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  • Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello Jose Klever.

    First of all (and in case you didn’t READ everything I wrote BEFORE) I DO NOT know English.

    Ergo. What I do is something very simple:

    – I put together a text (like this one) in a Word document (like this one:).

    – I select, copy and paste it into a translator (Google).

    – I do the same with the “result” of the translation

    – Paste it into another Word document

    And soooo! I paste it here. Spot.

    Consequently I have NO IDEA what you’re getting, heh.

    So, if for any reason you felt “offended” I apologize.

    Having said that.

    In case what I wrote was not understood, I was THANKING you for your intervention.

    Nothing else. Nothing less.

    On the other hand, you did NOT need to be so petulant, let alone try to be offensive.

    Yeah. It’s true. It may be that (as you say)…

    …”You don’t know (enough) about HTML and CSS and you still think you know it better than others”…

    …”You don’t know (enough) about SEO and you believe some wrong information that you have read somewhere”…

    To begin with, as I said before and in case you didn’t READ it…

    …”I am NOT a Web Designer, and I also “hate” them, heh… (I put hate in quotes because the other time someone was offended without realizing that it was a joke/joke/joke or whatever you call it).

    And – also – it is true that…

    …”I know NOTHING about SEO”… (And also I DON’T care, heh:)

    But you know what?: Everyone who “knows” about CSS, HTML, SEO and all that, guess what…

    Exactly. They learned it by READING! (Or that you thought they were born with a “gift”?:).

    I have a degree in Administration (UBA-FCE) Specialized in Logistics and Investment Projects which, after +20 years of service, was fired from a multinational. Spot.

    And I’m trying to help others NOT make the same mistakes that I did, which caused me to lose my job at 47 and NEVER get another one again.

    Ergo. The only thing that interested me was pouring ALL my experience (I had my 1st job at 14, so imagine) because, after applying to +947 job offers, attending +24 interviews and having worked (temporarily) in 2 companies that knew me from before (they were clients and/or suppliers of the multinational where I worked) I did NOT get a job!

    That is the ONLY goal of my Site.

    NOT the CSS. NOT the HTML. NOT the SEO.

    Ergo. I would have to be focused ONLY on selecting/copying and pasting the texts that I ALREADY have written (in Word) on this topic.

    Nothing else. Nothing less.



    Who gives you the right to judge ANYONE? Do you think you are “superior” to someone to tell them what they have to do or not? Because why do you know anything about CSS, HTML, or SEO? Oh really? o_o

    For example:

    Do you have any idea if I can (or not) do what you suggest (…”hire a professional”…)?


    For your information…

    I wrote all of this and, I took the last 2(two) days away from my gigantic project, to try to help others who might have the same problems with WordPress 6.3.

    No more no less.

    Now to finish and in case it was not understood. As to…

    …”You made many wrong decisions, but you only want to blame others.

    You try to fix one mistake with another, and another, and another”…

    I ask you…

    When did I blame someone? (I mean some PERSON).

    I simply said that, in MY opinion (Why can I have an opinion, right?) the mistake was made by the WordPress COMPANY (Why, did you think that companies don’t make mistakes? Do you want me to tell you why I ran out of work after +20 years of service?).

    And when I described the mistake that (in MY opinion) he made, I simply said that…

    …”If it wasn’t a “viable” solution, WordPress should have invented some sort of +/- warning like this…

    …”That code is NOT allowed”… (Or whatever).

    And it is NOT that he wrote one, but THOUSANDS.

    That is to say. If it was wrong, they SHOULD have warned me BEFORE proceeding.

    That way, I would have looked for an alternative”…

    No more. No less. Spot.

    And now I add that…

    Since I started writing texts on my site +3 years ago (I can’t remember anymore, heh:), there have been not one or two, but hundreds of WordPress updates.

    And with NONE have I had this problem BEFORE. Ergo, I continued writing.

    THAT was the mistake that IMHO made by WordPress (NOT warning me BEFORE). Spot.

    And one more thing. Yes, as they say…

    …”Do you understand that everyone here is not paid anything, we just want to help people who are experiencing problems with their site and if you are not going to be courteous here, do you think someone will help you?”…

    So. I wonder:

    1) Why – as we say here – “jump” in defense of WordPress? (*)

    (*) That (on the other hand) I DO NOT think WP needs ANYONE to “defend” it, heh

    2) Why do you “get in” here if you are so “sensitive”? (*)

    (*) You could simply NOT answer ANYTHING and that’s it, right?


    As I said…

    – I do NOT speak or understand English. Ergo, if at any time I “offended” someone, I apologize.

    – I came here to try to HELP others who might have the same problem.

    – What I do (or don’t do) with my site is SOLELY my business.


    Over and out.


    PS: If you are going to continue to be “offended” by anything, please…

    How about they let someone from WordPress answer, come on?

    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Dear friends: I decided to come back here basically for 2 (two) reasons;

    – The 1st. Because I still DO NOT know when I am going to finish implementing the “solution” that I found to the problem raised on this site (In a while you will know why, heh:(

    – The 2nd. Because what I “discovered”, could contribute to help others with similar problems when upgrading to WordPress 6.3.

    So let’s get started…

    As @josklever says, a “solution” was…

    …”<p>A tag is used for paragraphs of text. This distance between paragraphs is determined by CSS”…

    But that is, in my opinion, something wrong because, as I understand it, the “problematic” code, that is,

    <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”></p>

    It’s a CSS “determination”! I’m wrong? o_o

    On the other hand, he also states that…

    …”When you want to use a line break to create extra space, you should have used <br>which can be entered in WordPress and programs like Microsoft Word using Shift+Enter”…

    But that in MY case didn’t work either, it works and it won’t work. Why? Simple.

    If you look closely, MANY of my pages (for example this one, in addition to containing a LOT of text (in this case +40 thousand words (-??)), contain…

    Images + Banners + Gifts + Videos. Yeah. I know. It’s crazy, but hey ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ

    However, they should know that EVERYTHING has a purpose:

    – The size. Because, for example in this case, I am competing for a keyword (curriculum vitae) that has +280 thousand searches/month (Only in Spain, which is what I can measure with my free resources, heh:).

    And because (as you surely know) Google (+97% of organic searches worldwide), “rewards” more those sites that contain the largest (and best) amount of information on a particular topic.

    And believe me that (modestly, of course ?(???)つ) There was, is (and will not be) ANYONE with so much information on this subject (job search) in ALL and each of my pages or entries!

    – The banners because, if you notice, they are links (images) to the Courses Related to MY Theme, which I promote as an Affiliate (Main “support” of my project, heh:).

    – EVERYTHING else (Gifts, Videos and even the “problematic” spaces between paragraphs) because, according to the writing “gurus”…

    …”If you put text, text and more text, you will cause a beastly headache. The human being is lazy and his brain is addicted to images, gifs and cute animals. Some of these things must be in your post.

    Every 4-5 paragraphs give air to your reader’s brain and put an image or a gif. I use gifs because they are usually funny, they are fun and they get you out of so much “read, read, read”. The images, at the very least, give the reader a little breather and make them grab the next paragraph with more force.

    Therefore, you should include images after the introduction and every 5-7 paragraphs if possible. Yes, I know some don’t, but those few are too few or too well known to need to. You are not a megaguru or Infoautonomous, which also serves as an example to me because many times it does not even put images.”…

    So, as you can see, I DID NOT invent ANYTHING, because EVERYTHING was ALREADY invented \_(-_-)_/

    That being said, what then? So…

    As it turns out, to insert these things, I needed one of two:

    a) Use blocks of (code, video, etc.)

    b) Insert it DIRECTLY into the html

    And I HAD to choose the latter. Why? Well, basically for 3 (three) “reasons”:

    1) The 1st. If you look at the code of my assets (banners, videos) you will see that they look like this;

    <img class=”responsiveImage” The corresponding code for each case>

    And this is because, I didn’t find a fucking html block, that would make my banners look GOOD in ALL sizes (for example on tablets, cell phones, etc.).

    Ergo. Finding out there, I created a new class (responsiveImage) with which, adding the corresponding CSS, the banners were PERFECT for me.

    And the same thing happened with the videos. So, I had to insert them with code like this;

    <div class=”embed-container”><iframe the corresponding code></iframe></div>

    And to the class in question (embed-container) add the necessary CSS.

    2) The 2nd. My “poor” PC still runs Windows 7, and has a processor with BARELY 3Gb of RAM. Ergo, when I loaded such a “monster” (WordPress is, heh:) and wanted to work in the Editor, from time to time I would get “Out of memory” messages and/or an “Error 520”.

    Ergo. I had no choice but to start removing things that were loaded in my Administration Panel (that is, blocks, panels, etc.) and made it MUCH heavier.

    Finally (and as if this were not enough)…

    3) The 3rd. My “poor” hosting assigned me JUST 1Gb of RAM. And above SHARED.

    Ergo. Every 2 x 3 the following message appeared…

    …”Your site has been limited in the last 24 hours

    CPU resources were limited for your site

    You have reached the incoming process limit (number of processes running simultaneously such as php and cgi scripts as well as cron jobs or shell sessions) 49 times”…

    So, as you can see, with all this “background” I couldn’t keep adding ANYTHING that wasn’t completely MUST HAVE.

    And perhaps they will wonder (and rightly so, heh:)… What will all this have to do with the “solution” proposed by @josklever? Simple.

    It turns out that when (as he suggested) I hit Shift + Enter, the html would look like this;

    <p><br />Paragraph I: pain sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur scelerisque sapien in egestas faucibus. Phasellus sodales augue eu tortor dapibus suscipit quis id enim.</p>

    <p><br />Paragraph II: a iaculis magna. Mauris suscipit pretium felis, eget hendrerit velit euismod eget. Nam tempus sodales ante, quis auctor nisi ullamcorper eget. Fusce sed ligula ut enim volutpat porttitor.</p>

    <p> </p>

    But, when “later”, I tried to insert in the html, some banner and/or video with the aforementioned method (Edit code), and I clicked to save it, this happened to me…

    <p>Paragraph I: pain sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur scelerisque sapien in egestas faucibus. Phasellus sodales augue eu tortor dapibus suscipit quis id enim.</p>

    <p>Paragraph II: a iaculis magna. Mauris suscipit pretium felis, eget hendrerit velit euismod eget. Nam tempus sodales ante, quis auctor nisi ullamcorper eget. Fusce sed ligula ut enim volutpat porttitor.</p>

    <img class=”responsiveImage” The corresponding code for each case>


    In other words, as you can see, the html recommended by @josklever (<p><br />) DISAPPEARED! (*)

    (*) In fact, I did, as soon as I opened the code editor and went to look for the banner code, to copy and paste, heh.

    And then? So, I kept looking and found the “solution” (*)

    (*) About the quotes now you will see why (≧︿≦)

    1) Insert in the php function of my child theme, the following code;

    /* ——-Shortcode Line Break ——–*/

    function line_break_shortcode() {

    return ‘<br />’;

    } add_shortcode( ‘br’, ‘line_break_shortcode’ );

    2) Insert in c/line break (where the problematic html code was before) this shortcode;


    And… soooo!

    That is to say, now the html looked like this…


    <p>Paragraph I: pain sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur scelerisque sapien in egestas faucibus. Phasellus sodales augue eu tortor dapibus suscipit quis id enim.</p>


    <p>Paragraph II: a iaculis magna. Mauris suscipit pretium felis, eget hendrerit velit euismod eget. Nam tempus sodales ante, quis auctor nisi ullamcorper eget. Fusce sed ligula ut enim volutpat porttitor.</p>


    And this yes, it “endures” ANYTHING (*)

    (*) When I search/copy/paste a code, when I save, etc.

    So I replace ALL the <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”></p> with <p>[br]</p> and that’s it, right?

    But NO (And now I explain the quotes).

    It turns out that, as I already mentioned, I tried EVERY Method there was to do it!

    And, there was NO case.

    So why do I know this would work? Good because…

    Among ALL the Methods that I tried, the only one that (almost) worked for me was this one;

    1) I installed the Search & Replace plugin

    2) I hit “Find” (<p style=”padding-top: 18px;”></p>) and “Replace with” (<p>[br]</p>)

    And soooo! (Or almost, heh:)

    Because it turns out that… It did NOT find NOR modify all of them! But a MINIMAL part! ˉ\(°_o)/ˉ (*)

    (*) Frankly I do NOT know what percentage. But for example in a Sales Page, I modify JUST one line of code! (To be more exact, the LAST).

    I do not know why. But I guess it has to do with what you can read when you go to;


    As for what…

    …”Due to its length, this column may not be editable”…

    Anyway. \_(-_-)_/

    Conclusion (And now to finish, heh:).

    a) I modified a TINY part of my entire site (with the method described above).

    b) Tried EVERYTHING (Including upgrading to WP 6.3)

    And soooo! It worked.

    And why didn’t I leave it like that? Simple. Because when I upgraded to WP 6.3 ALL line breaks were lost (Except as I said, the ones that look like this <p>[br]</p> in the html code and/or this other [br] in the plain text of the Editor).

    And that, as I already mentioned is NOT an option.

    So, what I’m going to do is (Yes. You guessed it)…

    I’ll leave the [br] where they are. But unfortunately…

    I will have to insert them ONE X ONE in the 43 pages + 8 entries where they are NOT!

    Finally (now yes, heh:).

    It is NOT as @josklever says with respect to…

    …”Empty paragraphs have no meaning and seem to be ignored in WP 6.3. I’m not sure if that was intended or not, but if it breaks your content, it’s because your content has always been buggy. It looked good, but it really isn’t. An update like this reveals bugs, but doesn’t create them”…

    I started with this site +3 years ago (I don’t even remember anymore, heh:).

    And, as I already said, I “invented” the problematic code (<p style=”padding-top: 18px;”></p>) to solve a problem that WordPress itself generated for me. Spot.

    Ergo. If it wasn’t a “workable” solution, WordPress must have invented some sort of +/- warning like this…

    …”That code is NOT allowed”… (Or whatever).

    And it’s NOT that I wrote one, but THOUSANDS.

    Ergo. If it was wrong, they SHOULD have warned me BEFORE I continued.

    That way, I would have looked for an alternative. Spot.

    And not that I say so (that too). But a few users (Even in THIS forum).

    So. Again. The “mistake” was NOT made by me (I don’t understand ANYTHING about code).

    That’s why I repeat. If mine was wrong…they should NOT have let me continue!

    Oh well. I better leave it here because, I’m wasting a LOT of time.

    So, from now on and for a “little time” (put it) I will have to dedicate myself to “correcting” the mistake made by the creators of this platform. Spot.

    One way or another. Thank you very much.


    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello. First of all, thank you for your intervention (to all).

    Having said that.

    I think I found the source of the problem and a possible solution.

    And why haven’t I implemented it yet? Simple…

    Because I’m NOT sure if it suits me and also I DON’T know how to implement it.

    But let’s go by part (“Jack the Ripper said”, heh:)

    1) The origin of the problem.

    I just found out (after +3 years, heh:) that…

    …”If you want to add many adjacent spaces within your document, it will not be enough to press the spacer multiple times. On the contrary, no matter how many spaces you enter, the system will always reduce it to one”…


    …”This behavior is known as whitespace collapse, and is that browsers will display contiguous spaces in your HTML code as one and, in turn, ignore spaces that are before and after elements or outside of them”…

    Based on the above…

    The “solution” was then, to replace said “html space”…


    For “something” like what I created. That is to say this…

    <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p>

    With the “results” already known to all.

    But, as far as I could find out (just now, heh:)…

    …”The easiest way to add a space in HTML (besides, of course, the space key) is with the hard space command that you can add to your text with the &nbsp; or  …

    With this simple technique, the browser will not break your spaces and you will be able to make the spaces that you have placed between elements and words on your page visible in your final text”…

    In other words. To “fix” this mess…

    To all…


    Which I replaced with this…

    <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p>

    Now I should replace it with this other one…



    From now on and, following the thread of what was stated by José Klever…

    Every time I want to insert a space between 2 paragraphs, instead of hitting double enter and (again:) I end up like this again…

    <p> </p>

    <p>Paragraph I: pain sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur scelerisque sapien in egestas faucibus. Phasellus sodales augue eu tortor dapibus suscipit quis id enim.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Paragraph II: a iaculis magna. Mauris suscipit pretium felis, eget hendrerit velit euismod eget. Nam tempus sodales ante, quis auctor nisi ullamcorper eget. Fusce sed ligula ut enim volutpat porttitor.</p>

    <p> </p>

    Which was what I ended up replacing by <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p>

    I would use Shift + Enter to make it stay like this…

    <p><br />Paragraph I: pain sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur scelerisque sapien in egestas faucibus. Phasellus sodales augue eu tortor dapibus suscipit quis id enim.</p>

    <p><br />Paragraph II: a iaculis magna. Mauris suscipit pretium felis, eget hendrerit velit euismod eget. Nam tempus sodales ante, quis auctor nisi ullamcorper eget. Fusce sed ligula ut enim volutpat porttitor.<br /><br /></p>

    So, you may wonder what is the problem? Simple.

    In 1st. place that, as far as I could find out…

    …”While &nbsp can be useful in some situations, it should not be used excessively as it can cause content rendering issues in the browser”…

    And, as I already mentioned, on my site there are thousands of these…

    <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p>

    That by replacing them I would be left with thousands of these others…


    And in 2nd. A place that, as I already told you, it is IMPOSSIBLE to replace so many codes in a single operation! (And believe me, I have already tried ALL the ways described above).

    You. what dou you recommend?

    I await v/comments.

    Thank you so much.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Fixed formatting
    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello. I didn’t answer you before because I was doing different tests, related to what you suggested.

    And here are the “results”:

    – I was NEVER able to modify my database, replacing my <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p> with your <!– wp:spacer –> <div style=”height:18px” aria -hidden=”true” class=”wp-block-spacer”></div> <!– /wp:spacer –> because…

    1) The plugin you recommended (Better Search Replace) DOES NOT work!

    I explain. As you can see, on its page, it was tested up to WP version 6.1.3.

    That is to say that it has not been updated for 7 months!

    I don’t know if it has to do with it or not. But I still tried it and there was NO case (*)

    It does NOT detect ANY of my <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p> Ergo.

    It also can’t replace them with the tag you suggest.

    2) Anyway, I tried a few more (Better Find and Replace, Search & Replace, Etc.)

    And in EVERY case, it told me that…”NO rows were found”… “Search pattern not found”… Or something more or less similar.

    3) I kept searching and came across this SQL statement…

    update wp_posts set post_content = replace(post_content, ‘<p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p>’, ‘<!– wp:spacer –> <div style=”height:18px” aria -hidden=”true” class=”wp-block-spacer”></div> <!– /wp:spacer –>’);

    But with this I BARELY managed to replace 36 rows!, heh (*)

    (*) I already told you that ONLY one article has +100.

    Even after I (unfortunately) did all that “walking”, I came across a tutorial explaining how I could have made these changes from within phpadmin itself (*)

    (*) Going to wp_options/Find/Find and Replace table ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ

    But I tried it and got the same results (NOTHING).

    In summary:

    My site was left with ONLY 36 of your tags (<!– wp:spacer –> <div style=”height:18px” aria-hidden=”true” class=”wp-block-spacer”></div> <!– /wp:spacer –>) buuut…

    With hundreds (or thousands) of my <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p>! \_(-_-)_/

    Lastly, and as if this were not enough…

    When I went to my editor to see if, at least, nothing had been “broken”, I found this;

    That it is the same problem that I had already mentioned to you and that, in case you don’t see it (in Spanish) it says:

    …”This block contains unexpected or invalid content”…

    And on the blue button it says…

     …”Block recovery attempt”…

    And (as I already said) when you press it, it does NOTHING (*)…

    (*) It is as if it did NOT work.

    So, as you can see, this code snippet…

    It brought me more PROBLEMS than solutions, heh.


    I am going to restore ALL my site and I will NOT update my WordPress to the latest version (6.3) because, as I have been repeating, the problem that gave rise to this ticket is NOT being solved.

    This, of course (as I already mentioned), is going to cause me security problems and, therefore, possible conflicts with my hosting. But hey (*)

    (*) What I am sure of is that I am NOT going to rewrite my ENTIRE site (+120 thousand words) due to a conflict that – after +3 years – is being generated by WordPress itself.

    Any other idea?

    I await your comments.

    Thank you.

    P.d: Isn’t it time to pass this mess on and request the intervention of WordPress?

    I’m asking this not only because of me (who also, heh) but because of the large number of people I see (even in this very forum) who are having similar problems. (*)

    (*) For example

    Someone saying that this latest update (6.3) ruined +15k posts for him! (≧︿≦)

    As you can see, there are many people who have been using WordPress for many years and, if for some reason, at some point, they found it necessary to add some custom code to their content, it will be for something, don’t you think?

    For example, in my case (as I explained), when I double enter (2 line breaks) it is because I learned that, since my texts are so long, if I don’t give my readers a “break” between paragraphs, for usually “get tired” ˉ\(°_o)/ˉ (*)

    (*) Especially in this age that some call “the era of immediacy”, heh.

    So if for WordPress this was a “problem”, because instead of adding a…

    <p></p> (empty)

    I didn’t add a…

    <p>whatever-you-think-represents-a-space-between-paragraphs</p> (or something like that).


    I reiterate what I said in my previous speech:

    In MY opinion, WP should…

    Remove the instruction(s) they gave WP 6.3 to remove code like mine. Spot.

    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Okay. Let's see if I understand (and thus we avoid some "new" misunderstandings, heh):
    1) Can you ASSURE ME that…
    If I replace ALL my line breaks,
    <p style="padding-top: 18px;"> </p>
    For your recommended "tags",
    <!-- wp:spacer -->
    <div style="height:18px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
    <!-- /wp:spacer -->
    Will my site run the same or better than this?...
    And that (in this post) I have +100 of these <p style="padding-top: 18px;"> </p>, heh.
    On the other hand, the same report says that…
    In other words, THERE ARE +1600 DOM elements already! And guess what.
    Exactly, they are ALL div!, heh.
    So, I ask you again...
    Seriously if I add other divs I won't hurt the performance?
    2) On the other hand, what does the aria-hidden="true" of the tag you mention mean?
    I ask because, if this refers to the font, I am using the following…
    Opens Sans 400 - sans-serif - Normal - 400 - 18px - 28px - Color: #333333 (*)
    Won't I "confuse" browsers? (As it happened when I started, heh) (**)
    (*) In case you don't understand: 18px is the height and 28px is the line spacing
    (**) So I created a standard font template for the ENTIRE site and…
    Since then, I only modify a few things (subtitles, subchapters, etc.).
    3) As I understand it, do you suggest the following?...
    a) Make a backup of the ENTIRE site
    b) Modify <p> by tags
    c) Upgrade to WordPress 6.3
    And, in this way (in your opinion), everything…
    Would it be the same (or better) than before?
    I await your comments.
    Thanks, again.
    PS: And one last question.
    If you look at the source code of EACH page or entry (for example, the one I showed you in the Pagespeed results, which is: you will see that EVERYTHING the code included there is compressed.
    To achieve that (and thus improve my performance), I used (and still use) the W3TC plugin.
    If I were to do what you suggest (replace the <p> with the <p> tags)...
    Would it be better BEFORE...
    Disable Compression/Override/Enable Compression
    Or is it indistinct?
    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Dear !Benni.
    1) To begin with and as for…
    …”Do you understand that everyone here is not paid anything, we just want to help people who are experiencing problems with their site and if you are not going to be courteous here, do you really think anyone will help you?”…
    The truth is, no. I thought you worked for WordPress. Ergo, I thought I was addressing a company.
    Having said that…
    If I offended you in any way, I apologize. But you must understand that, I do NOT speak or understand English, heh. In fact, I am from Argentina and I speak Spanish (not even Spanish).
    Ergo. I have NO idea what I'm writing, so what I do is simply put together a text like this (in Spanish), select it, copy and paste it into a translator (Google) and copy and paste it already translated, heh.
    So, it is likely that some words that I "said" may have been "shocking" to you.
    But frankly I DON'T know because, as I say, I DON'T speak OR understand English! ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ
    One way or another, again. If I offended you, I apologize.
    2) Regarding…
    …”Just a friendly reminder that we all benefit from maintaining a courteous and respectful tone, let's keep the conversation productive and focused on the topic at hand. If you don't want to productively engage in this conversation, just close the topic and pay someone to do the work for you, as you obviously can't handle it”…
    As we say around here… “I return the favor”…
    How do you know if I CAN pay (or not)?
    Why can't he handle "obviously"?
    Why do you judge me without knowing me?
    For your knowledge...
    I've been doing this for more than 3 years and, despite the fact that I "don't handle it", I have a site with more than 120 thousand words that - until the last WordPress update - was PERFECT.
    3) In relation to…
    …”Yes, it followed my instructions, I wasn't sure if that was actually the content of the database because it seemed to be in a different format than what I have on a test site. I didn't tell him that he provided the false data, just that I couldn't work with it, and asked him to provide the data directly from the database”…
    I NEVER said (or meant to say, heh!) ANYTHING “false facts”. What I said is that (textual)…
    …”at least for me, what I am going to send you is EXACTLY the same thing that I would have sent if I went to my content/entered to edit code/copy and paste it”…
    Although surely, in the translation something of what I wanted to say was "lost/confused". \_(-_-)_/
    4) Regarding…
    …”And for your problem with divs, it won't replace your paragraph blocks with divs but it will replace your "spacer" paragraphs. P tags really aren't the best choice for spacing, the spacer block certainly is”…
    Allow me to disagree (I hope the translation is understood so as not to offend anyone, heh).
    To start (and just in case - again because of the translator - let's get confused):
    The code that you are sending me Is this?...
    <!-- wp:spacer -->
    <div style="height:18px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
    <!-- /wp:spacer -->
    And (if so) does that code not have a div in the middle?
    Finally (in relation to this particular point)…
    It's true. I am NOT a designer and I do NOT understand this, but it is common sense that…
    Something that says...
    <p style="padding-top: 18px;"></p>
    It is much SIMPLE to interpret (by any browser) than…
    If I said...
    <!-- wp:spacer -->
    <div style="height:18px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
    <!-- /wp:spacer -->
    Don't you think?
    Oh. And one more thing about...
    …”Too bad I hate web designers because you would really need one for your site”…
    When I said earlier that...
    …"Well. I'm not a web design genius (and I hate them, hehe :)”…
    If it is understood that it was a joke/joke/joke or whatever you want to call it, right?ツ
    Now I will tell you what I would do (If it were WordPress, of courseJ)
    The processes are just that. And both in computer science and in ANY other sector, they follow a kind of "pattern".
    In this (as in any) case, it would be something more or less like this…
    a) The diagnosis:
    Until version 6.2.2 I was able to write ALL my texts (+120 thousand words) without PROBLEMS (Neither with the code in question nor with any).
    When I upgraded to 6.3 I started having the problems that gave rise to this.
    Ergo. The problem is in this latest version. Spot.
    What do I believe? That they included an instruction (or whatever web designers call it) that says something like that…
    …”When you find a code you don't understand, just delete it”… (Or something like that (≧︿≦)).
    b) The origin of the problem
    While writing (as in this case, but in Word), usually, when I want to separate 2(two) ideas (or paragraphs), I do it by using 2(two) lines of space.
    But WordPress, I don't know why, "converted" the 2nd. Line spacing, in something like that;
    And when I saved the text and went to view it in the front-end, the spacing in question would "disappear".
    Ergo. I had to "invent" a way to turn that (<p></p>) into something that WordPress would NOT delete from the front-end of my site (That is, what I wanted my readers to see).
    That's why, I "invented" something like this...
    <p style="padding-top: 18px;"></p>
    c) The possible solution
    Wordpress would have to invent something (whatever) that makes it so that, when someone does 2(two) line breaks, instead of "converting" it to <p></p> it converts it to (for example)...
    Then I, knowing the blessed code in question, so yes, I would install the recommended plugin (Better Search Replace) and replace the <p style="padding-top: 18px;"></p> by the <p>el-code -whatever-represents-a-space-equal-to-the-previous-line</p>
    Finally, I would update WordPress to 6.3 and, I would hope that, in the next version (6.3.1) I would NO longer have to be replacing ANYTHING because (I hope), WordPress contemplates and adds in its coding that, every time someone does a double enter (2 lines in a row), in the 2nd. Line is AUTOMATICALLY added, a space the same height as the previous line.
    I hope this time you understand what I'm trying to say.
    I await your comments.
    From already thank you very much.
    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello! Benni.

    Again. Thank you for your intervention and dedication.

    Having said that:

    1) In relation to…

    …”I can’t work with that”…

    Frankly I DON’T know why, well, I followed your instructions and, at least for me, what I’m going to send you is EXACTLY the same as what I would have sent if I went to my content/entered to edit code and copied and pasted it. But hey. Since you insist, here it is (*);

    (*) I imagine that, you will know how to understand that, for security reasons (and to avoid spammers, hackers and all that m….. that circulates on the internet), it was NOT convenient for me to copy and paste the text here, heh.

    In addition to that, you will see within the text that some links are “disguised”.

    Although (if you need it), you ask me for the originals and I’ll send them to you.

    2) I am sending you the code of any entry (which is still in draft form) because, frankly, the one in the example is GIGANTIC, heh.

    In fact, when I opened the post_content of said page, phpadmin warned me that…”Due to its length, this column may not be editable“…

    3) Anyway, what you should know is that ALL my pages and posts have/will have the EXACT SAME structure.

    Lastly, and as for what…

    …”yes, this will add divs, but that certainly won’t affect the performance of your pages, there’s no problem with divs”…

    Well. I’m not a web design genius (and I hate them, heh:). But…

    Do you seriously think that something like what I’m showing you, will load as something that, every once in a while (textual) will have a div?


    But anyway, what I say is NOT important.

    But what the hundreds (or thousands, I don’t know anymore, heh:) of WPO specialists that I have been reading in the last 3/5 years say (I don’t remember anymore:).

    For that reason, not. The option to replace a plain text like the one I have with something that contains a div every so often is NOT viable on my site!

    Any other idea?

    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Dear: It seems to me that we are NOT understanding each other, heh.


    …”If you are inserting empty elements into your code, just to create spaces…”…

    The truth is that they are NOT “just spaces”. They are THE Spaces that I want them to have.

    And if. It can be (or seem) crazy. But… I created this code because (exactly) WordPress did NOT do what it had to do so that, with just two enters, I could have the space that I wanted in MY content.


    It’s not like they’re “empty” either. I went to the trouble (which WordPress should have taken) to create some html code that I inserted (one by one) as I was creating ALL my content.

    Finally and regarding…

    …”Have you considered styling these empty paragraphs with one line of CSS? It should do the job. It would be more effective and safe than search and replace what seems like a lot of content”…

    But also (and in case you didn’t understand)… I ALREADY have written 3 pillar pages (with more than 120 thousand words) + 9 sales pages + my main page with THAT structure! ()

    Conclusion (I repeat)…

    Isn’t it easier for WordPress to leave EVERYTHING (or at least this part) as it was BEFORE creating the latest version?

    I await your comments.

    From already thank you very much.

    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Another yes, I say.

    Dear, I just realized the following…

    If we were to replace this…

    <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p>

    For this other…

    <!– wp:spacer –>

    <div style=”height:18px” aria-hidden=”true” class=”wp-block-spacer”></div>

    <!– /wp:spacer –>

    I would be adding hundreds (or thousands) of divs to my site! (*)

    (*) Which (as you know) would add a lot of useless weight and hurt performance and worse, the user experience for my readers.


    The SOLUTION should be SIMPLY that WordPress “accepts” my custom codes (and those of many others that I see who are complaining about similar things).

    I await your comments.


    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello again).

    As for the code I’m using, this is a snippet of the html from the page I used as an example at the beginning of the claim;

    As you can see (highlighted in yellow) are the custom line breaks.

    And this other one is the line break (or insert) that – I imagine – you are suggesting;


    – I used a piece of 1-entry html that I have NOT (yet) started to work on so that when loading the block in question (insert), it doesn’t turn out to be so heavy (as I mentioned earlier) (*)

    (*) But that (anyway) I want it to be THE SAME as ALL the pages and posts that I ALREADY have written.

    – The pieces of code that I am currently using are highlighted in yellow and the one in the block that you suggested is in green.

    – Since it would NOT let me insert where I want, I had to insert it/go to edit code/cut and paste it where I wanted.

    And what happened? As this (*);

    (*) In case you don’t understand the screenshot, in Spanish it says…

    …”This block contains unexpected or invalid content”…

    And on the blue button it says…

    …”Block recovery attempt”…

    But, when you click on it, you get this…

    That is, NOTHING itself.

    So as you can see, even in this sense, it doesn’t seem like a viable solution.


    In my opinion, they should be able to let US (the users) use the code we see fit and NOT intervene in each update to remove custom codes.

    But apart from this, I ask you, now what do we do?

    Because (as I said above), assuming I listen to you (replacing my code with the “Insert” block), the only thing I can think of is to find a PRACTICAL (ie GLOBAL for the ENTIRE site) way to replace ALL of this code. ..

    </p><p style=”padding-top: 18px;”>

    For these others…

    <!– wp:spacer –>

    <div style=”height:18px” aria-hidden=”true” class=”wp-block-spacer”></div>

    <!– /wp:spacer –>

    And that, as long as – after doing it – I don’t end up getting the error mentioned in the previous screenshot, heh.

    I await your comments.


    PS: Another thing I DON’T understand is why, every time I insert a line break (separated from the text), WordPress ends up doing this…

    <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”>

    </p><p>Sed fermentum, just quis ultrices cursus, quam nunc vulputate purus, quis consequat quam risus id sem. integer


    I’m telling you this because, if you see the html code, when I go into the code editor, and I paste my custom line breaks, it looks like this;

    <p style=”padding-top: 18px;”></p>

    But when I save the changes, it ends up “pasting” to the next line (as I showed above).

    What do I know? But if it’s useful for you, keep it in mind.


    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello! Benni First of all, thank you for your intervention.

    That being said… Your “solution” is NOT working for me!

    I will explain (in case my presentation of the problem was not understood):

    1. I ALREADY have the mentioned “line break” code implemented in the ENTIRE site because, as I mentioned, WordPress AUTOMATICALLY eliminated all “double line breaks” (it only left me one).
    2. These are texts like the one I used as an example that (as in the case used as an example) contain a LOT of text (The one in the example – the one I’m currently working on – that’s why I noticed) is; and currently contains 40240 words! And, when I’m done (according to the calculations made by my draft in Word), I can get to 70k.

    In addition to that, for example, I ALREADY have another page with +43 thousand words ( and so on.


    • I CAN’T (and don’t want to) use ANY “available” blocks as they ALL add WEIGHT to the load of my pages in the editor (That’s why I prefer and am inserting ALL the “extra” code “manually”).


    Your “solution” is NOT applicable on my site.

    Unless you give me the html code corresponding to the block in question and tell me how I can replace ALL my extra line break codes (<p style=”padding-top: 18px;”> </p>) with the code in question (insert) that you are commenting on.

    I await your comments.

    From already thank you very much.


    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello Marko.

    How are you doing with this?

    I ask you because, as you can see in the following screenshot;

    The Problem STILL Persists!!!

    And, It’s been +2 months since your last reply.

    I await your comments.


    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Okay. That’s what I’m doing, heh.

    Anyway, please, DO NOT close this ticket until you let me know if you found a solution, okay?

    Thank you so much.

    I await your comments.


    PS: Remember what I suggested about contacting (you, me, whoever) the plugin (Heather & Footer) and/or Cloudflare.

    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello Marko. Yeah. AND NOT. I explain…
    Specifically in regards to;
    …” Do you have any other custom rules in your .htaccess file besides the W3TC rules and WP default rules?”…

    • ALL the custom rules in my .htacces file ARE:
      1) Created (opportunely) by the Really Simple SSL plugin () () Which I ALREADY uninstalled (But I kept those security measures, heh)
      2) Additional security measures () () For example;
    • Do not allow editing content (or exploring directories) from browsers
    • Protect wp-config.php
      3) Changes made through cPanel MultiPHP INI such as…
    • Maximum size of file uploads
    • Maximum time to execute tasks

    That is to say, as you will notice, NONE related to the cache.

    That being said, in the previous post, I forgot to mention/remind you of the following:
    a) The 5400 seconds (1.5 hours) I set for cache preload is because…
    a.1) I have 40 pages (41 actually)
    a.2) My hosting is VERY LIMITED
    a.3) I think it is ENOUGH () () It implies that, in (approx.) 6 hours, I finish “preloading” (almost) the ENTIRE site. Ergo, in one day…
    I “precharge” it 4(four) times! (Even though I CURRENTLY work on 1 ONLY page!

    b) In case you didn’t understand…
    b.1) When I proceed like this:
    b.1.1) I go to ANY browser (including Google Chrome)
    b.1.2) I’ll Edit ANY page and Save Changes
    b.1.3) I clean ALL caches (Including the Media cache)
    b.1.4) I clear the cache of the page in Cloudflare
    b.1.5) I go to an incognito browser…
    The page looks PERFECT

    On the other hand, in a “normal” window, in ALL cases, the edited page (ONLY) has the errors that I showed you (In the header and footer).

    b.2) When I proceed like this…
    b.2.1) I go to any browser (other than Google Chrome)
    b.2.2) Edit ANY page, Save, Clear cache
    b.2.3) From the SAME browser, I go to Cloudflare
    b.2.3.1) I clear ANY cache and hope
    b.2.3.2) I’m going to see my page and boom! () () Pum is the MISTAKE again, heh!

    And finally…
    b.3) When I proceed like this;
    b.3.1) I do EVERYTHING from any browser
    b.3.2) I go to Chrome, I enter Cloudflare and Clean
    b.3.3) EVERYTHING looks PERFECT (Both in Incognito and Normal)

    For ME, there is some kind of incompatibility, but, between your plugin and the Header & Footer plugin.
    Although, anyway, it seems that it is “temporary”. That is…
    It lasts until the page is “rebuilt” with the cache preload!

    Ergo. For me the possible solutions could be:

    1. That you do something in your code that reproduces the conditions that cause everything to be “fixed” afterwards (that is, when the page is rebuilt). But before () () Or at least for the page being edited.
    2. That you talk to the people of Elementor Header & Foter (Or tell me what to tell them)
    3. That you talk to the people at Cloudflare (Or tell me what I could tell them)

    I await your comments.


    PS: Meanwhile, I am proceeding as I told you. That is to say…

    • I edit the page from Opera GX (For what I told you about my LITTLE resources)
    • I save the Changes and (without leaving Opera) I open Google Chrome
    • From Google Chrome I open Cloudflare and I clean the cache
    • I enter an incognito window and soooo! () () Tanaan is that you can see EVERYTHING Ok, heh.

    And even with this “system” the changes in a normal window (from Google Chrome), look PERFECT (That is to say, WITHOUT ERRORS neither in the header nor in the footer).

    Thread Starter atutrabajo


    Hello Marko.

    I think, as we say here…

    …”I found the way around”… ??

    The issue is more or less like this:

    A while ago I was having the SAME problem that gave rise to this ticket.

    That is to say, I had ONLY inserted an image in my text ( and, again, boom!

    Then again, I started to “freak out” because even said image… I had inserted it BEFORE!

    That is to say, yesterday I had inserted it from Opera GX but today, I had saved it from Google Chrome because I did NOT see it.

    And as soon as I logged into my admin panel, I saved my changes, cleared ALL caches, and did the same on my Cloudflare… boom! (Again the mistake).

    So I started cleaning it like I told you I always do (Google Chrome/Panel/Clear Caches/Page/Clear Cache) and it ONLY “cleaned” when I entered my site from an incognito window.

    In other words, in the “normal” browser window, the error was NOT cleaned.

    So, since I had to get out and seeing that, even in an incognito browser, everything looked fine, I left.

    And when I came back (after a couple of hours)… Sooooo, the error was “fixed”, even in a normal window.

    And why, at first I said that, did I find the way around?


    Turns out, I have your W3TC plugin configured with…

    …”Page cache/Cache preload/Automatically prioritize page cache/Refresh interval: Every 5400 seconds/Pages per interval: 10/Preload post cache on post events”…

    In other words, in the interval between when I left (angry) and when I came back, the cache rebuilt ALL the pages (or at least the ones I was interested in) and soooo!

    That and the fact that, on my Cloudflare, I have the following rule…

    …”Browser cache TTL: Respect existing headers”…

    This other…

    …”Cache Level/Cache everything”…

    They make me think the following (see what you think):

    When I edit ANYTHING, on ANY page, something causes both the header and footer (built with the Elementor Heather & Footer plugin) to “destroy”.

    This, of course, is NOT seen in an incognito window because it does NOT have a cache.

    However, in a “normal” window, it is NOT corrected until your W3TC plugin, PRELOAD IT again.


    So far, the “diagnosis”.

    So, I ask you, will you have a solution?

    I await your comments.


    PS: You might be wondering (and rightly so) why does this guy have those rules at Cloudflare? Simple…

    To improve my Pagespeed score, heh.

    Ergo, if you find a solution, please keep this in mind.

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