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  • Hi, James, your fixed version breaks at:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in ../wp-content/plugins/html-editor-syntax-highlighter/html-editor-syntax-highlighter.php on line 41

    Have little/no time to look into this, so switching back to 1.6.9. Great plugin, BTW. Many many thanks for your work. Now my team members know how to write HTML with no opened tags left behind (and with no punishment for that) ^_^

    Hey kitnocc. We haven’t solved this issue yet, as we didn’t considered it so urgent (of a laaaarge pile of tasks in many websites). That said, if we manage to fix that bug during next revision of that website I will let you know right here, ok? Providing instructions, of course ??

    Have a great weekend!



    Hello, kitnocc.

    We are also experiencing the same symptoms: if you configure plugin with custom field all posts are checked in search of broken links, no matter their statuses.

    I’ll let you know if we manage to fix it.


    I can also confirm 2.7 does not store/disable “show admin bar”, “503 HTTP” and “login on/off” settings by sending the form. Besides, lists of pages to be excluded from maintenance are also missing, or don’t load properly.

    This has been tested in two different WordPress websites, and reverting to a backup of 2.6 is the only solution so far.

    Great plugin BTW. Never had a problem before in dozens of WPs ??

    Thread Starter aroza


    Completely agreed. Usually logs of any kind grow large very fast under heavy traffic. However let’s say that only last 10 (or just last one) login timestamps per user are stored in DB. That would be still useful for a security audit, while regular WP users would notice no impact in their sites, just ten extra and harmless fields in user metadata.

    I think that would a win-win, both for superadmins in large sites, and for “common” admins, who could just checking if users are active or not (should they be removed or noticed?), for example.



    Great, Josh! Thanks for paying attention to this issue and giving support. Really appreciated.

    The plugin is rock solid. But I would like to suggest other improvements that could interest you. Should I submit to your team by creating another thread?





    Thor, please check before posting alarming info. That vulnerability is for other plugin, called also postviews version 2.6.1 (but without the WP prefix), and in those security references is mistaken for this one.



    Kaixo Tzita!

    Tienes que modificar el archivo plugins/sendpress/classes/class-sendpress-manager.php, bien por FTP o con el editor de plugins en el panel de control de tu wordpress. ?Tienes conocimientos de PHP? ?Y de cambiar archivos por FTP?

    Envíame un correo a aroza EN infinitum PUNTO es (la pongo así para que no se muestre completa, cambia EN y PUNTO por la arroba y el punto) y te echo una mano ??



    All right ?? solved with a quick and dirty fix, adding wrapping to *|SP:CONFIRMLINK|* so it becomes a properly formed link and a new tag for still displaying an easy copy and paste text

    $html = $message->html();
    // two types of href activation link
    $hreflink = '<a href="'.$href.'">'.$href.'</a>';
    $hreftext = $href;
    // replace the tags in html body, cptext for copy-paste
    $html = str_replace("*|SP:CONFIRMLINK|*", $hreflink , $html );
    $html = str_replace("*|SP:CPTEXT|*", $hreftext , $html );
    $sub =  $message->subject();


    You welcome, Josh. The link will not be properly formed if the custom tag *|SP:CONFIRMLINK|* is parsed inside an anchor tag. In fact, the default suscription template outputs it in plain text.

    So far the only way to confirm a subscription is to copy/paste the given link on the email. As I really need to fix this I’ve searched for that string replace in your plugin code.

    I think that the code, when into a link in html body is encrypted twice. By how you process this in func send_optin, it seems that the code is first generated and encrypted by the function to be sent later, and then again in html(), as it is considered a link (e.g. twitter or facebook links in the footer are also encrypted automatically). Make sense to track clicks.

    However until a new release of Sendpress I will try to prevent certain links (for example, with a certain class atribute) to be reencoded in the html() foreach loop ??



    Thanks Josh for your quick reply. I was investigating the issue while upgrading Mysql to 5.1.68 and found the problem.

    In the confirmation email text for the href inside anchor and text within anchors tags is not the same, which surprises me…

    <a style="color: #dedede;" href="*|SP:CONFIRMLINK|*">*|SP:CONFIRMLINK|*</a>

    outputs TWO different codes in ?sendpress= URL get key

    I tried to copy the text of the second CONFIRMLINK, the one inside tags, and it successfully confirm the user and redirects to intended page.

    Hope it helps,




    [Can’t edit previous post :-?]

    UPDATE: I’ve tested this behaviour continues with all plugins deactivated (except for Sendpress) and default “eleven” theme applied, apache httpd restarted, IE9 displays error page, Firefox nothing at all, Chrome just a blank page. I’m going to enable WP_DEBUG to search for errors.

    PHP Version: 5.4.10
    MySQL Version: 5.0.96-community-log



    Same here, even keeping the confirmation email short as this…

    <a style="color: #dedede;" href="*|SP:CONFIRMLINK|*">*|SP:CONFIRMLINK|*</a>

    goes to the front page with sendpress key and does not redirect either to the default confirmation page nor to a custom page. Additionally, the suscriber is not confirmed.

    I’m facing the same problem right now. WP-User frontend relies on wordpress function wp_terms_checklist() to output an unordered checkbox list of categories. But it doesn’t accept any argument to exclude a particular category ID.

    The workaround that worked for me was to use the argument $descendants_and_self to show only a category and its children, which was exactly what I needed.

    Here is the modified function in file wpuf_functions.php, adding the argument $childof, in my case category ID 16

    function wpuf_category_checklist( $post_id = 0, $selected_cats = false, $tax = 'category', $childof = '16' ) {
    require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/template.php';

    $walker = new WPUF_Walker_Category_Checklist();

    echo '<ul class="wpuf-category-checklist">';
    wp_terms_checklist( $post_id, array(
    'taxonomy' => $tax,
    'descendants_and_self' => $childof,
    'selected_cats' => $selected_cats,
    'popular_cats' => false,
    'walker' => $walker,
    'checked_ontop' => false
    ) );
    echo '';

    Hope it helps.

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