Good Evening,
Thanks for your interest.
Yes, I use the default WordPress block editor.
I did not understand exactly what you want me to give you, let’s say for example (if you ask for this) he utters the following phrases to me as a passive voice:
Την Κυριακ?, 7 Νοεμβρ?ου 2021, στον εξωτερικ? χ?ρο του Δημαρχε?ου τη? Αρτ?μιδα?
(επ? τη? Λεωφ?ρου Καραμανλ?), απ? τι? 8 το πρω? ?ω? τι? 2 το μεσημ?ρι.
Η επ?μενη δρ?ση για την Αρτ?μιδα, πρ?κειται να γ?νει την Κυριακ? 5 Δεκεμβρ?ου 2021, αλλ? θα ενημερωθε?τε ?γκαιρα με ν?ο ?ρθρο.
The Greek language is very rich as you know and it seems that Yoast SEO v17.5 does not “read” it correctly.
It brings out as a passive voice words with the ending OU which in Greek are infinite words. He still does not want to use many verbs in the text.
I still think it catches as a passive voice other times, the future for example.
I have been trying for 3 days to understand what is happening, experimenting with various texts …
I can not get an edge …
At your disposal for anything else.`