly, I don’t see the ul/ tags that are in the sidebar code?

    Thread Starter arborbarber


    Sorry to be such a noob…downloaded shout box and activated it. It’s not in either of my side bars…it is though under manage on dashboard, but I can’t figure out how to get it in my side bar? Which file do I add your code to, theme? Is there another plugin that I need to have installed to allow shout box to work? Do I need a sidebar plugin also?
    I have WP 2.1.2 and digg 3 column 1.0.1 with only one other plugin installed (popup gallery). Thanks for the link to shout box…now if only I can get it to work.



    I’m glad to hear Gallery 2 is cake, I hope I can find you when I get ready to do the install! I have WP 2.1 and I’m real reluctant at the moment to experiment with pluggins and widgets because of compatiblilty issues…I had a little problem with “simple forum”, at least when I went to uninstall the plugin. It left a tag in my page header. Maybe you could give a link to your blog so when Jan and I go to do the install we could get your assistance?
    edit…I just noticed your nick is a link, cool beans! You might just see Jan and Arborbarber posting on your site! :}



    Yes, you would be starting from scratch. Except it sounds like your really right there, I mean I think it’s an address issue. If your “blog” is in your wordpress directory and you didn’t change anything you should be able to see your site. Is WP installed in your htdocs directory? “C://program files/server/htdocs/wordpress”? It doesn’t have to be in program files, it could be at root. The important thing is for WP to be in htdocs. You can change the blog location later if you want, what you want to do now though is just confirm that you can see it from both sides, lan/wan. I had the same issue as you describe and it was the address being wrong under options. If you do the xampp install plan on about 1/2 a day. If you’re somewhat familar with the software maybe an hour…I’m a noob with WP but correcting the address under options corrected my issue, and it was the very same problem you describe. Try putting the address in again, “;
    and make sure to hit update (I know you probably have done this 10 times now.)
    BTW, I’ll also be trying to do the gallery2 plugin…



    Please give me 1 minute…yes you are correct though. 3 year old…back in a few



    I thought you may have been having an issue with a dynamic ip address… however that’s not the case at all.
    I was having the same issue you were and changing the wordpress address under the option menu solved my issue all the way around…from internet side and lan side, that’s why I thought it was a ip address issue and that by getting a static ip it would solve your problem. The other suggestion about xampp makes it pretty easy to setup wordpress. If you put… /wordpress in your address you should be able to view the site from either side (net/lan). Is your site in a different directory other then wordpress? If your seeing a broken page(text left justified) I think the issue is going to be with the options setting (address).



    You need to register with a domain name server. Here’s what you can do. Setup your home server with a static ip address. Go to some place like DYNDNS.COM and register for a static ip (free). Pick a name, “” and set “” to point to your static ip (which is your webserver at home.) You’ll have to download their(dyndns) update client (also free). If you’re using a router set up port forwarding for the ports you need to forward to the static ip.If you have a problem with setting this up on your router check out You’ll have no problem after that, you’ll be able to log on using localhost or your new static ip address( You can also take a look at xammp. They have a package deal(free) that installs on a windows system, includes apache,mysql,myphp,filezilla,mercurymail transport system… It will set up apache,mysql and myphp on your windows system without all the manual fuss. If you go the static ip route make sure you change the http address for wordpress to the address you choose at dyndns ( If you try the xampp install remember that the default install will be installed to program files. So to get your website it would look like this “;
    to log on (admin) it would look like this…”;.
    The way xampp installs is as follows, “c://program files/xampp/”. The path with wordpress installed would look like this “c://program files/xampp/htdocs/wordpress”

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