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  • Thread Starter atdblog


    I was able to resolve this issue by adding the agents list from the comment by “derickschaefer” in a post on using wptouch with w3tc ( To be clear to all readers, I pasted the list into w3tc’s Page Cache/Rejected User Agents. I did not need to disable browser caching, as one of the users mentioned with his wptouch issue.

    Everything seems to work fine in various mobile browsers except Opera Mini. The menu and search icons will not appear in the header and if you click on the small squares in their locations it just takes me back to the home page. Also, no matter the phone orientation, it only appears in landscape mode. Maybe there’s something you can fix there?

    Thread Starter atdblog



    I found that the text-only display was only happening in Firefox, and I remembered that I recently added the AdBlock add-on. I disabled AdBlock and restarted Firefox and now the slimstat display is correct.

    Thread Starter atdblog


    I did that, both the browser cache (firefox) and purged all caches in W3TC. I just upgraded wpslimstat and purged all caches and still the same output – all text, no icons or styling.

    I just deactivated all plugins and only activated wpslimstat and it does the same thing – all lines are basic text. Seems like it happened just after the previous update. My theme is a very minimal change to the wp default theme with no changes to the admin pages.

    Hmmm, having the same issue with my posts and looking for answers. Symptoms are the same, refresh every second for about a minute and site returns. I tried editing another user’s post as you mentioned, thought you might be onto something, but the connection reset on the first try. :-O Oh well. Another poster says it happening on his Dreamweaver host.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: connection lost

    Sure, be happy to do that. But it is the exact same issue, so if people find this thread they’ll think its been resolved.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: connection lost

    Was this marked resolved before I posted tonight? Can it be marked as unresolved?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: connection lost

    Scratch that – I had one big issue with GoDaddy related to their lousy customer service, but before and after that was trouble-free.

    I have to admit when the new features were announced on the latest WP that included an improved auto-save, I cringed. Nothing I hate worse than auto-save. Typing away and suddenly everything stops for a few seconds during auto-save – its annoying. And now this issue only happens with post updates? Seems related.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: connection lost

    Yes, but I’ve been with them for 7 years and had no issues until the 3.6 WP upgrade, so I can’t blame them. Besides, that post is talking about a Genesis theme I’m not using and other issues that I’m not experiencing. And they haven’t named a reason to blame GoDaddy, just that they both have their sites hosted on GoDaddy (they’re the largest hosting company, so odds are most WP blogs are on GoDaddy).

    The only problem I have is the lost connection after post updates that began with 3.6. If the database wasn’t changed for 3.6, I’d go back to 3.5.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: connection lost

    I’m having precisely the same issue. I get the same lost connection page after updating any post. I’ve tested clicking the update button on numerous posts and after about 5 tries it shows the lost connection screen as shown in vetamilan’s screenshot. I’ve done all of the things mediax recommended. Also downgraded from 3.6.1 to 3.6 with no change. So my site is basically hit-or-miss posting until the next WP release, assuming they find a fix. Everything worked beautifully before 3.6.

    Funny thing is, it also takes down my other, non-WP sites on the same server. What does that mean? I refresh the page of any of my sites every second and after about 60 seconds the site loads and everything is fine. Click the upload button several times and “poof”, lost connection.

    Thread Starter atdblog


    Hey Mike,

    Couldn’t provide a link as I was trying it on my prod site. I expected the links and button to the various functions to appear upon plugin activation, like submitting a job. Didn’t consider adding them manually. I’ll start doing that.

    Does anyone have an example of its use? I’ve seen the screenshots but would like to see it in use somewhere.

    Thread Starter atdblog


    I did that already. Is there something else I need to do?

    Thread Starter atdblog


    To clarify, I’m asking if the submit jobs page is supposed to display after checking the options to allow visitors to submit jobs (the default settings), or is there something more that I need to do? I did not find the answer in the documentation. Would gladly accept a response from a user of this plugin. Thanks

    Thread Starter atdblog


    Just curious, what do you mean by “it seems” it will work?

    Just found this fix but it isn’t working for me. Its giving me strange results. Without the fix my blog used to create 4 files, or 5 if the original image was over 500 pixels wide (don’t know why). So when I add this function (verbatim) to my child theme’s functions.php file and set all the Media Setting sizes to zero it changes the attachment display settings size dropdown so only a full size option appears. Seems like it worked. However, when I monitor the upload directory I see that it now adds three image files. The original size, “full size” file is 600×521 and is uploaded as “600px-myimagename.svg_.png”. A second file was uploaded named “600px-myimagename.svg_-600×198.png” and its cropped (no idea why). And a third file was uploaded and named “600px-myimagename.svg_-500×434.png” and is reduced to 500×434. Its happening with every upload. Is anyone else having the same results?

    I’ve had my blog since 2006 and I have thousands of unused image files. I’d really like to stop this.

    Thread Starter atdblog


    Awesome. I’d love to try it out. I’ve been using W3TC version 9.5.2 and it works great. However, they’ve had several releases since then that have security fixes but are breaking blogs. The support forum is overwhelmed. A real option would be fantastic.

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