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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: locate code on blog post errors to correct validationI looked through all files and only found the problem in that one file (single.php) so corrected the error. This took it down from 20 errors to only 3 – all the same – an extra <p> tag in only 3 of the 5 posts… apparently doesn’t affect them all. I can clearly see in the validator the tag i need to remove but again can’t locate it in the WP file structure. Not sure if you have any thoughts on that from your vantage point? have been a great help! Thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: locate code on blog post errors to correct validationyes.. ok – i will do that and search for that code in other files.
The meta.php small file looks like it may have been one we added (doesn’t have a WP name in parenthesis under it) and doesn’t have a <p> tag in it… not sure what or if it’s controlling anything so i guess i’ll just leave it for now until other errors or corrected and then consider deleting it.
Thanks for your help. I’ll post again to mark resolve if the errors i correct are cleared in the validator.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: locate code on blog post errors to correct validationSo sorry – i should have remembered the instructions… reposting:
Sorry… I misread your reply. Some of the files in that above list (those that are not followed by a name in parenthesis) were created (possibly incorrectly) in our transition process and not originally in WP structure. The meta.php file looks like one of them and the code in it is so short I can just paste it here.
<div class="meta"> <small> Posted on: <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> by <?php the_author() ?></small> </div>
I see the errors (
<small> and - don't see <p> tag
) appear in that file and wondering if (being that short) it even affects the blog posts. Might be superfluous and perhaps should just be deleted. The posts are displaying properly and possibly controlled by another file? I just now located where all 3 “error” elements appear – it’s in single.php file – in this portion of the code in that file:<p class="postmetadata"> <small>Category: <?php the_category(', ') ?> | <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments ?', '1 Comment ?', '% Comments ?'); ?></p></small>
So i guess i just need to move the em and small inside the close </p>
Right?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: locate code on blog post errors to correct validationSorry… I misread your reply. Some of the files in that above list (those that are not followed by a name in parenthesis) were created (possibly incorrectly) in our transition process and not originally in WP structure. The meta.php file looks like one of them and the code in it is so short I can just paste it here.
<div class=”meta”>
<small> Posted on: <?php the_time(‘F jS, Y’) ?>
by <?php the_author() ?></small>
I see the errors (<small> and – don’t see <p> tag) appear in that file and wondering if (being that short) it even affects the blog posts. Might be superfluous and perhaps should just be deleted. The posts are displaying properly and possibly controlled by another file? I just now located where all 3 “error” elements appear – it’s in single.php file – in this portion of the code in that file:
<p class=”postmetadata”>
<small>Category: <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?> |
<?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments ?’, ‘1 Comment ?’, ‘% Comments ?’); ?></p></small>So i guess i just need to move the em and small inside the close </p>
Right?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: locate code on blog post errors to correct validationok.. thank you. yes… i see and understand those are errors in the source code. It says “class” is “postmetadata” but would that also be a file name? I will look for a similar file and go through the codes again. This is a list of all the files showing in the editor in WP (right side):
404 Template
Theme Functions
Main Index Template
Page Template
About Page Template
Contact Page Template
Home Page Template
Media Page Template
Media Players Page Template
Search Results
Search Form
Single Post
style-backup.cssForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: locate code on blog post errors to correct validationThanks for that clarification on viewing actual source code. I used the shortcut for FF and can see how the line numbers match exactly with validator page.
The problem i’m having trying to correct the errors is the way WP is structured, it takes the html code and distributes it into different files accessed through the editor and i am looking through each file trying to locate the line with the error. Just not being very successful finding where the line error is situated in the various WP files. Possible files with blog post metadata are maybe Archives.php or meta.php or single.php, etc. but just don’t see a match to the way it appears in the validator and source code. Maybe i’m overlooking something. Would it help to post the code of these different files?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: locate code on blog post errors to correct validationIt is a blank custom theme created during a web design class last fall. We wrote the code and css and started with a basic WP theme but stripped out and replaced its code with ours using WP structure following videos. Apparently i must have done something wrong re the blog posts metadata where all the errors show up – even though the posts themselves on the site are displaying okay right now. So not sure what’s going on or how to fix. Not many resources available to dive into the metadata corrections on my own. I see the line numbers on the validator corrections page but just don’t see where those lines appear (or which file) in the WP Editor. Thanks for your comments. I’ll continue to research. I appreciate your response.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Force footer to drop below home page blog excerptsThank you for your help. Resolved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: link to map not recognized in CSS formattingok… thank you, Craig. I appreciate your advice and it’s definitely worth considering. Thanks also for your quick reply. I’m sure i’ll have more questions to come as i progress.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: link to map not recognized in CSS formattingThank you…that worked. I had left off the “a” so it didn’t pick up the change.
Re using a child theme. I have read the documentation on using them earlier. I understand from what I’ve read that the purpose is to preserve and avoid altering a WP theme so the original parent theme can be updated more easily later. I am using a blank custom theme that was written in html code with CSS in a web design class last fall. We then started with a clean blank WP theme and placed sections of the code in the proper places using WP structure. Since I will not be updating with an existing WP theme but am only working with and editing my own code and CSS, is there another reason that i should still use child themes? I am still in a learning process so i would appreciate any input on this.
Thanks.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: nav bar out of position only on blog page different headerOh that’s great to know. Thanks for checking it. Must be a temporary glitch. I’ll move on to other more serious issues and mark this resolved for now. I appreciate your help very much. I’m sure i’ll be posting other questions soon. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: nav bar out of position only on blog page different headerI’ll check out pastebin. Haven’t used it before.
Any ideas on the refresh issue in different browsers? That may be too general of a question.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: nav bar out of position only on blog page different headeroh sorry.. i knew you weren’t supposed to paste code in here and wasn’t sure the proper way to do it.
However the header on the blog page is now appearing correctly after i made some CSS (and other) adjustments.
https://www.gracechurchhouston.comI’m going to use your validation link to go through and check my code.
Currently the issue is that the gradient bar behind the nav links is not always displaying on each page in Chrome. Doing a refresh (F5 and Ctrl+F5) produces different effects but in Firefox they always come up properly. So not sure what’s going on there… if you have any thoughts on that?
Thanks for your help.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: nav bar out of position only on blog page different headerYou need the code for what exactly?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: nav bar out of position only on blog page different headeri created a new file called “header-blog” and had the posts page “call” that header. I am working on a completely blank custom theme so i am not editing any WP theme. In a web class last fall, we created our whole in html and then inserted the code in the proper places after setting up a blank theme in a WP site using the Editor. I still need to put that header on the single post page.
Thank you for the validation check. I will go through and check the errors. However i tried to correct the errors on line 50 but it messed up the placement of elements on all pages. Still working through the errors.