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  • Thread Starter atheneaquinas


    One final thing….

    The problem was that at the end of my permalink, the /trackback/ was missing…. when I myself tested thats the only way it worked…. just the permalink didnt… thats fine but how do I make it so it shows /trackback/ at the end automatically?

    Here’s the function I put in which is standard Kubrick…

    ” rel=”trackback”>trackback

    That leaves me with this as a trackback link:

    but what I need is:

    How do I insert this into the code to make it auto?

    I know, more than likely a silly question… but my fingers are crossed.

    Toes too ??

    Thread Starter atheneaquinas


    Problem solved, for whatever reason when clicking my trackback link, I was missing /trackback/ on the end, not sure why that was happening….

    THANK you for whoever sent me the pingback and helped mme see the error of my ways… once again WP support rox ??

    I need help with this…

    I have 2.02 and Ive reset on mysql that worked but trackbacks dont nor do pingbacks. For example. I have to manually ping pongomatic for it to ever show up at technorati…

    Then I downloaded the patch, did as intruct5ed and all I got to happen was that same funky code above my header but nothing else happened so I went back to old versions of execute php and functions php so the funky code wouldnt be there. How do I get this happening?


    Thanks in advance

    I’m not sure if I’m repeating this or what “Man” jk, but I have the newest version of SK2, well it says FINAL and I got it from your link above. Unfortunately, when I go to the other fellas page to get the compatibilty Plug in I see his explanation and link but the link is 404. I cannot find the compadibility link and Im sure you can imagine what a drag it is for my commenters to post and see the post but see on the main page comments 0… that aafter all is the only problem I have. SK2 approves said comment, my feed sends it to feed burner, I can read it, and I get an email but in the entry meta data, I still have a big fat 0.

    Is it because I dont have the compatibilty pliugin or something else? If so…. where do I get the compatibilty plugin?

    Thanks in advance…. Athene

    P.S. Another problem I get with wp2.0 is the editing or writing a post.(entry) Sometimes the dashboard with the neet features comes up other times it doesnt. I use textile and have markup or is it markdown well that one is deactivated. Another thing is, editing a post(entry) takes forever. It used to be really fast…. could thois be because I have some conflicting plugins? The concept of 2.0 from my limited knowledge looks great but this comment thingie appearing in the entrymeta and the slow editing is a drag. I use a tweaked form of the ZINE template, could this be my problem? Strangely when I turn of SK2 and just use wp for comments, they don’t show up either.

    Help ??

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