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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My News Site Needs ReviewsI think maybe a whole new theme completely…something that’s more news related with different colors. It looks a little bland.
[signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Changed My Portfolio To WP – Need OpinionsI really like it! I like how my blog is in your portfolio, lol. And I read the article on Adsense vs. Chitika and I’ve been using Chitika myself.
https://www.anonymousartisan.comForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Like Recipes? A professional foodie, here’s my blog!Here it is. I tried to put it on, but it’s still under review.
Prep Time: 15
Cook Time: 10
Ready In: 25
Yields: 4 servingsINGREDIENTS:
* 6 oz semisweet/dark chocolate
* 6 tbsp butter
* A little less than 1/2 cup sugar
* 2 large eggs
* Approx 1/2 cup flourDIRECTIONS:
1. Melt chocolate and butter together via microwave or double boiler. Either is acceptable.
2. Slowly stir in sugar to chocolate and butter mixture.
3. In a separate bowl, crack and whisk the two eggs.
4. Stir chocolate/butter mixture into the whisked eggs.
5. Evenly pour mixture into 4 well greased 4 oz ramekins.
6. Place in 400 degree oven for 10 minutes.
7. After 10 minutes, take ramekins out of over and flip cakes onto a plate for serving.[signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: 8 Pillars is launcedLooks pretty slick, but I think there might be a little too much white space…
[signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New premium templateLike it Steve,
I’d say somewhere in the middle like $25. Looks nice and clean!
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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Like Recipes? A professional foodie, here’s my blog!I adore it. Absolutely awesome blog from the layout to the recipes themselves. I’ve got a wicked easy recipe for chocolate lava cakes. Let me know if you’d like to try it!
[signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Best Adsense Alternatives?Don’t know why they declined my application then. I just starting Chitika and it seems to be working quite well, especially using the plug-in.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Feedback ON www.notsoalone.comI really like the idea. The design is pretty good, but I think it might be a little dark. It’s organized well, though, so it’ll definitely work.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My First Blog – Looking for FeedbackI just noticed my “About” and “Archive” pages are the same. How do I go about fixing that?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My First Blog – Looking for FeedbackThanks Nick. I’ll look into that shortly…
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My First Blog – Looking for FeedbackI like YouTube because I can upload the videos myself and add my blog name to the description. That drives a lot of traffic, which I find really helpful. might be an option once I get some frequent viewers.
I tried the Podcast plugin on a few of my posts and after a while it buffered indefinitely, which I didn’t like so I took them down and put the YouTube clips back up…
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My First Blog – Looking for FeedbackDoes anyone think I should move to a Podcast type system or is YouTube ok for this blog? Most of the YouTube videos have been uploaded by me, so I have control over them. Any thoughts?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My First Blog – Looking for FeedbackThanks Channad,
I’ll be sure to check it out. I’ll leave some comments as well and reciprocate your post on my blog as well. Hooray for networking! Peel your eyes…and ears…I’ve got some great music coming through in the next few days…
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Brand New WordPress SiteLooks slick! I really like it!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new online money making blog – feedback welcomeLooks pretty good. I think it’s a little dark for my taste, but the way the information is organized works well.