Mehedi, thanks very much for the quick and helpful response. I do have the upgrade-temp-backup folder with the 755 permission. The problem with upgrading the plug-in and the themes was on the ISP’s end, and here is their explanation:
“This is due to the server’s default configuration. The server by
default will run all PHP scripts under its own username of ‘nobody’
instead of your accounts username. When this happens all created
files inherit those permissions.
“To prevent this you can configure the script wrapper SuEXEC. This
will cause the apache server to run all PHP scripts under your
account’s username. This will prevent any such permissions conflicts
from happening in the future.”
This was done, but the problem persisted. Further troubleshooting revealed that:
“There was a line in the .htaccess file in the mgrblog directory that was preventing the script wrapper from working in this directory and subdirectories.”
Once this was corrected, the script wrapper worked properly, and I was able to complete the upgrades.