Forum Replies Created

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  • atorres-1


    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:



    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:



    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:



    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:



    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:



    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    Na página do Checkout, através do form-shipping.php

    Pra ver a mensagem, adiciona o produto no cart e vai pro checkou ..

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    Grande Cláudio, foi isso que eu acabei de te falar agora: Toda vez que eu atualizo o woo via plugin, eu tenho que repor também via ftp no meu tema.

    EX: cart.php no plugin = V.2.0
    No meu tema, terei que atualizar este cart.php para a vers?o atual.

    Logo, se houver algo acrescentado por mim na vers?o antiga, terá que ser adicionado outra vez na vers?o que irá para o tema.

    Já aconteceu inúmera vezes de n?o atualizar o woo dentro do tema, e o tema ficar mais bugado que o pensamento do neymar em dia de decis?o de título.

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    O problema é que a estrutura do woo precisa ser atualizada dentro do template também, logo se perder esse “extra”, se for possíve, tu podes me indicar um plugin que possa fazer esse filtro/action ?

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    Apenas, e se você observou, há um texto explicativo, o cliente exige que seja assim. é claro que a cada atualiza??o do Woo, terei que repor o mesmo texto direto no código. E sobre está quest?o, o que você me orienta a fazer com rela??o ao pedido do cliente sobre o texto.

    Há uma forma correta pra deixar o texto explicativo, la onde você agora pouco verificou ?

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    Ok, Muito obrigado, eu agrade?o e farei como explicou.

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    Olá Grande Cláudio, boa noite.

    N?o seria, mas resolve o problema. Pois toda vez que há atualiza??es, la vem o problema. Há algum tempo, n?o existiam plugins que trabalhassem o código css permanente para problemas com o css no WooCommerce, hoje temos.

    E acrescentando mais este detalhe, essa gambiarra eu fiz pra ajudar o cliente leigo, aquele bem leigo, a entender de forma simples o que é a op??o de Endere?o diferente de entrega. E como afirmei, fiz a gambiarra porque nela, é quase nulo o uso de css para corrigir esse checkbox 100m de distancia da frase: Entregar para um endere?o diferente?.

    Se tiver tempo, observa como ficou.

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    Yes, for sure, but not only for me, but for all wordpress community!. Thanks for answering ??

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    Thanks Piotr !

    Thread Starter atorres-1


    Obrigado Grande Cláudio, resolveu meu problema. Estava juros a 0. Muito Obrigado Mesmo !

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