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  • heh… yeah it looks like i should be able to set the wp_options row for “sidebars_widgets” which contains a serialized php array.. but not sure the correct format to use.

    can somebody with a customized sidebar execute this sql query and let me know the result?

    SELECT option_value
    FROM wp_options
    WHERE option_name = ‘sidebars_widgets’

    Mine just returns a:1:{s:13:”array_version”;i:3;}
    because I haven’t been able to customize the sidebar yet.
    Need to know the data format so I can set which widgets to use.. I tried a few things but they either gave errors or re-set to the above..
    Hopefully future WP versions use more robust drag n drop..

    No, I have neither, and as mentioned disabled all plugins with no change. I think I will look at the database to see if there is a way to set the widgets manually..

    I also have this problem on 2.3.1. I deactivated all plugins and swithced to the default theme and it does not work. IE reports a javascript error:

    Object does not support this property or method.

    For this line:

    jQuery(‘#widget_stags-1control’).Draggable({handle: ‘.controlhandle’, zIndex: 1000});

    This is the first instance of .Draggable() on the page.
    There is also an unterminated string constant error, I believe it’s in the jquery/interface.js file because it reports it at character 65314.. but couldn’t find anything wrong looking at it, although the compressed output is pretty confusing.

    Anyone have any ideas on this?

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