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Sounds good. It would be included in next version.
ArgoniusIt seems that this problem is related to specific WP version, and AG Custom Admin version. Could you provide this info for testing?
Here is a quick fix:
– open plugin.php and find the line that start with:
“alltext = alltext.replace(“
(without quotes)– add // on line beggining to comment this line (or delete this line)
You should not receive this error anymore, but option for changing Howdy text would not work.
ArgoniusYou’re welcome:)
Try with this CSS fix#dashboard_right_now .versions #wp-version-message{ display:none; }
or just
#wp-version-message{ display:none; }
Hmm.. not sure what’s that. You could try also to clear browser’s cache before reloading page. Yes, you could use ag_style.css inside style folder to add custom styles. Add this style as a fix:
#footer p:first-child{ display:none; }
Otherways, the only option is to manualy remove footer content in Fluency plugin.
This is not supported by AG Custom Admin, because it is Fluency Admin specific problem, and not WordPress/AGCA related. However, you could fix this if you hard-code some values in plugin.php. So, open plugin.php file and add this line
jQuery("#footer p:first").hide();
after first line that starts like this
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
That should do the trick.
It is strange. You could try some of these solutions:
– clear browser’s cache and reload page
– try another browser
– check if javaScript is disabled
– check if any errors are shown in browser’s console
– try to login as different user, and different role, administrator, editor etc.
– disable all other plugins and test if there is any conflictI think that directory position does not matter. Try one by one of these solutions:
1. Clear browser’s cache completely and refresh page. Go to next one if this doesn’t work.
2. After page is loaded open your code and try to find this section:
<div id="wphead"> <img id="header-logo" src="https://localhost/wpold/wp-includes/images/blank.gif" alt="" width="16" height="16" /> <h1 id="site-heading" > <a href="https://localhost/wp/" title=""> <span id="site-title">My Blog</span> </a> </h1> <div id="wphead-info"> .... </div> </div>
Note that you need to have div id=”wphead” and inside of it img id=”header-logo”
3. Go to plugin.php and find line
<?php if(get_option(‘agca_header_logo’)==true){ ?>add above this line (just for testing)
alert(‘<?php echo get_option(‘agca_header_logo’); ?>’);
This should return true or false regarding configuratin of checkbox ‘Hide WordPress Logo’. If you get something else, post back the results of testing for different values of checkbox.4. Don’t tell me you are using an old browser like IE6 or something.
Tested working configuration is AGCA 1.2.5 WP 3.2.1 FF6.0.1, but it could be a bug for some other configuration. What are versions that you use?
Thanks for reporting
That’s really nice catch! I was not aware of this at all. Thank you for your feedback, I’ll try to fix this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: ADMIN ERROR: ReferenceError: createEditMenuPageV32 is not definedYou should also clear your browser’s cache after all upgrades to be sure that no outdated files are cached and used instead of latest files.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: ADMIN ERROR: ReferenceError: createEditMenuPageV32 is not definedThis is error thrown from ‘AG Custom Admin’ plugin. WordPress version 3.2 is compatible only with 1.2.4 or higher version of ‘AG Custom Admin’ plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YouTube SimpleGallery] Posts showing up with strange layoutWhat is the name of this plugin that you use for video gallery? I think that plugin needs some tweaking. There is part of code generated by plugin like this:
<div class=”youtube_gallery_divider”></div>
Try to find it in plugin source and comment it or delete it, and try again.
If you still own these subdomains you should create robots.txt file in root folder of each subdoman with this content:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /and this would reject any future search engine spiders to access any data on that domain.
You should also contact google to remove your cached websites. More info on: https://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=164734
Anyway, if you already had removed all content from these subdomains, google will remove them also from index, but this is slow process and could last for few months, even up to 6 months, but after that it should be definitely removed from google index.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Images from my site won't show on FacebookI am not sure how you are doing that, but there are many WordPress plugins that can do exactly what you need. Try to google something like this: “wordpress post to facebook plugin”, or try this one https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wordbook/. There was transition in Facebook API this year and some plugins could be outdated and have issues like one in your case, so try to find latest plugins that work.
Good luck:)
You are welcome, and thanks for using plugin:)