Thank you for your response! I confirmed I am using the updated version of the plugin. I also retested uploading the same .csv file with all of the same data/file type but just removed the accent (in the First Name field in file 1, I used André; in file 2, I used Andre). File 2 uploads correctly with no error. When I attempt to upload file 1 in the plugin, on the plugin page it says: “File upload complete: 1 line received.
The data is importing in the background, refresh the page to get the current status of the import.”
When I refresh, there is no updated message like there normally is (normally it says how many records have been created or if there were errors). Intead, there is nothing. When I turned on the Debugging Log within the plugin and retested it, I’m not seeing any new/related errors to the time of upload. There’s no error in our website’s error_log either. Do you have any other suggestions/recommendations of things I could check?
Thanks again!