Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [ark-commenteditor] Super comment editor!Было бы замечательно, чтобы плагин работал во всем спектре возможностей WordPress, связанных с написанием записей/комментариев/сообщений и т.п., т.е. везде, где есть форма ввода текста.
Еще раз спасибо.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Enigma] How can enable another language files?Hi anybody,
I found the siolution.
Need rename .po and .mo files as xx_XX (forexample en_EN) without theme name in filename and locate this files to wp-content/themes/enigma/core/lang folder.
Note. I used Codestyling Localization plugin with CodeStyling Localization Preserver add-on. After translation do not forget compile a .mo file.Regards.
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Drive WP Media] Got a Solution to OpenSSl errorHi,
By my experience with this settings one week ago I found another solution for F12 bug. You can rename F12-file to any filename without space and underline characters inside filename. For example you can only delete this characters from filename. And after renaming insert this filename to plugin settings. So, the f12-file can have any name.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Added social icon is small1) Thank you. It works.
2) New button has no tint with service name when mouse is over. May be need add this opttion to adding form?
You should see a “Click to share” title when moving your mouse over the button.
I see “Click to share” but I want see the name of social service in this tint like over default buttons, for example, “Click to share to Google+” or “Click to share to Twitter” or could be name only.
3) It is a pity. I think that good idea will add a place to putting external code (from external sharing service).
arniarniForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Added social icon is smallHi Jeremy,
Thank you for your help. Please ask for some questions.
1) As you can see on screenshot new button has shift down from base line. How can I correct it?
2) New button has no tint with service name when mouse is over. May be need add this opttion to adding form?
3) Main question – I want to add some social buttons and how I need to change your code for this some social links?
arniarniForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewsman Lite] non-latin field names won't workHi,
This problem was not resolved. All non-latin characters are replaced with “_” symbols and shortcodes creates like as [newsman sub=’_______’].
Next problem with non-latin characters is in CSV-import. All non-latin characters transformed to non-readable symbols.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_var()Hi xnau,
Thank you for answer. Hoster said that need to enable the filter extention in PHP module.
Now plugin work well without problem.Regards,
ArnoldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_var()I use PHP version 5.3.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Fatal error : Call to undefined function filter_var()Hi,
I have a same problem. Do you know what it the problem and what I must to do?
Please help me!
Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_var() in /.../wp-content/plugins/participants-database/classes/PDb_FormElement.class.php on line 373
ArnoldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewsman Lite] How to remove widget from user consoleHi Alex,
Thank you for quick answer but after when function was added next error was appeared:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clear_dash()…It not a problem if you will make corrections in next release as you said.
ArnoldForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] All new versions from 1.4.25 don't work correctlyHi jrf,
Thank you very mach! After enabling of ctype function script works good.
Problem was solved.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] All new versions from 1.4.25 don't work correctlyFatal error: Call to undefined function ctype_digit() in /home/domain/ on line 720
I tried to change theme to standard but get a same error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IDB Support Tickets] Can not close or delete ticketI reinstalled from zero with clearing of database and deleting of plagin from WP.
Next errors present:
1) User can write and send message but admin cann’t send answer.
2) Admin can make but cann’t save user fields.
3) Admin cann’t delete any message or whole ticket (see above).
4) Admin cann’t close any ticket.Note: I have last update of WP (3.8.1) and last update of plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IDB Support Tickets] Can not close or delete ticketmake error in name
wp_wpstorecart_meta – need to delete too?