Forum Replies Created
Wooooooo I figured it out! So what happened is I updated JetPack and somehow the featured Tag name I was using was “hike” got wiped out and it defaulted back to the tag “featured” which I don’t have tagged on any of my posts. Which is why when it went to display, none of my posts were in thumbnail mode and all the posts were just listed out in full length. I am re-tagging all my posts with “featured” so if this happens in the future I wont get it all messed up. Once I made the change, the site worked as it should!
Under Appearance -> Customize
The Featured Tab was definitely the LAST thing to load after all 200+ posts and all their pictures. When if finally appeared I found the problem, thanks!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] parent/child/grandchild blockWhy is this marked as resolved? This whole Block thing has totally screwed up my wepage infrastructure. I cant put a picture inside of a list. Even if I try to break the text up into blocks, any list numbers that I had going just start over at 1 instead of continuing from the previous step. This nested block needs to be resolved, I can no longer write posts thus making my website obsolete to me.
Im so silly, totally didnt understand the CSS class functionality. Finally saw that the popup condition only set which pages and location where it could be usable, but it was up to me to use the CSS class short text to select the item of interest for the popup to function. Im not totally silly, just didnt fully understand. Got it now, thanks for the help!
Im so silly, totally didnt understand the CSS class functionality. Finally saw that the popup condition only set which pages and location where it could be usable, but it was up to me to use the CSS class short text to select the item of interest for the popup to function. Im not totally silly, just didnt fully understand. Got it now, thanks for the help!
Correction: @walktermesser = @waltmesser
I have used both the Condition as well as the trigger “Click Trigger” and it seems to still not be my friend.The one way that I have found to attach the popup to a picture correctly is giving me a different issue outlined in my post here: click an image, use the dropdown to make it a popup trigger and it resizes the image to take up the width of the window (by including the white space to the right of the picture creating a clickable “item”). It will not retain the images original dimensions.
So essentially I can get the popup to work but I cannot put pictures side by side because they now take up an entire line to the end of the window. Ideas for this?
@waltmesser Any thoughts? Super simple problem, I’ve clicked just about everything, and I am reaching upwards of 3 hours trying to make this work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Picture rotates when you click to enlargeFixed it, had to strip the image of its info and re-upload. Strange
I am not quite sure what you mean, I am using FileZilla to upload my files to my site.
The style.css code is above as typed.Man really getting pulled in a few directions here. . .
My Issue: The Top Menu Bar and Header Image do not stretch to the extents of the window as the body does when you either zoom out or have a large monitor. I would like the header image to stretch to the window extents.this is my style.css file as of this moment, all suggestions are welcome
‘@import url(‘../twentyfourteen/style.css’);
.site-header {
max-width: none;
width: 100%;
#site-header img {
max-width: none;
width: 100%;
.site {
max-width: none;
width: 100%;
background-color: #000;
Sorry but It does not fix my issue, if you view my website on a larger screen the header image is still not stretched to the extents of the window as the body of my page is.
You can see this by zooming in and out of my website, the body of the site auto adjusts (as it should) The header image does not. So on all larger monitors the header image is offset to the left with a big black space on the right. Let me know if anyone has suggestions, thanks!It fixed the body but not my header image, I am playing with it now to try and fix it. Let me know if you find something
It did not work, this is my current style.css file
/* Theme Name: TwentyFourteen Child Theme URI: Description: Twenty Fourteen Child Theme Author: Mike Speer Template: twentyfourteen Version: 1.0 */ @import url('../twentyfourteen/style.css'); .site { background-color: #000; max-width: none; } #site-header img { max-width: 1350px; width: 100%; } .site-header { max-width: 1350px; } .site { max-width: 1350px; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove white space on right side of website (Twenty Ten Theme)Michael,
Can you work your magic on my site too? I have tried every bit of code that I have seen on the forums and nothing seems to work. Here is my site:
GoatManMike.comI am using a child theme that pulls the parent style.css