Hi All,
First off, thanks Marcus for the reply on FB. Overall I think Events Manager does a great job; I’m test driving and hopefully if all goes well, I’ll become a pro!
Here’s the sequence of event of how my single events disappeared. (I’m using the most recent version of EM)
~ I added an event with a title in ALL CAPS (that was what did it, I think, because I later saw in another forum string how that can be deadly). All single events and their bookings stopped showing up.
~ I checked my database and all the single event information and bookings were lost.
~ I made that change suggested here:
That is,
— in /wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php line 1471, I changed
— “$cqueries[trim( strtolower($matches[1]), ‘`’ )] = $qry;” to
— “$cqueries[trim($matches[1], ‘`’ )] = $qry;”.
That may have corrected the problem moving forward but didn’t bring back any single events.
~ Like the user above, the locations were saved.
~ I learned how to back up my database. Duh.
And just an FYI about me: I am a tech savvy French teacher, but that’s it. So there’s been a HUGE learning curve for me here! Thanks to everyone who supports these forums, esp. Marcus with his quick replies.