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  • Hello,
    Thanks for such a nice plugin. BUt one thing i want to know is it possible that modal loads only to that page where it is needed not side wide, because making side wide option on is causing trouble to page loading time of the website as i have more than 200 modal in my website and all the models are getting load on home page so its making my site to load slower…..

    Thanks in advance for the solution

    Thank u very much for fast reply….
    what i exactly want..Is like in the form there are fields like city , state , street , zip. etc etc..So now what i want is that i want to show only ZIP/POST CODE field…

    SEcond thing..If we are creating Categories for locations.. I want them to display in drop down list not as Check box field…

    Now i think u can help me out..
    I will be really thankful to you

    Looking forward to your response

    Is there option to put a featured image in location….

    Please tell me how u did it…and is there any way that in the search form there is only zip post code option is there…and categories are shown as drop down menu

    Thanks in advance

    Hello sir …
    First of all thanks for the plugin having such very nice features but
    I used your plugin …and its not working any more…Instead of searching… after search its showing home page of the website…I would be very thankful to your if you resolve my problem…

    My website link is and when u will click to home page first dropdown named as Nearest Supplier… you will see your plugin is there but showing no result in after search

    Looking forward to your response

    Thanks in advance

    Very much thanks for fast reply, Sir mainly what i want. I have post and few post are related to each other. So whenever user clicks on a post it should also show him those related post to which i mentioned them by tagging post to that particular post. and sir related to “what part of it not working ” n sir as i mentioned i don’t want to use this plugin as a sidebar, so please tell me about PHP code so i can put and can get my problem resolved….

    And sir about tagging of post , so sir in post there is option for tags,so i tags some post names from there
    Your help will be greatful for me

    Thanks in advance

    Hi. i used your plugin..but its not working…n i don’t want to use it as sidebar.. so please tell me how can i use it on POST PAGE (single.php). and what i exactly want . is , i want to show only those post, that i am tagging with a specific post.. Or if you can tell me the solution without using plugin, as i found u in another place discussing about related post with the PHP code. Also no problem if it show only tags

    Waiting for your reply

    Thanks in advance

    hello sir , its a very nice theme . I have cherry framework with themewoo child them..whenever i activate themewoo..its saying it requires parent them i rename themewoo—> cherry framework-child…Now its showing many errors like

    Warning: include_once(D:\xamp\htdocs\ashu\woocommerce-temp/wp-content/themes/CherryFramework-child/includes/custom-function.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\xamp\htdocs\ashu\woocommerce-temp\wp-content\themes\CherryFramework\functions.php on line 149

    Also i made it again themewoo folder name but still showing error…
    sir m very disappointed please tell me the solution..

    Looking forward to your response..
    Many many thanx in advance

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