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  • artwired


    Hi k9handler,

    Congrats on what you’ve done so far with the site! I’m a web designer and a couple of things came to mind off the top of my head for what I would do differently:

    – I would have given a more “grand” treatment of the heart under “Check out our specials”. Actually, I didn’t realize the heart was a button right away and I was wondering why there was no list of specials links under the heading. I figured it out though ??

    – Rather than the “Find Us” link in the sidebar, I would incorporate a Google map to make it easier for people to interact with. For some reason, people are just more comfortable interacting with Google for directions and map related tasks. It really does make a difference!

    – I think going with a lighter colour scheme and some imagery more directly related to massage/health would help to let customers know they’re on the right website when they navigate there. I’m thinking like a very close cropped image of hands on someones shoulder pressing down/giving a massage. I dunno… maybe too obvious but I think if it’s done right it could look really nice!

    Anyhow, that’s my 2 cents… Really, you’ve done a reat job so far though! I wish you all the success!




    Hi Kenneth,

    Is this how you have your code set up to accept your category?

    <?php query_posts('cat=4'); ?>
    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>


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