Artem Livshits
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Multi vendor Woocommerce to S3WP2Cloud would help to transparently load data to S3. If your client already has a data pipeline that uploads data to S3, WP2Cloud wouldn’t be much of a help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Reimport sql data from mysqldump of clouse databaseYou can add the –skip-add-locks flag to the mysqldump command and it won’t generate the LOCK TABLES statements.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] ClouSE to RDS (MySQL)ClouSE needs to be installed to the instance that’s running MySQL. In the case of RDS, Amazon runs that instance with MySQL, and unfortunately it doesn’t look like they support custom storage engines.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Host the entire site on Google cloud or using your plugin?Is it better (and cheaper) to host the entire wordpress site on the cloud at Google or using your plugin will more or less have the same effect?
The plugin would have more or less the same effect.
Btw. how easy is it really to move a running wordpress/buddypress site to google cloud?
People have done it. This depends on the site, because some plugins and themes may be incompatible with WP2Cloud. At a high level there are 2 relatively independent steps:
1. Migrating data / code from hoster to Google Compute Engine.
2. Migrating data to Google Cloud Storage (this is mostly automated by WP2Cloud).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] ClouSEThe ClouSE storage engine plugs into MySQL, it still needs a server to run, it cannot be just just an S3 bucket configuration. So there would be a server to run ClouSE, but the data protection / HA story would be easier: the server wouldn’t store any valuable data (only caches) and can be destroyed and re-created without causing data loss.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare google_apiWP2Cloud doesn’t use use Google API, it uses the Cloud Storage Engine for MySQL (ClouSE) to store data in the cloud.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] FTP upload server?This plugin requires the Cloud Storage Engine for MySQL (ClouSE). See for more info.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Cloud and usersThe screenshots don’t look like WP2Cloud UI. Are you sure that WP2Cloud is the plugin that you use?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Cloud and usersCould you provide a screenshot or a URL where this issue can be seen? “Inactive of 5 MB” is not an error that WP2Cloud could output.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] personal cloud?WP2Cloud uses the Cloud Storage Engine (ClouSE) to store data in the cloud storage. ClouSE would work with any service that has S3-compatible REST API.
We have a beta version of WP2Cloud that can move all sites in one operation. Send email to support at oblaksoft dot com to request a Beta version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Plugin's & Theme's foldersWP2Cloud takes care of media files, but not static resources (PHP, JS, etc.). To use CDN for static resources you may look into W3 Total Cache plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Getting an error (MySQL) when I try to activate the plugin.Hi Gary,
The WP2Cloud uses ClouSE to work with cloud storage. For additional information about WordPress on Cloud Storage please check out these detailed step-by-step instructions: WordPress on S3, WordPress on Google Cloud Storage, and WordPress on S3: do it yourself.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] UnsupportedCould you please provide a suggestion what we could improve?
1. The first line of the description has it in bold:
Take your WordPress site to cloud with the help of Cloud Storage Engine (ClouSE)!
2. The first line of Known issues in FAQ says this:
Some Linux distributions have custom-built MySQL binaries that are different from the official MySQL builds available from
3. I believe you’ve contacted support (email from Larnell Carthans) and the support folks suggested a solution.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP2Cloud] Does not work on 3rd party hostingCould you please provide a suggestion what we could improve? The first line of the description has it in bold:
Take your WordPress site to cloud with the help of Cloud Storage Engine (ClouSE)!