Paste this code in wp_fid.php from line 160 to 171. Echoing the shortcode result can cause some issues, is better to concatenate the result in a variable an then return it.
$ret_value = '<table id="wpfid-table" width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center">
<form id="wpfid-form" method="post" action="'.plugins_url("fd.php",__FILE__).'">
<input name="pic_url" type="hidden" value="'.$filelink.'" />
<input name="new_name" type="hidden" value="'.$new_name_opt.'" />'.'<button '.$btn_style.' id="wpfid_button" type="submit" title="'. $title.'" ><span '.$style.' class="wpfid_title">'.$title.'</span>'.$image_size.'</button>
return $ret_value;