Had couple of question: 1. We are using an Elementor form for users to register via our website. The users are getting registered in our backend application, however they are also getting registered on the WordPress. Is there a way to disable user registration on WordPress. 2. Is there a way to change the default wordpress message for password reset and any other default WordPress generated messages.
Thank you for your feedback!
]]>I am hoping to use this to generate job listings on my site, i have them broken down into the main work areas of the company and sometimes there are no current jobs in an area so i would like there to be a default message i could put up so if there are no posts found that it will generate a message instead.
]]>I am hoping someone can help here…
In the cart area before proceeding to checkout, I am looking to change the default message for shipping which currently says “Enter your address to view shipping options” to “Calculated at checkout”.
Thank you so much!
]]>The products are made in Canada but the Canadian Safety Association will not allow some of the items to be shipped to Canada because they are not CSA certified.
So … It would have to think you’re in Canada in order to see the message.
]]><div class=”contact__block-wr”>
<div class=”contact__block half”>
<h3 class=”contact__block-title”>1. Input Your Information</h3>
[text* first-name placeholder “First Name*”]
[text* Last-name placeholder “Last Name*”]
[email* contact-email placeholder “Email*”]
[tel* phone placeholder “Phone Number*”]
<div class=”contact__block half”>
<h3 class=”contact__block-title”>2. Pick a Topic</h3>
<span class=”contact__block-text”>We use this to figure out to whom this email should be directed. Thank you!</span>
[radio topic use_label_element default:1 “Parties/Events” “Restaurant/Menu ” “Comments/Praise” “Other” ]
<div class=”contact__link-block”>
<div class=”contact__link-item first”> or see Private & Semi Private Events </div>
<div class=”contact__link-item”> or see Current Menu or Reservations</div>
<span class=”contact__block-text title”>For Musicians</span>
<span class=”contact__block-text”>If you have a question regarding playing at 210, see our Get Booked at 210! page.</span>
<div class=”contact__block full”>
<h3 class=”contact__block-title”>3. Tell us/Ask us/Share* (be sure to pick a topic before writing here)</h3>
[textarea* comment 160x placeholder “Tell us what you’re thinking about/Ask us anything/Praise us or critique us, but bring it on–we want to know!” ]
<div class=”contact__block full”>
<h3 class=”contact__block-title change” data-1=”Party/Event Inquiry or Comment” data-2=”Restaurant/menu comments” data-4=”Other” data-3=”Comments/Praise”>3. Party/Event Inquiry or Comment</h3>
[textarea comment class:textarea__change class:events__textarea class:ui-id-1 class:active placeholder “” ]
[textarea comment class:textarea__change class:menu__textarea class:ui-id-2 placeholder “For reservations use the link found above or in the menu bar.”]
[textarea comment class:textarea__change class:music__textarea class:ui-id-4 placeholder “If this is a band or musician seeking to be booked at 210, PLEASE do not use this form. Go to the link and fill in your information.”]
[textarea comment class:textarea__change class:price__textarea class:ui-id-3 placeholder “We LOVE praise, but we welcome all input”]
[recaptcha class:g-recaptcha]
<button class=”contact__submit-button”>submit</button>
I would like to set the “Default Message” text in my social button with a custom field (I create it with ACF).
Is it possible?
thank you
]]>Isn’t that the whole point of having a maintenance plugin? Why is it not working, what am I doing wrong here?