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  • Thread Starter Audiomonk



    Happily, I found a solution, not perfect, but it will do.

    Free Site analyser

    I configured it to crawl slowly through the site, and it acts the same way. My site is huge, so trying to keep the cache alive is tricky. Am wondering if I can just remove all the triggers to clear the cache, and just do a purge all when I’ve made changes. Or just purge the page I’ve edited etc?

    Anyway, all is not lost with this Site Analyser which of course has the massive advantage of giving me SEO information as well.

    Best wishes

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    Hi, that’s just it, they’re not appearing in the list of categories section. The only categories that are showing are the standard post categories.

    Any sign of this feature? Rank math can read Yoast How to and FAQ blocks, but when I asked them how to migrate their blocks to Yoast they said to ask you. It’s so frustrating, to have to do each manually when there are so many on my site.

    I’ve looked at maybe trying to do the database way, or via WP all export/import but I think I might mess things up. When I ran the import from Rank Math on Yoast it said everything had been moved over, so I assumed the how to’s and the FAQ etc.

    Please any news on progress since requesting the feature? I’ll try demo code if it will help.

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    Ah.. simple then lol.

    Yep, I was going on the members description Quantum is just Firefox, and it works on my firefox. I thought you might have spotted something that may have caused it to happen for just one browser. CSS looks fine, nothing in custom would do that. Just seems odd only happening there, and other browsers are working ok.

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    You’re right Tom, it is the better option. Probably has something to do with the optimisations I have going in various places (litespeed) etc.

    I’ll close this one off, but if you can, can you please take a look at my new post about why some of the top menu items aren’t showing on the menu. Only seems to apply to FF quantum so far, but it might be others. Desperate for a solution.

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    Hi.. I’ve been experimenting a bit more today, they seem to have gone now. I think it might have been a caching issue. Still not sure why the gradients work when the CSS is a file, but not when the CSS is in the head.

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    I seem to have worked out how to fix it, there’s a setting for whether the CSS gets written to the <head> or as a file. I selected file and it now has the styling I need. It is still leaving those down arrows from the menu behind after using the menu though.

    You use the menu, and when it clears or you move down the screen the down arrows that are normally part of the menu get left behind when the menu “sticks to top” . Sticking to top is what I want, but would like to get rid of those arrows.

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    If I add the following CSS to a browser CSS editor

    '#mega-menu-wrap-primary #mega-menu-primary > li.mega-menu-megamenu > ul.mega-sub-menu li.mega-menu-column > ul.mega-sub-menu > li.mega-menu-item > a.mega-menu-link {
        background: #3a6186;  /* fallback for old browsers */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to left, #89253e, #3a6186);  /* Chrome 10-25, Safari 5.1-6 */
    background: linear-gradient(to left, #89253e, #3a6186); /* W3C, IE 10+/ Edge, Firefox 16+, Chrome 26+, Opera 12+, Safari 7+ */
    The menu is just how I want it, but if I add this same CSS to the custom styling area, I'm still left with the plain single colour on the mega menu items. If I add it to the themes customiser extra CSS, it still doesn't work. I thought it may be cache, but this CSS will work for hover as it does now. 
    I tried replacing the CSS with 

    #{wrap} #{menu} li.mega-menu-megamenu > ul.mega-sub-menu li.mega-menu-column > ul.mega-sub-menu > li.mega-menu-item > a.mega-menu-link {
    background: #3a6186; /* fallback for old browsers */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to left, #89253e, #3a6186); /* Chrome 10-25, Safari 5.1-6 */
    background: linear-gradient(to left, #89253e, #3a6186); /* W3C, IE 10+/ Edge, Firefox 16+, Chrome 26+, Opera 12+, Safari 7+ */
    } `

    Still wouldn’t work.. am not sure why the hover settings are available in the MMM theme menu but the items aren’t?

    Last ditch attempt, I tried adding the code to remove any residual styling from Generatepress. Same result, and cleared cache as well. Although can’t be cache as changing hover CSS works fine without clearing cache.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Audiomonk.
    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    I have.. I used a different plugin in the end which works very well.

    permalinks manager lite

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    Ok, I have gotten past the domain error, which was a DNS related problem. The image optimisations now work after a lot of hard investigating by the support people. Still I can’t see a way to queue the images that aren’t optimised. I am using I think. ANyway the latest.

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    It could be that the user agent is not able to access your images, did you look in account ?

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    Hi, no, no need to get credits

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    I thought I was on v3.0.8.5 (supposed to auto upgrade)

    When trying to upgrade from v3.0.8.3 I get the error.

    Update Failed: Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    Ticket 31393870

    Contacted via

    Thread Starter Audiomonk


    That’s what I’m using.

    No improvement, still stuck at 1 image and it fails each time. Quic dash is showing a stack of images with valid URLs that are failing. Contacted them but they’re saying the URLs are invalid, even though pasting them into a browser fetches the image back.

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